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Fire Emblem LHM + HNM The Welcoming Draft completed in 218 turns!

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LHM+HNM Welcoming draft done in 336 turns.

Def screwed Florina early on....

Dorcas as my only durable non-marcus unit early on....

Yeah, I'm not gonna go and draft almost all prepromotes next time, because for half the game Florina couldn't take hits to Ferry Hector, Dorcas could only do so much, and Marcus is only one unit that disappears.

My fault for picking Hawkeye and Isadora>Pent and Heath :P:

Moral to story:build earlygame.

At least I'm allowed to say I had fun.

Edited by The Insane One
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I actually finished this a few days ago and was debating whether or not to make another try of it. Anyway, no shame in performing horribly in your first draft, right?

Finished the LHM+HNM Welcoming draft in 371 turns.

Spent too much time gaining levels, not nearly as efficient as I could have been. Also took no penalties.

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I've finished Whitefang's FE7 auction draft 27272 in 149 turns.

Also, I lol'd a bit in your update log, where one of the posts was "added eclipse's FE11 draft" or something to that effect, and imagined if you did that everytime someone added one.

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I ~love~ this new trend of you guys giving me topic numbers. It makes everything so easy. <3

logged and logged

Edited by Integrity
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Logging Crashgordon's Draft #30302, the FE8 Infantry Draft, completed in 140 turns (That's not even recruiting one of my units, and finishing without any Prepromo's, besides Rennac, but he doesn't contribute anything).

Yea\, that's right. No Saleh, and still only 3 turns behind Horace.

I'm not 100% sure though. Is there a survive/defend chapter on Eirika's route that you have to make it all the way through? Every time I count my turns, I get 139, but my final countdown shows me at 140.

Edited by Elieson
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Suggestion time: Have you ever thought of ways to lower the character count of your posts? Perhaps you could not list the full teams of any draft where no one (or maybe just one person) completed it and just link to the thread instead. Or maybe only list the players and put the teams in when a person finishes the draft (but just for that person) up to a certain point when you'll just add everyone.

It will take some work, but I think you'd prefer that to hitting another wall and not having a new post to put in.

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Actually I've been thinking about it for some time. I could obviously crop characters from everywhere by simplifying my formatting.

I do sorta like the idea of leaving teams out until a drafter finishes, though. Maybe I'll make backups and do that.

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And I was only 10 behind you not only without Saleh but without WARP.

You participated in the Infantry draft too?

Nvm, the other one.

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Okay, I've got good current backups made. Some people, if you have suggestions for how to better format the logs throw them out. I'll credit you proper if I decide to use your ideas.

Time to go watch CAPTAIN AMERICA now.

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Title #Number

*Creator: team

Others: team

Example (using myself and the poor sop after me):

Drafting Tournament VI or The After-Christmas Sale #24122

*eclipse: Ogma, Minerva, Hardin, Bord, Wolf, Merric, Maria, Horace, Tiki, Ymir - 205 turns

Integrity: Cain, Wendell, Draug, Caesar, Roshea, Dolph, Darros, Etzel, Xane, Gaggles - 219 turns

Grithalmur: Julian, Barst, Beck, Palla, Navarre, Lena, Vyland, Lorenz, Macellan, Elice - 296 turns

hithere1: Abel, Castor, Cord, Athena, Linde, Roger, Wrys, Jeorge, Boah, Est - eclipse took over for 220 turns

Xander: Caeda, Sedgar, Catria, Midia, Radd, Tomas, Astram, Rickard, Jake, Matthis - 223 turns


Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon Drafting Tourney #VII #24363

*13thshadow: Frey, Wendell, Hardin, Palla, Jake, Xane, Elice, Tiki, Bantu - 164 turns

eclipse: Cain, Castor, Rickard, Radd, Roshea, Matthis, Astram, Ymir, Macellan - 148 turns

Sho.M: Abel, Caeda, Navarre, Vyland, Gordin, Midia, Horace, Lorenz, Etzel - 136 turns

JBCWK: Barst, Lena, Wolf, Catria, Bord, Norne, Boah, Linde, Est - 150 turns

Elieson: Julian, Ogma, Sedgar, Caesar, Beck, Tomas, Maria, Dolph, Arran - 146 turns

Lancelot: Draug, Merric, Cord, Darros, Roger, Athena, Wrys, Minerva, Samson - 178 turns

Changes made:

- Draft titles are distinguished by bold/underline

- Creator's got an asterisk next to their name

- Number of dashes next to clear counts reduced from two to one

- Got rid of the word "clear" in all results

- Drafts separated by three equal signs

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Completed 30796 [FE7] LHM + HNM The First Welcoming Draft in 286 turns!

I'll do better next time, lol.

Oh yeah, clerical error on one of my other drafts.

Change my time on 30801 [FE7] LHM + HNM The Second Welcoming Draft in 223 turn!

Second time's the charm! Despite the fact that I finished it first lol.

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Okay, I THINK I nailed it all. Find/Replace only helps so much.

I implemented a few of Eclipse's suggestions, end result dropping the characters from 101,905 to 95,014. Seven thousand characters saved isn't bad, is it?

I could still chop out teams that haven't finished yet, but we'll see for now. I'm tired.

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What's the character limit per post, anyway?

Also, I don't think cutting teams from unfinished players is a good idea, because it's nice to just come to this stickied thread and find your team instead of digging back a few pages for a draft thread just to find the team.

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All you'd have to do is come to this thread and c/p the topic number and shoop back there and look. It's like three extra clicks.

The character limit is pretty freakin' high, but I seem to remember crying to Tangerine when the original logs hit something like 80k.

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There's some coding error in the super draft section.

[spoiler=there's also some missed double dashes in these]FE6 Draft Round 2 #22504

*Radiant Dragon: Dieck, Lugh, Zealot, Tate, Echidna, Lalum, Sue, Igrene, Barth, Dayan -- presumably 274 turns clear, extrapolated. Fucked if I'm tallying it manually.

FE6 HM Draft Tournament #22564

Balcerzak: Lance, Thany, Zealot, Saul, Echidna, Klein, Lilina, Chad, Zeiss, Dorothy, Garret, Juno -- 247 turns clear

FE 8 Drafting Tourney II #22104

Paperblade: Cormag, Duessel, Gilliam, Moulder, Innes, Knoll -- 202 turns clear

Team ;/ -- 8 points

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Aha, I forgot to run a S&R for total[/b] to total. Thanks.

The others are times I missed a doublespace myself. I ran the S&R for (spacespace)--(spacespace), so if any of the four spaces were missing ...yeah.

Good spots!

EDIT: Running a blanket search for -- revealed one other in Team ;/'s clears that I'd missed. Otherwise, that should be clean.

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