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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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That's the dilemma. It would really help me with interaction since I'd know it won't go on without me. But then that would be forcing you guys to stop for hours since you'll still be there online long after I leave. I don't really think a bunch slowing down for the one is...

But, being honest, and this is my problem and mine alone, but I'd still have troubles since interactions is one thing I'm not good at. But as I say, that's stand-alone.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Well I do appreciate that you're not making demands like some people I know would. It's good that you're not trying to bend the entire rp to your own schedule, but that's also why I want to do what I can to help. Can't think of much more than flow influencing suggestions, though.

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I may leave my forum and set up base camp here. The possibility is becoming likely. If I do decide to camp here you'll be seeing around a lot.

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Well, not as bad as I thought it'd be. Maybe I am managing... still... ugh, I knew it was too good to be true for fewer posts to be happening lately. Then BAM, wall of posts...

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Probably not going to be as available until my sis' computer starts working again or she gets a new one. Just a heads-up.

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Hey Phoenix, did Raquel just gained mind-reading powers or something and hasn't noticed? Otherwise she wouldn't have known what John was thinking. lol

And for that matter, knowing Neviskotian as well? *QAAM'ed*

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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She wasn't replying to his thoughts.

John segment

''Important huh.'' He spoke up. ''Is there a reason in particular, like being on hostile terms with another ship or something?''

Raquel segment

"We're less likely to have ... some of the issues we would have on the Argus. And we're definitely going to be fighting the Dark Utka. They've got it coming, honestly. I'll explain the rest once we're on the deck." she replied to John

When she said 'we're definitely going to be fighting the Dark Utka', it was in response to John saying 'being on hostile terms with another ship', not when he thought about the Dark Utka specifically. Remember she just signed the group up to terminate these guys, so she's not going to be shy about naming them :lol:

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-Items list updated.

-OP updated.

-Breaker and Maiming series weapons may now stack with each other(this includes subsequent attacks).

-Breaker and Maiming effects are now counted as status ailments and can be cured by the appropriate staves(Restore and Sacred).

-Quarterstaff updated.

-Battle Staff added.

-Arena rules amended:

Matches no longer manually called.

Matches have a turn limit of 10(turn=entire team has acted)


As has been made plain as day by now, (it's windy :>_<: ) there's another battle on the way. Loins need girding and more importantly the combat teams need another overhaul. It might be better to keep combat team arrangements strictly OoC while IC-wise it's handled by Raquel, with or without a little unbiased assistance.

Discussion thread



-OP updated.

-Multiple characters entry in the notes section has been moved(just slightly) and amended. We will now allow new sign ups once every chapter.

-Second and Third character entries moved and placed next to multiple character entry to make a cluster of related rules. I dunno, seems less disorganized that way.


-OP updated.

-Upgrades list updated. I'd show the list but I made two edits and they aren't all coming to me right now so just go have a look for yourself.

-Upgrade entry moved to sit next to the upgrade list. Slightly redundant info, but for now that's where it is.

Edited by Phoenix
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This is ridiculous... all afternoon was spent on what? Granted, not everything, but still, leaving for things to finally move on ON THE FREAKING NIGHT!

Sigh... why do I even bother, you guys will keep doing that... I'm tired of being this frustrated... maybe I should quit for real instead of giving myself more second chances of enduring this...

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On Bert desicion to let the dragons die. Normall off-screen, I'd agree. However we are dealing with eggs, lives that have yet to be born.

If we DO make omelettes however, I will end all discussion on the matter and GLADLY eat them.


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Whoa, hey, Mibbit's doing this really weird thing. I can't get back on. I'll see if it clears up later but...well, I'm sure I'm not the only one having this problem. We'll see how things go, I guess. huh.gif

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Ugh... why... you... dammit...

This is hopeless. If I can't control my frustration, it's probably for the best if I just... :>_<:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Chapter 3 of RotE:R is up and has two new themes in the character archive :D:

@ Acacia:

Just something to note. I woke up at around 4:30 in the morning. Did not play owl last night. Just somehow only managed three hours of sleep. Feel free to be mad at Merc though :awesome:

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His and related to posts are excuse, I know he lives on the other side of the Pacific after all. But that still leaves quite the number...

Not that it matters, I have nothing to write about... sigh, as almost always...

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Keep not having anything to post, and I will swamp John with Joannas. That'll get him talking ... even if it is just nervous jibbering :B):

... *SNRK*

*Launches all the arsenal of the Scinfaxhi and Hrimfaxhi at Phoenix* *QAAM'ed*

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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if we want to spend the round healing up and maybe taking down the boss(Because he can't dodge) Minimal number of slots taken would be Nadya + Shadrak Defending to Nosferatu on counter go First. If things go well, Shadrak won't get Crited or lethaled and heals back some decent Hp.

Then most combos that can hit for some damage and/or double will be able to whittle down that Hp.

If the boss still breathes...anyone with 6Mt or more can reliably take him down. But hopefully he'll need less blows to be taken down so that more characters can focus on healing up.

For now only 4 people have more than 2 hp missing from Max. And 2 are dedicated defenders who're the best to heal up to weather the coming storm.

In the 'not-so-worse-case-scenario' where all the attackers roll 1 for damage die, Damage dealt to boss would be 7(Nadya), 11(Shadrak), the boss should be left with 9 Hp. Which can be taken down by anyone with 6Mt or more, preferably with defend counter attacks in mind.

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Not even a battle? Not even a freaking battle!? I'm already loosing out on stuff and now I have to deal with missing out on battle just because I have to sleep!?

It's just... UGH... :facepalm:

I quit, you hear me!? I QUIT!

Edit: Sigh, what does it matter. In the end I actually won't... I can't even commit myself to actually do it...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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