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WTF is up with the release date?

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Hey guys, I'm new here, but I've read every single post thus far and have been a huge Fire Emblem fan. Somebody posted another version of this earlier, but I think that


is important, and could be a useful tool for FE12. I may be totally off-base, but I just really want to be able to play an official version of F12 in English on my DS...Do you guys think it's a good idea to follow a similar approach to people campaigning for the Wii games?
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Hey guys, I'm new here, but I've read every single post thus far and have been a huge Fire Emblem fan. Somebody posted another version of this earlier, but I think that


is important, and could be a useful tool for FE12. I may be totally off-base, but I just really want to be able to play an official version of F12 in English on my DS...Do you guys think it's a good idea to follow a similar approach to people campaigning for the Wii games?

The link isn't working for me so I've no idea what you're on about but welcome to the forum anyway.

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The link isn't working for me so I've no idea what you're on about but welcome to the forum anyway.

I didn't work for me either, so it's not just you.

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Maybe it's better to just wait for the fan translation, but I think it may be worth a shot if we can get enough people to back it up. I could be wrong though, I know Earthbound tried a similar thing when starmen.net wanted it on the virtual console and it didn't go through..but it's worth a try perhaps?

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I would be willing to devote some of my time to the cause.

I've tried bringing it up elsewhere on the internet, though, and people seem largely apathetic about the issue. The few who even seem to know the game exists are mostly of the consensus that "Shadow Dragon sucked, so this will suck." It's a little surprising to see so much effort put into these third party titles while one of Nintendo's own falls through the cracks.

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I would be willing to devote some of my time to the cause.

I've tried bringing it up elsewhere on the internet, though, and people seem largely apathetic about the issue. The few who even seem to know the game exists are mostly of the consensus that "Shadow Dragon sucked, so this will suck." It's a little surprising to see so much effort put into these third party titles while one of Nintendo's own falls through the cracks.

That just makes me sad. People seem to be so anti-FE11, they're not even going to give FE12 (which is probably one of the better in the series) a chance.

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That just makes me sad. People seem to be so anti-FE11, they're not even going to give FE12 (which is probably one of the better in the series) a chance.

Nothing new here. It took me a good few years until I felt like giving FE3 Book 2 a fair chance, since I started Book 1 and didn't like what I saw.

But truly, Book 2 was already one of the finest entries of the series, and Shin Monshou is a very good remake.

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Call me crazy, but I actually really liked Shadow Dragon. I wasn't a big fan of the visuals, and I wished there was a better way to unlock the gaiden chapters, but apart from that I was quite pleased with the experience. The laundry list of complaints everyone else had about it (bad script, no rescue, no supports, etc) didn't really bother me. If the majority opinion about the game had anything to do with NoA's decision not to release Shin Monshou, well, then I have a reason to be extra angry about it.

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Well, based on the fact that the game was announced like a month before it was released in Japan, maybe it will happen here. I just don't see why it wouldn't get localized. I liked Shadow Dragon, too, and from playing the Japanese version this one is already fantastic. Add in actually being able to understand the huge amounts of text and this really is one of the best in the series. AND it has MU and Casual Mode to appeal to newcomers.

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These are all great reasons to launch the game in America. I think the most notable ones that come to mind are:

- Appeal to all types of gamer skill levels, with Casual Mode for newcomers and Lunatic (and Lunatic Reverse) for those that want a serious challenge

- My Unit, which gives a much more personal feel to the game

- Plenty of support and base conversations, which fleshes out characters and story

- Gaiden chapters that are actually obtained in reasonable ways

I think these and more would be great reasons to include in an email, letter, or call to Nintendo to request the game to be released here. Many of us have tried things already, but if we can have a large group of people do it at the same time, we can get our voices heard.

Even if the game isn't released outside of Japan, we can still let Nintendo know how big the FE fandom really is for future releases, and there is always the fan translation. But trying doesn't hurt anybody. Do you guys think it's worth a shot?

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That just makes me sad. People seem to be so anti-FE11, they're not even going to give FE12 (which is probably one of the better in the series) a chance.

The issue is that the fans are usually very secular in their views, and make huge contrasts out of nothings. They exaggerate the comparison between one game and another in the series which is their absolute favorite--where the small differences and negligible in the overall enjoyment of the game, the fan scrutinizes the game on every level possible, creating an artificial image of contrast where there wasn't really one there before. They make-believe that the game is horrible. Other fans do it all over with different series, or movies, or books, or people. Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 is most recent (for me) where I've seen it, where people are trying to suggest no one purchase the newest localization game because "it wasn't something else."

I think what you have to look at is not these small provincial fans and numbers, because they're going to be skewed and screwy, almost always.

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Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 2 is most recent (for me) where I've seen it, where people are trying to suggest no one purchase the newest localization game because "it wasn't something else."

That one is completely reasonable, the version we will be getting is not only outdated, but gimped, as the servers for online are gone.

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Nintendo is getting literally hammered with comments on their Facebook.


For the record, Nintendo responded with: "Hey fans, we appreciate your enthusiasm. Look for more updates to come soon!" YAY FOR VAGUENESS.

But this is probably a good time to start commenting. If you have a Facebook, it doesn't hurt to post.

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I just left a comment. 342 in less than an hour.. that's a good amount. Maybe Nintendo will get it through their thick skull that we want these games. It's increfibly unlikely, but posdible.

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I can't say I approve of spamming, but I did look at that comment thread and the number of people asking for this game was encouraging. It's nice to see support for the game outside of Fire Emblem forums.

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I can't say I approve of spamming, but I did look at that comment thread and the number of people asking for this game was encouraging. It's nice to see support for the game outside of Fire Emblem forums.

i added a comment, although i agree that spamming with copy and pastes seems a bit counterproductive.

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I'm spamming Nintendo on Facebook! I say f*** the bulls***!!! If we want this game we need to show demand. Spam til Nintwndo gives up and gives us what we want!!!

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The Facebook commenting, while nice to know people support FE12, may not be the best approach in my opinion. However, the Fire Emblem Group on Facebook is pretty solid and active, so if we combined them with the people here and other people we know for calls, emails, and letters, that may work out better.

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I don't think "literally" means what you think it means.

Unless the comments are as large, blunt, and heavy as mallets...

Heh, yeah, I know what it means. That was just a blooper on my part.
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