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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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@Baldrick: I dunno, fighting? She has to get to promotion level, first up, which requires a certain degree of bulk. A good Fee can go whack shit at Lenster in C7 and clear the mage squad by the time Celice gets there, letting him not give a fuck about any of it. In C8 she can pull Dracoknights out of his way, which have a tendency to bog him down. In C9 there're all the Thracians EVER to distract, and you can RNG-proof the rush to Thracia by pulling Arion's squad north with Fee. In C10 a good Fee can clear a path to whatever the second-last castle is - or even suck up a shot from Ishtar to pull her out of the way. She can also go whip the Dark Mages rushing Tyrfing and pull whatsthatdickheadsname over a few squares to save one of Celice's precious walking turns. In the Final, she pulls the Freege squad out of position so Celice can just ignore them and shoot by for a quick capture.

These are all things that Femina can't do because she's not bulky enough, and no other unit can do frankly because of mobility, as they all involve rushing over mountains/rivers to get ahead of Celice. These are all things Altenna can't do because frankly I hate her. And then, not to mention, she's still a flying C-Staves bot AND possibly your second-best fighter on the team. That said, obviously, some of them can be done by a Claude!Fee (C10, F come to mind) but at least the beautiful C9 juke is really hard without a combat Fee.

And the counter-question for you, my friend: what exactly is Sety doing in the back there? The best I can come up with is whipping the Thracians in C9 (up to Arion) - but Fee can do this too. He's in position to surge ahead of Celice once the border to Ishtar drops in C10, but Fee can walk up there and trash shit just as well. He can just claim the lives of the ENTIRE Dozel squad, which Fee cannot claim, and then he's not going to catch up to Freege until your units have been tangling with Ishtar and Celice is already halfway to Velthomer. So he might be able to get credit for the Dark Knights, but who gives a fuck if Julia is practically invincible? Or if we're skipping Julia, Celice can do a really quick number on them before Sety's even there.

Sety's problems, now, are helped by having Leen/Laylea or Leaf but you're definitely not guaranteed to have any of the three, and even if you do you still have to try particularly hard to get Sety up and doing things.

Anyway, go play Gen 2. It's the fun part by a whole long far lot.

@Soul: I say it's *almost* overkill because he can claim some things - like the Dozel squad - that other Seties or Hawk might not have the durability to withstand.


@Whitefang, Harpoon: In.

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Finished Eli's random draft thingy in 188 turns because I derped and got myself stuck with Jerme's chapter, and probably some other things were pretty far from ideal too. Also a pretty awful random team. At least it had Harken.

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@Sal: Done.

@zahlman: I, ah, don't have it in the logs and I don't want to put it there without a point of clarification: why are there multiple names in front of each team?

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The turncounts for each "group" of participants are averaged. It's kind of like a team draft, if you will.

I cleared it in 145 turns, now that it's mentioned, IIRC.

EDIT: Yep, it was 145. I don't know if you want to log it as individual participants, or wait till each "team" finishes though. Clipsey is almost done anyhow.

Edited by General Horace
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FE7 Team Lottery Draft I'm hosting (Sorry, I didn't think to post it here when it originally finished drafting.

http://serenesforest...opic=29191&st=0 [spoiler=Teams]Refa/13th/Kngt_Of_Titania: Karel, Hector, Wil, Nino, Lyn, Rebecca, Heath

Elieson/Daigoji Excellen: Guy, Kent, Dart, Raven, Dorcas, Matthew, Sain

Baldrick/blues (AKA Marth): Hawkeye, Ninian/Nils, Fiora, Rath, Lucius, Priscilla, Erk

Eclipse/Horace: Jaffar, Legault, Florina, Vaida, Oswin, Pent, Isadora.

Kopfjager/Zhalman: Renault, Geitz/Wallace, Louise, Bartre, Lowen, Harken, Canas

Taking each team and averaging their playthrough scores for a final score that represents their team. So far, Horace finished with 145, and zahlma has 188.

Edited by Elieson
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Taking each team and averaging their playthrough scores for a final score that represents their team. So far, Horace finished with 145, and Refa has 188.

Er... I'm the one with 188, Refa's still about to start 26x. Also, Horace and I just finished reporting those results.

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Er... I'm the one with 188, Refa's still about to start 26x. Also, Horace and I just finished reporting those results.

Mybad. Thanks for the correction. Doing all this on my phone gets challenging sometimes.

