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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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The location of everyone would be extremely helpful.

Right now Chelsea is just outside the wagon.

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The location of everyone would be extremely helpful.

Right now Chelsea is just outside the wagon.

Robin is in a library in Sergei port. Not that it matters. I know that this isn't what you meant.

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I'm probably going to regret asking this but...Snowy why did you place Robin half way across the world? I mean it's good you're not harming anything but I'm curious on the thought process behind the decision.

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I'm probably going to regret asking this but...Snowy why did you place Robin half way across the world? I mean it's good you're not harming anything but I'm curious on the thought process behind the decision.

Multiple reasons actually. Three big ones being that 1) I am in college and have been suffering to find time to even be online on a day that isn't a weekend (and even then; I have a knack for being busy every other weekend it seems) so it wouldn't have been fair to have a character pop in when I couldn't get enough time consistently keep posting along with the party and could potentially hold it up without intending too. 2) Putting her farther away initially allowed for me to give stronger focus and become more comfortable and established in personality and traits before having her meet up. 3) I really couldn't think of an excuse that would have had her be close to the party that wouldn't have been either hackneyed or so common as to be disgusting at the time (largely due to mental capacity being focused on writing school papers).

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Approaching the Wagon...from the RIGHT side of the University from the perspective of a person facing the University Entrance.

I just woke up so the little things are funny to me, but still, I had up until now envisioned he was approaching from the LEFT side :lol:

@ Robin

To be honest, I wasn't too sure about her starting location either(and I'd really prefer it if people would just leave culture exposition to the GMs) but I also realize that like Snowy said, he can solidify her character for awhile before actually meeting up. Now personally I don't feel his one post a day style really holds things up THAT much, he's about the same posting frequency as everyone else save for Luna, Merc, and myself outside of stat battles.

As for how long meeting up will actually take, well there's a simple method I can use if need be; I'll just call it "retro tagging". Just means that the events happening with Robin are given an actual timeline(tagged as retrospect), and pushed far enough back in time to justify any new location she shows up in on the regular timeline. So that's just one option. Or Snowy can just wait a few months. Up to him XD

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When are you guys usually here?

I'm usually here anywhere from 5 to 10 pm est. It doesn't seem to overlap much with anyone else's schedules though.

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When are you guys usually here?

That'd be (in PST) from 3 to 9 PM during most of the week. For the rest (Friday and Saturday), it's around 8 AM until midnight, more or less. Yeah, I have too much time on my hands... *QAAM'ed* Though it's actually not all the time, even though I'm online during it.

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My Current Timezone is UTC+10:00. It's currently Daylight saving and will be free 10:30am~1:30am incosistently and After 3.30pm here weekdays except Friday consistently. Waking hours usually 7:30~9:30 for Uni XP. Weekends will be free most afternoons till past midnight.

UTC=Universal time coordinate

In summary(UTC=0:00)

Weekdays: Past 7:30 am, sleep 3:00pm~10pm

Weekends: Will try to be up on any planned event or time.

PS: I specialise in compressing study and assignment time.

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Recently my sleep-schedual has been crazy, but I try to time when I'm on to be around 6PM (PST) when I've noticed the most activity is. Sundays and Mondays are days where I'm generally not as free to be on here, though.

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I'm just going to be honest here. I'm not having fun in this RP right now. I'm not blaming anyone, it's just that I have little motivation to post when I'm not enjoying it. If this starts affecting anything negatively I'll just take a break for a while I guess...

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I'm just going to be honest here. I'm not having fun in this RP right now. I'm not blaming anyone, it's just that I have little motivation to post when I'm not enjoying it. If this starts affecting anything negatively I'll just take a break for a while I guess...

Awww, I'm sorry to hear that :(

Relevant to everything:

There's a bit of miniature TS cluster coming up, one involving a TS to the preparations for the summit, one to the meeting itself, another to the beginning of Rodrigo's concert, another to its conclusion, and then after a long break, the TS to the next morning.


TS to preparations for summit: Those attending the meeting arrive and can interact for a short while before the meeting begins.

TS to summit meeting: Weyland begins the big debut, and reaction times are given for those attending.

TS to concert: Moves up to the beginning of Rodrigo's concert.

TS to conclusion: Once the first number's done, TS to the end of the concert happens.

TS to morning: Once everyone runs out of stuff to do, TS to morning happens.

Those not directly affected by the TSing feel free to handle the timespan however you want.

Any questions?

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Question: Why does it always seem like there's always a TS around the corner? Can't an event make a smooth transition from one to the next without a timespan blotching out the space inbetween two related events?

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