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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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Sal: The wording prevents exactly that WRT Warping.

Prologue chapters, as it stands, have their turns counted (since it's not expressly provided for) so grinding would be senseless.

Also in the log, KJ.

No it doesn't, right now, I could warp a rescue user, rescue the warper, and rescue marth with the warper. Marth has that way not been warped, and not been rerscued by a staff user who has been warped.

He has been rescued by a staff user who has been rescued. And that does not break the rules in any way. And that one extra use can save lot's of turn in a chapter like chapter 19. Where you have to go round normally, you can clear it in 1 Turn this way. (A draco can kill the boss, Apply rescue chain, marth seizes) This is "last decisive battle" btw, the chapter where you recruit the wolfguard.

Prologue chapters are now counted? The last couple of drafts had them uncounted, that would change things indeed.

EDIT: And if you draft Cain and Est, or Draug and OGma, or Gordin AND Athena. How do you play the prologue choices, I presume you get to choose which one you train? Since you cannot get both of them, and the rule now states that all drafted prologue characters must be recruited. IF you have both that's an impossibility. Just a minor thing, but I think free choice should be applied if anyone is dumb/unlucky enough to get a pair.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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Why are you arguing these things with me I've never played FE12 :(

Point made on Rescuing Marth. My wording had been a simple ban on Rescuing Marth, but KJ talked me out of it.

Prologue, again, I only know what KJ told me. I'll go fudge something there.

EDIT: Actually, I won't because should we be discounting turns up to X or what? If we're discounting turns up to X I see no reason to force recruits. Hell, I don't see a need to either way, but again again I haven't played the game :P

Edited by Integrity
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Well, Rescue marth ban is something I wouldn't be happy with either.

I think we needs some more people to get around this. All the drafts I am in with FE12 currently have no Turncount counted for prologue chapters, and I didn't see it in the rules, probly missed it, so that was me just jumping to conclusions.

And my last point, well, I think if someone gets both of the prologue options drafted, That would be a stupid move, and should be allowed to chose which one to train.

Like, I get Cain and Est, I cannot recruit them both in the prologue, So i'd just pick Cain. Screw Est. :P

Edited by Vicious Sal
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[b]Cam's Strange RNG-Draft [FE7][/b] - #29088

1. [b]Cam[/b] - Sain, Serra, Rebecca, Erk, Heath, Dart, Eliwood, Karel, Wallace, Bartre
2. JBCWK - Kent, Nino, Vaida, Dorcas, Pent, Legault, Jaffar, Karla(/Bartre), Lucius, Isadora
3. Second Pronoun - Oswin, Renault, Geitz, Fiora, Louise, Hawkeye, Canas, Guy, Lucius, Matthew
4. Whitefang - Raven, Priscilla, Wil,  Florina, Lowen, Lyn, Farina, Harken, Wallace, Rath

Edited by Kam
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I've completed "another FE12 draft" in 140 Turns, It's the one where I do NOT have catria. It's the one where I have gordin and Dice. (My teams are rather similar in the two "another fe12 drafts")

Another FE12 draft. #28172


Emerald Yoshi: Palla, Ymir, Ogma, Yumina, Yubello, Athena, Sheema, Tiki, Darros, Horace, Michalis, Etzel, Jeorge

Naglfar: Matthis, Catria, Midia, Ryan, Malice, Barst, Wrys, Astram, Castor, Leiden, Samto, Wendell, Ellerean

blues: Frost, Luke, Vyland, Merric, Sedgar, Norne, Linde, Roshea, Roger, Beck, Frey, Dolph, Robert

Vicious Sal: Gordin, Mallesia, Bantu, Draug, Sirius, Dice, Caesar, Wolf, Jake, Samson, Cain, Katarina, Warren

Kopfjager: Bord, Rody, Cecil, Caeda, Est, Tomas, Minerva, Cord, Vergil, Macellan, Radd, Navarre, Abel -- 184 turns clear

Edited by Vicious Sal
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@Shin: Done.

@Sal: Thanks for the clarification. Done.

@Soul: You know "barring" means something to the tune of "preventing", right? So you said a broken-English version of the opposite of what you meant :P But done, nonetheless.

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I actually meant "bore" there. I know. =P


Ulki finished the Transfers Draft for 281 turns, a "new record". :awesome:

Silith finished with 282 turns.

And at last, Xandre finished with 284 turns.

The competition's pretty tight. 8P

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The fe10 EM draft is Finished drafting.

1-CrashGordon94.-Edward, Nephenee, Elincia,Soren,Gatrie, Rhys , Cain, Renning

2-PKl.-Haar, Laura. Nailah,Kieran,Janaff,Ranulf, Tauroneo. Ena

3-eranjial user_popup.png Leonardo,Fiona, Makalov,Zihark Sanaki, Kyza,Lyre, Vika

4-Phokingbeast..Nolan,Oscar. Mia.Ulki Aran, Mordecai,Muarim, Giffca

5.S.Harpoon.Boyd,Jill,Astrid. Calill Meg,Skrimer, Devdanved, Volke

6.Integrity .Titania.,Marcia,Sigrun.Lucia Tormod Tibarn Pelleas Nasir.

7.Quintessence.Volug,Illyana,Brom, Tanith Shinon Nealuchi ,Gareth,Stefan

Looks like the NM one will be finished soo too.

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CrashGordon94: Edward, Nephenee, Elincia, Soren, Gatrie, Rhys, Cain, Renning

PKl: Haar, Laura, Nailah, Kieran, Janaff, Ranulf, Tauroneo, Ena

eranjial: Leonardo, Fiona, Makalov, Zihark, Sanaki, Kyza, Lyre, Vika

Phokingbeast: Nolan, Oscar, Mia, Ulki, Aran, Mordecai, Muarim, Giffca

S.Harpoon: Boyd, Jill, Astrid, Calill, Meg, Skrimer, Devdanved, Volke

Integrity: Titania, Marcia, Sigrun, Lucia, Tormod, Tibarn, Pelleas, Nasir

Quintessence: Volug, Illyana, Brom, Tanith, Shinon, Nealuchi, Gareth, Stefan

Formatted that for you, Integ.

Man, you are fast.

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This is sooooo the most popular place on Sf, for me at least. Feels like home. =3 ..... That's not what i came for however: In a draft, it has been prohibited to warp feena to dance for marth/recue feena to dance for marth or something like that. I disagree with it, warped feena give +9 move for marth, warping marth is unlimited acces. It was the second fe11+12 draft. I'm not here to bash its rules, just, if something like that is considered warp skipping... Maybe it has to be/be not added to the rules?

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I agree. Warp needs banned. (I think any drafts WITH warp should keep it, for fairness. My draft has gone through about 12 different ruleedits thanks to Wen and Sal.)

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It's not that simple, Rescueskippin is also very common, Again staves are there, each again staff use can save a turn. Rescue staffs may save more (desert springs to mind, chapter 14, etc)

I used warp only THRICE on feena to dance for marth, I didn't even repair it. Mind you, this was a suboptimal playthrough, If I would go over it again I'd save more turns, definitely. Warp, Again staves, Rescue staves.

They are all tied together,and there is hammerne (which costs six turns, so it balances it a bit). It is just not easy to make rules about this in fe12. Rescue bans are not really handy, chapter 4 practically begs you to rescue Marth (Yumina starts with it closer to the boss.) Again staves have only three uses.

I think we should list ALL (rescue, warp, again chains being banned for this) posible forms of shaving turns with the use of rescue, warp, again, feena. And see what we can consider going to far, and what not.

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