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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Wait Hold up. I'm a bit lost at what's happening.

I stopped posting around the time the commander punished Malik and Bert, then I decided to read to find out that Aisha isn't gonna let us have our bishie-boy... I mean Amon.

Now we are getting ready to leave. What is everyone doing... because I'd like to talk with Raquel for a moment.I need to do something too.

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Wait Hold up. I'm a bit lost at what's happening.

I stopped posting around the time the commander punished Malik and Bert, then I decided to read to find out that Aisha isn't gonna let us have our bishie-boy... I mean Amon.

Now we are getting ready to leave. What is everyone doing... because I'd like to talk with Raquel for a moment.I need to do something too.

Well, those Org. guys that were watching over the group in Sanctuary have called their men to ambush us and take Raquel's emblem piece now that we are on the road. At this point it'd be hard to get her attention. lol

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Stating this since I don't know if I'll have the chance to after school, but what should we do about the next combat team? Assuming Archer A is going down this phase and that makes the next team go active, or even if it doesn't, perhaps we should do something about it.

As I see it, that Fighter could be a problem if only due to that high HP. Perhaps Robin should attack it, in conjunction with Ranyin's support. That Fighter can only hope to hit him with Auto-Hit. Not that it makes it more reassuring due to the tendency of those rolls to pop-up... *QAAM'ed*

Anyway, the least they could do is 13 damage (if my math is right), but it could still be of use.

Well, that would mean having to take care of the remaining HP and then also of the Myrmidon and Shaman in the remaining 3 actions, which can make next EP problematic due to the 3 named ones already acting + whoever remains alive from the actives.

Then again, I don't know what is the requirements for the enemy reinforcements to appear, and what would be their stance (active or inactive) when they do. But even at this rate I'm not sure how reliably getting the bonus is, considering those 14 Evd's that leave very few options short of getting lucky with auto-hits. But since both the mandatory and optional objectives involve defeating enemies...

Well anyway, that's just my input of the situation.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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..... We. need to recruit a buttload of people.

I swear if we lose, we are hitting the retry button and making all inactives participate. Seriously, Phoenix and Cyncyn should just control the inactives.

In the meantime i'll see if I can get people from a different forum to see if they are interested in a FE RP. Everyone else should try and convince people on this forum who are active to join us. That and we need sidequests to level up like a mad lady. Huggles

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Here are my thoughts:

We should not launch aggressive action against Team 2 this phase. This is because the big bad archer is less of a threat than a whole combat team this phase.

I believe Robin should fire her cb at the boss, to inflict 5+ damage on the boss. The boss retaliates, and as he does not have counter-equip, he can only hit Broyin on an autohit (not likely).

Raquel rescues Blake or Herself (if possible), while Gabbie defends one of Ranyin or Robin.

John defends the other of Blake/Raquel and Sophia heals them

Blake pops a stim.

What this does next phase is set up a sweep of the boss, while we're in generally swell health, as Bert aggroed one of the thieves, while the other 3 enemies /should/ focus on the three defenders. The archer might aim for Sophia, but I am confident in her ability to avoid a blow or two.

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Because rescue staffs don't work on their users, it would have to be that John defends Raquel after she rescues Blake. This plan could work, though I don't see the harm in taking out the archer since I believe I remember a GM saying that the next combat team will not activate upon the first's defeat. I could be misremembering, though.

Regarding the next combat team, I don't think they're anything to worry about. People who rely on their avo should not engage the myrms. Def and res tanks or someone who can take them out in one shot or if Robin's CB ability to avoid a counter is in use, they are the best options against the myrm since (s)he has a disabling sword. (S)he also has 10 avo, though the other defensive stats aren't terrible to tear apart. So, I'd say Robin should be the main one to focus on him/her, using the no-counters thingity on her crossbow, others who won't be effected by the cripple much can help as needed. The fighter has low def and res, only 6 avo and only 4 hit. His/her best stats are his/her mt and HP, but massive damage can be done to that HP because of the low def and res. The trick is surviving the counterattack. So, someone with high def or high avo should be able to get rid of him/her fairly easily. The trick to this combat team is the shaman. (S)he has high res-targetting might, fair hit, average HP and good defensive stats. Whittling will be difficult because (s)he heals him/herself by doing damage to us. The good news? Only 4 avo.

Remember, people, there is no such thing as a perfect setup. We aren't doomed, we just need to pick out the enemy's weaknesses, keep our heads cool and work things out as a team.

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Because rescue staffs don't work on their users, it would have to be that John defends Raquel after she rescues Blake. This plan could work, though I don't see the harm in taking out the archer since I believe I remember a GM saying that the next combat team will not activate upon the first's defeat. I could be misremembering, though.

I will note that defeating Archer A will activate the next team.

You can't use a staff on yourself, so Raquel cannot Rescue herself (you can't Barrier, Heal, or Restore yourself either fyi).

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Alright, then. That clears that up. Note: what I said about attacking the next combat team? NOT THIS TURN. Just to clarify. If we can, we should work towards getting rid of the bosses this round (as per Snike's plan.) Next round we can break the bender (arching is bending har har) and see about getting rid of the ja-thieves.

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So who should I revive? Gytha or Veronika? Or should I heal? Won't be on IRC because I'll be on a plane a lot of the time, so please tell me what I should do?

Should you need Chelsea for healing or doing something then I nominate Phoenix as a temporary stand-in.

Sorry in advance.

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So I rolled before I logs, and I'm going to have to disagree with the whole 'go for the thieves' mentality presented in those.

Omar + cleave means he can most likely severely wound John and spend his defense. That allows Jalil to shock grenade Raq, and things go to hell. Especially of Omar gets this thing called a critical.

ATM, Jamal might throw a grenade, which will do negligible damage on miri/Nadya O moderate on Robinteam OR none to moderate on Johnteam. The shock grenade is likely to go towards Aneda, which means Raquel can fix her this phase coming up with little ado. Then the thieves are wiped if Anedamagic happens once more. Regardless, we take less damage overall if Omar does not get to use his LA, which is what happened.

EDIT: Also, Karmic purposes were at hand.

Edited by Snike
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Hehe it's okay. In downtown new Orleans..... Very interesting stuff here.

Post is done, do what you wish Cyncyn.

Question... Why does Ether's character get to join us in combat?

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