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Drafting Tournaments Explained


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I'm sorry, geez. I didn't see it in the first post and didn't feel like going through 119 pages looking for it.

Anyway, here's the page:

FE7 LHM+HNM Draft #35554

* Might Gaine


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fe8 skirmish draft the 4th #35410


kalas vanessa, joshua, cormag, moulder, larachel, knoll, marisa

hawk franz, gilliam, lute, neimi, natasha, duesell, syrene(rnged)

me tana, ross, forde, ewan, colm, innes, rennac

horace artur, garcia, kyle, amelia, gerik, saleh, dozla

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[FE7] LHM+HNM draft # 35554


MJThom_2009 (Florina, Dorcas, Wil,Rath, Karel, Renault, Jaffar)

Janissary (Sain, Heath, Serra, Pent, Guy, Louise, Vaida)

* Might Gaine (Kent, Raven, Canas, Farina, Rebecca, Harken, Nino)

The Soldier (Priscilla, Lowen, Erk, Hawkeye, Matthew, Bartre/Karla, Geitz)

Kempf (Oswin, Fiora, Lucius, Isadora, Legault, Dart, Wallace)

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fe8 skirmish draft the 4th #35410

Kalas: Vanessa, Joshua, Cormag, Moulder, L'Arachel, Knoll, Marisa

Hawk King: Franz, Gilliam, Lute, Neimi, Natasha, Duessel, Syrene

*Cyron: Tana, Ross, Forde, Ewan, Colm, Innes, Rennac

General Horace: Artur, Garcia, Kyle, Amelia, Gerik, Saleh, Dozla

i think i fixed it

Edited by General Horace
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Finished FE7 HNM Caps and Predictions Draft #34073 in 191 turns

I actually finished this ages ago its just we had to wait for Sharpy and BBM to finish for the gimmick but guess what, they never did so I'm just reporting it now

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FE6 - the one with roy #28625 - 325 turns clear.

FE4 - Everybody hates Gen 1 #35076 - 99 turns clear.

And reporting.

FE4 Draft FVG #35653

Piss Sick Lawyer Lucina: Aideen, Claude, Lachesis, Alec, Beowulf, Ayra, Jamka

feat. Darros: Lana, Lester, Delmud, Nanna, Hawk, Lakche, Skasaher, Johan, Asaello

Minor Baldo: Sylvia, Cuan, Dew

feat. Xinnidy: Leen, Corple, Ares, Mana, Shanan, Janne, Daisy, Amid, Hannibal

Captain Jedi: Ethlin, Fin, Levin, Noish, Briggid

feat. General Horace: Leaf, Altenna, Fin, Femina, Sharlow, Patty, Faval, Tristan, Johalva, Radney

BigBangMeteor: Fury, Lex, Tiltyu, Midir, Azel, Holyn,

feat. Refa: Fee, Sety, Laylea, Arthur, Tinny, Linda, Rodolban, Dimna

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son of a bitch

We hit the character limit in Logs 1, lads. I'm going to experiment with the formatting a little bit rather than asking dear Fox to shoop me another post in for the time being, but that'll probably have to happen pretty shortly.

If my checking is correct, though, the character limit is just north of 90,000.

(incidentally: logs update, even if it's just in some openoffice docs in my docs folder)

EDIT: this post is becoming an infodump for posterity

Edited by Mr. Sparkles
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Moving it to the next post to update the thread for anybody who has already looked at the above post.

[spoiler=this is what integrity brand troubleshooting looks like]90302 characters is kosher

91595 characters is not kosher

91273 characters is kosher

ok previewing shits out errors too sweet

91468 characters is not kosher

91404 characters is kosher

aha! characters is NOT the issue; LINES of TEXT is

this actually poses some interesting ideas

dammit that wasn't the cause

okay it's something more complicated than just character limit unless it involves the way special characters are rendered in html? that would explain why an a works but a < breaks it


modifying nothing but removing all bold and underline tags makes the post work and removes 2000 characters; let's add 2000 characters of other drafts to try to break it again

adding two thousand characters after that (note: that is 5 drafts) took the total to 92038 and did in fact break the post again: special characters count nearly or precisely the same as regular ones?

in any case, insufficient savings in just this

the answer is it's basically raw characters and 90000 is the time to get worried

ooh electric blue's on i love this song

Alright, I'm looking at possible solutions now. Pursuing the following formatting ONLY FOR FE5 saves a grand total of 2000 characters in Post 2: EDIT: it was more like 1400 /EDIT