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Tag Team Two (29179) has finished drafting

Shin: Aideen, Briggid, Midir, Dew, Azel, Cuan,

*Integrity: Lana, Lester, Patty, Faval, Hawk, Roddelvan

Darros: Fury, Ayra, Noish, Holyn, Ardan

*Psych: Sety, Fee, Lakche, Skasaher, Shanan, Linda, Asaello, Johalva, Mana

crashman: Ethlin, Lachesis, Lex, Beowulf

*Rein: Leaf, Altenna, Nanna, Delmud,, Aless, Laylea, Radney, Johan, Dimna, Hannibal

Baldrick:Tiltyu, Sylvia, Levin, Alec, Claude, Jamka

*Domu: Arthur, Tinny, Corple, Leen, Janne, Femina, Tristan, Daisy,

Edited by Skasaher
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Double update.

[FE6] Psychotic Yandere Teacher Cecilia's Experimental Draft of Chaotic Evil, er, Fun

Completed in 258 turns

[FE7] The First, Eli's Random-Selection Draft Thingy

Completed in 195 turns

Now, all I need is an ugly turncount. :-_-:

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Okay. I have Elie's ...thing in the OP now. Somebody report back to me when the however-you're-calculating is done.

@Darros: I was going to bitch at you because you FORGOT HALF MY TEAM, then I found out that you didn't - PSYCH FORGOT HALF MY TEAM. Jesus, he's bad at this.

You did good, though. Thank you kindly.

@Baldrick: There don't appear to BE team lists for that FE6 draft, so nope. Sorry bro. And Elie's apparently has to wait on getting tabled.

aaaand @clipsety: Done.

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@Baldrick: There don't appear to BE team lists for that FE6 draft, so nope. Sorry bro. And Elie's apparently has to wait on getting tabled.

The teams were:

Dr. Will (i.e. Baldrick - took me a while to clue in on that one): Lott, Lugh, Astohl, Miredy, Igrene, Fa

Naglfar: Marcus, Allen, Rutger, Saul, Echidna

Second Pronoun: Lance, Bors, Ellen, Dorothy, Zealot, Treck, Noah, Wendy, Barth, Oujay, Fir, Klein, (Ray), Hugh, (Zeis), Niime, Juno

Eclipse: Wolt, Dieck, Chad, Clarine, Geese, Wade, Merlinus

Lorddomu: Cath, Douglas

Ray and Zeis are in brackets because those characters are impossible to recruit per the rules and the way the drafting worked out. Read the thread for context on why the teams are so random and unfair.

I also did it with no drafts just for fun: only Roy and Cecilia, plus every forced or recruitable character only for the chapters where they're forced or recruitable (i.e. only Roy and Cecilia can be fielded, but there are otherwise no restrictions). 528 turns.

P.S. I noticed that your FE7 generic rules have different free characters (serra vs ninils) for normal vs hard mode. It might be worth adding a note that the 'units remaining' list needs to be edited accordingly.

Edited by zahlman
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Cheers on the teams. It's in the logs. And so's your clear, Baldrick.

And the FE7 rules have a little line for that, thanks man.

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Another Standard Boring FEDS Draft Thing #29201

3. Refa: Abel, Cord, Sedgar, Athena, Catria, Wrys, Rickard, Xane, Est

4. Elieson: Frey, Captain Gordin, Wolf, Navarre, Palla, Midia, Boah, Tomas, Astram

1. Skasaher: Cain, Merric, Roshea, Darros, Minerva, Vyland, Maria, Linde, Macellan

2. 13thshadow: Caeda, Bord, Draug, Julian, Horace, Etzel, Ymir, Radd, Jake

6. General Horace: Jagen, Hardin, Castor, Matthis, Lorenz, Bantu, Samson, Arran, Jeorge

5. Kopfjager: Ogma, Barst, Lena, Norne, Caesar, Roger, Elice, Dolph, Tiki

Edited by Skasaher
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Okay. I have Elie's ...thing in the OP now. Somebody report back to me when the however-you're-calculating is done.

@Baldrick: There don't appear to BE team lists for that FE6 draft, so nope. Sorry bro. And Elie's apparently has to wait on getting tabled.

Ill report with TCs as soon as team totals start coming up.

And what do I need to get tabled for?

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Did I ever tell you I love you, Darros?

No, you're too busy commenting on how I'm a moron 50% of the time.

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Because you ARE a moron 50% of the time. :p

@Horace: In. By the by, there's a Some standard etc, and an Another standard etc. But the right one is it.

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