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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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Finally the animals are gone. Save for Luna's of course :P

Anyway, we're not even trudging along in either chapter at this point so wrt Team Valcyn, I'm thinking another TS is in order. More on that shortly. With Team Sanctuary, a TS is probably needed here too, but not nearly as far since the next relevant thing on their to-do list is hearing back from Greta about the wagon issue (though I'm fine with pushing them forward past all of that since this thing Greta's doing with the guardsmen was just a way to give Team Sanctuary some potentially violent social activity between Ursaea and their next stop and nothing else).

Okay now for Team Valcyn. Honestly, what I really want to do personally is TS forward about ... seven days or so, or rather far enough to get them to the border between Ursium and the good ending to Dragonheart (Neviskotia), bypassing all of this capital region stuff. It's important stuff, don't get me wrong--way more important than it seems right now--but I stopped caring about the group pacing sometime last week, when I realized that at this pace, it'll be mid summer IRL before either group is back to directly addressing their long term mission goals.

What I want to hear from you guys are your thoughts on this, and whether or not you'll be available for a battle if we actually bother doing one this time around. I just don't want a slow battle followed by an even slower wrap up. Actually thoughts on both a Team Valcyn battle and a Team Sanctuary battle would be more than welcome (though if Team Sanctuary gets one it'll be a challenge for item unlocks or price reductions and not the usual thing). The past week hasn't been promising, but I never really asked about it to the group, so I'm doing that now.

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Finally the animals are gone. Save for Luna's of course :P

Anyway, we're not even trudging along in either chapter at this point so wrt Team Valcyn, I'm thinking another TS is in order. More on that shortly. With Team Sanctuary, a TS is probably needed here too, but not nearly as far since the next relevant thing on their to-do list is hearing back from Greta about the wagon issue (though I'm fine with pushing them forward past all of that since this thing Greta's doing with the guardsmen was just a way to give Team Sanctuary some potentially violent social activity between Ursaea and their next stop and nothing else).

What I want to hear from you guys are your thoughts on this, and whether or not you'll be available for a battle if we actually bother doing one this time around. I just don't want a slow battle followed by an even slower wrap up. Actually thoughts on both a Team Valcyn battle and a Team Sanctuary battle would be more than welcome (though if Team Sanctuary gets one it'll be a challenge for item unlocks or price reductions and not the usual thing). The past week hasn't been promising, but I never really asked about it to the group, so I'm doing that now.

I'm game for combat. I'll have trouble getting into chat though, but I always check these forums in case Jam needs to do a little dance and/or make a little love, get down tonight cut someone.

Edited by Toogee
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By the way, folks, I made a calender not too long ago. There was a weird little thing that happened in LoAF where nobody mentioned the continent by name. It was never really relevant to begin with since, like in RotE, the continent was 'all of the known world' to most of the people living there. But still, there are other things that I didn't want to just copy paste from real life and not having weekday names at the very least was starting to feel awkward, so I thought I'd paint a calender in RotE's colors. Here are the results. (Credit to donjon calender generator for providing an intuitive interface)

Information about the Earth:

The Earth orbits around Sol and completes an orbit exactly every three hundred and sixty days. There are four seasons and twelve months, but each month is exactly thirty days in length. Why is everything so painfully precise here? That would be Nature's doing, but as a bit of meta knowledge, this method of managing the planet would have originated with Truth and not her.

Days of the Week:

These are the seven days in a week, in order from first to last.

Solday (Day of the Sun)

Lunday (Day of the moon; pronunciation can go any which way)

Jusday (Day of Justice->Wrath; pronunciation can go any which way)

Mersday (Day of Mercy)

Gaeday (Day of Nature; rhymes with Friday)

Strenday (Day of Strength->Truth)

Spurday (Day of Spirit)

Months of the Year:

It was mentioned before but the year begins at the first month of spring in RotE, or at least in Sardius, so think of the first month as roughly March.

Redeemna (Month of Redeeming; beginning of spring)

Calor (Aka Month of Warmth)

Vital (move along)

Solus (Month of the Sun and the start of summer)

Ignia (Month of Fire)

Aridan (Month of Dryness)

Reliquam (Month of Rest; though first you harvest :P)

Silentia (Month of Silence)

Infirmia (Month of Fatigue)

Somnem (Month of Sleepiness)

Mortember (Month of Death)

Finem (The cycle closes)

If you're going to start referencing days or months by name, by all means, but don't feel forced; we've been getting along just fine as is, the rare bad jokes IC not withstanding. I'll pin down which day of the year we're on once I figure out exactly what day the rp started on. All I have to do after figuring out the start date is add sixty-five and that'll tell us where we are in the year. Right now it's just a vague 'it'll be summer relatively soon' so we're probably somewhere around Vital month-wise. Anyway, just thought I'd share that. I'll paste this somewhere more permanent once I think of a format I like that's easy to reference and doesn't waste a lot of space.

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Cool. :) Mind adding rough equivalents between the RotE months and our months for reference? I'm not sure January is Redeemna since January is still winter here. Maybe January is Mortember...

Edited by Mercakete
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So... Ummm... When are we going to do that timeskip?

Edit: Hey, Phoenix, I know this has probably been brought up in the past, but have you ever considered making your own RP? RotE is still based off the LoAF system and designed with a FE focus in mind. However there is no reason a future RP of yours would have to follow such rules and could be its own, unique, creation.

Edited by Snowy_One
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How is RotE not 'his own RP' or a 'unique creation' because the system has some resemblance to LoAF and is FE focused? You could have just asked Phoenix whether he planned to make a non FE-based RP but for some reason you chose those terms instead.

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How is RotE not 'his own RP' or a 'unique creation' because the system has some resemblance to LoAF and is FE focused? You could have just asked Phoenix whether he planned to make a non FE-based RP but for some reason you chose those terms instead.

Because it was based off the LoAF system to start with. He's shown quite an ability to change and alter it, but it's still based off the original system through and through. If he were to go his own way and ditch the system, even if he had to keep it FE-focused, I'm certain he could come up with something drastically different.

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Because it was based off the LoAF system to start with. He's shown quite an ability to change and alter it, but it's still based off the original system through and through. If he were to go his own way and ditch the system, even if he had to keep it FE-focused, I'm certain he could come up with something drastically different.

Except for some basic similarities (such as a having similar attributes although some of their values changed and using 3 d6s to roll for combat), the systems are very different. Levels are different, there are actual items to purchase, skills are obtained differently, formulas for things like doubling are changed etc.

I realize that your inability to get a forum RP off the ground may be frustrating, but trying to vicariously claim credit for creating RotE is not going to do you any favors.

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Why the heck do you think that has anything to do with it? RotE started off very similar to LoAF. It's been modified and changed over the years immensely, but still started off based off the same system. AT THE MOST all I want you to do is stop insisting that it wasn't and that's not what I'm even talking about here!

I'm asking if he's considered trying something new that's a complete break-away from this stuff, at least in system. If he has or has not is irrelevant to if RotE is based off of LoAF or not. I see it as asking if he has considered breaking free of it, but if you choose to see it another way, that's your own business.

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Is Magvel 803 also 'based off' of LoAF? I mean it has similar classes and the same stats and everything...or that could be because they both draw inspiration from FE.

In any case, having a few similarities in stat systems does not mean RotE is not his (our) own RP. Claiming that it's some kind of spinoff of LoAF is one of the dumber things you have said and that's quite a feat.

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