(statistics: fe5 occupies one page out of 35 in DTElogs1.odt plus 26 pages in DTElogs2.odt and fe5 drafts are, by character-count, roughly average as far as drafts go)

[spoiler=FE5, brought to you by Psych]FE5 Draft #24198

Lancelot in 197 turns; Soul in 244 turns; Psych; Silvercrow in 199 turns; Iris

Fire Emblem 5 Draft #2 #26165

second pronoun; Soul; Kiriane; oval in 182 turns

Thracia 776 Draft #26909

Sirius; Dio; Psych; Ike-Mike

Draft 4 #28473

Integrity; oval; General Horace; Second Pronoun

AKA Psych has nothing to do on a 5 day break #30109

Jave in 221 turns; The Creeper; Kopfjager; arachnidsGrip

Draft V #30214

Second Pronoun; Refa; General Horace in 195 turns; Baldrick in 195 turns

fe5-No Warp for Murderbridge #33695

General Horace; Jedisupersonic; Sharpy; Callum of Iris

Anonymous! #34632

L1049; Cyron; Percilugh; General Callum

(it's semicolons instead of commas for a reason, actually)

Thoughts? Applying this format to the entire post would save, by my calculations, a fucking massive 50,000 characters - additionally, such a format would drop a given draft's character count from, say, 441 to 103 (no warp for murderbridge used as the example). As such, that space emptied would result in space for growth by a factor of double what we have in the post, rather than bandaging the problem and leaving us with the room to get a handful more drafts in before Fox has to be brought on-scene.

So my questions: how (if at all) would you spruce up the formatting? Try to be as horizontal as possible in your suggestions: line breaks DO count for some value against the character limit. On the other hand, massive character savings is massive character savings, so if you have a nice idea that requires a little bit of verticality suggest it. I'm very open at the mo', and we do have some room to wiggle with characters if the teams get nuked. I don't really see another options besides nuking the teams or shooping in more posts ad infinitum atm.

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So my questions: how (if at all) would you spruce up the formatting? Try to be as horizontal as possible in your suggestions: line breaks DO count for some value against the character limit. On the other hand, massive character savings is massive character savings, so if you have a nice idea that requires a little bit of verticality suggest it. I'm very open at the mo', and we do have some room to wiggle with characters if the teams get nuked. I don't really see another options besides nuking the teams or shooping in more posts ad infinitum atm.

Fire Emblem fans: pursuing efficiency even in post formatting.

(Sorry for not being helpful, but I had to)

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Come on, you twits. SB can't be literally the only person who has any input on this matter. Even posts like "yes integrity you have the perfect format there don't change a damn thing" are at least a little helpful.

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yes integrity you have the perfect format there don't change a damn thing

I actually can't think of any better way to format it without taking up the same amount of lines as it did before, so I'm OK with the suggested format.

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That works but it will kinda suck to lose teams and the * by the host.

Eventually you will still run into the chacter limit though. Even though its not immediately necessary, you might want to look into getting seperate posts for each game. That would solve any problems pretty much forever.

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You could also just file them by topic number, ignoring the titles

I think that'd cut down a lot of characters in itself.

Cutting those, keeping the teams would shave something like eighty characters per draft. That's a bandaid fix, really. It would let me squirrel in roughly another two per draft section, I think. I'm at school and don't have access to DTElogs1.odt at the mo'.

On the other hand, that plus a new post would give us a pretty big pool to work from.

That works but it will kinda suck to lose teams and the * by the host.

Eventually you will still run into the chacter limit though. Even though its not immediately necessary, you might want to look into getting seperate posts for each game. That would solve any problems pretty much forever.

No shit I'm going to run into the character limit eventually. There's no way to avoid that short of making it a thing like linking to multiple Google Docs or not posting it. In the hypothetical scenario that Serenes Forest drafting goes on forever, we'll run out of space no matter how many (reasonable) posts I throw in here.

That said, I do still have a handful of posts in a draft somewhere we could shoop in - or we could restart DTE with eight blank posts by me, since the original intent of DTE did not contain logs. Any case besides heavy format changes are going to result in some mod intervention, which is the bit I'm trying to avoid.

That can be the consensus, though - keeping formatting as is. If we do that, I'll get multiple posts shooped in in one go or restart the whole thread.

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