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Return of the Emblem: Chat


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What is really odd about this is that other characters in the actual FE games have fought while being younger, the same age, or only a year older than Tia. It's actually pretty common in the FE-verse for child soldiers it seems.

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Snowy. These people have literally less than a month ago seen children die in a battle that they let them fight in. Even if there was literally no other thing that was causing them to not want her to fight, that alone would be reason enough. And also, this isn't FE. This is an RP with people creating characters with much more indepth personalities than a video game could ever allow. There are much more intricate things going on in their heads that would cause them to think about if a 14 year old should be allowed to fight.

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Eh, it's less that FE has kids that can fight, I think, and more that Tia's a PC. That's what's surprising me a little about her whole not fighting thing. Still, Tia will probably still be able to fight and such, she'll just have a more roundabout way of getting into combat than most PC's. Actually, that should make writing for her more fun, I'd think. Stretching the creativity a bit further than just "they're telling me to wave a weapon so I will."

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Sorry for my short post in the paralouge. I just wanted to let people know that I'm still alive. Also, I have a big project I'm taking care of, so I couldn't be more elaborate. I don't really have a plan for the town trip; I'm making stuff up as I go :P. If anyone wants to add something, feel free.

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Little context problem, Bal. Gytha's standing on top of the Dauntless, not beside it. She used to be beside it, but climbed on a little before everyone left for the fort.

So, with that in-mind, Gytha climbed onto the Dauntless and drew her sword and pistol. It was easier to protect something if you could see people approaching from any potential angle, after all.

Also, I think that was Connor who'd popped his head out, unless there was some ooc chatter I didn't catch.

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Little context problem, Bal. Gytha's standing on top of the Dauntless, not beside it. She used to be beside it, but climbed on a little before everyone left for the fort.

Also, I think that was Connor who'd popped his head out, unless there was some ooc chatter I didn't catch.

Oh, damn, my bad, I must have overlooked that the second time around, when I was trying to set things up.

Anyway, the Tia bit I included because of

"Yes. I got it to." said Tia as she sprung up and, coming out after Connor, she looked at Gytha.

"Well, then guard the Dauntless! We can move it and you can just guard it while it's moving!"

I figured it would be harder to see a head poking out than a full person leaving.

I'll try to think of how I should go about fixing things here in a bit.

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I don't think it's that big a deal. Any changes you choose to make will probably have the same results anyway, so it's just a few details. Just wanted to clarify for context's sake. :)

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[20:46:41] <Phoenix> @ new chapter: It's going to be awhile. Since Dauntless crew's not heading over, I have to change some things

[20:47:05] <Eail> forget about those losers!

[20:47:12] <roy> oh they're not?

[20:47:19] <Phoenix> not according to Gytha they're not

[20:47:35] <roy> are we going ot make it out?

[20:47:39] <scorri> why can't they just get over here

[20:48:25] <Phoenix> they're waiting for us to come to them but it's almost a quarter of a mile, we we're not going to get that far just running away

Apparently notes on distance and stuff. I had forgotten you'd parked so far away as well. Did you remember the distance when Gytha was thinking things through, or should I make a note of it in my upcoming post?

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"Shadrak turned off the deflectors" and "there's a gate door in the way" are the main issues. If there's some way everyone else can solve the latter issue, Connor talking about how to turn the wagon on and Tia actually doing it should take care of the former. I'm planning on having Gytha get the wagon over to the fortress, but those issues have to be addressed first.

Edit: Also, soonest I'm posting is tomorrow morning, but I do already have things to write in mind. So it shouldn't be that long before my next post. Huzzah updates.

Edited by Mercakete
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Chelsea will also be inside the dauntless, taking a goddamn nap because she did not get her beauty sleep.

Why no, I didn't forget that there was supposed to be shit going down.

...Real life is a bitch sometimes that's all. (':

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I guess I should lay out possible strategies...

Marella defends no matter what so we've got 3 BPs available

Tia and Synthia smack Adept A to break defends, Robin and Valter smack bard A, someone finishes off Archer A to prevent killer snipes

Candidates for archer killage on this plan: Nika, Shad if he rolls a 2 on hit, Axel if he rolls a 3 on damage

As far as I can tell, the only ones who haven't acted who have guaranteed archer kill are Nika, Reign, and Synthia, but sending Reign to nuke one guy is kind of a waste. Someone correct me if I missed someone.

Plan 2

Nika or Synthia offs archer, we concentrate efforts on eliminating team fighter/merc/shaman. Reign nuke is an option.

Modified Plan 2 Which I like the best

Tia boosts hit and nukes team fighter/merc/shaman, Robin attacks Fighter A, Nika makes Fighter A beg for mercy, Shad kills Archer A, Reign nukes team fighter/merc/shaman probably finishing off Merc A, Nadya finishes off Shaman

Hit boost is for Nadya and Shadrak to hit their targets

Damage layout

Tia: Needs a 2 to damage fighter

4 min on Merc A (14/18)

2 min on Shaman A (13/15)

Robin: 2 min on Fighter A (19/21)

Nika: 4 min on Fighter A (15/21)

Shad: Autokills Archer A

Reign: 4 min on Fighter A (11/19)

10 min on Merc A (4/18)

6 min on Shaman A (7/15)

Nadya: autokills Shaman

Edit: Alternatively, we ignore fighter A and have Robin hit Merc A (she does get MT halved though) while Nika does something else somewhere more useful. Where at the moment I dunno, but she's pretty good at killing things so I'm sure someone can figure something out :3

Actually, Robin and Nika tag team can kill Adept A without counters if Robin goes first. Then we can kill that bard next turn.

Edited by roymbrog
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I don't like opening up Nadya to be attacked unless she gets a defend. IMO for a survive objective, our rez healers are vital.

Still considering the options, but wanted that on the table.

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If Synthia kills the archer Shad can kill the shaman, and a Kat defend can be placed on Nadya. That does leave Cynthia out of a post though. Nadya can be defended by Kat, Gytha, or Robin at this point. Or another plan can be made where Nadya doesn't act at all, because if she doesn't move that should leave her untargetted.

Edit: Or of course we can always come up with something completely different. Place ideas here ect.

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Bal pointed out cool stuff, like Reign and Shad can take out the Shaman on their own allowing Tia to double Merc A with her fortune tome. Fighter A ain't going down anyway so forget about him.

So if Reign, Shad, and Tia attacked we'd knock down Merc A and Shaman A

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Bal pointed out cool stuff, like Reign and Shad can take out the Shaman on their own allowing Tia to double Merc A with her fortune tome. Fighter A ain't going down anyway so forget about him.

So if Reign, Shad, and Tia attacked we'd knock down Merc A and Shaman A

If we combine this with the Nika + Robin on Adept A, I think this is a pretty solid.

I think Tia might not want to bard, to save health for this round, but I need to think more.

Nadya should probably idle to avoid aggro, but we could ask Cynthia's opinion or something, I suppose.

Edit: Wait, we still have to manage killer archer here...

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So, brainstorming and paranoid worrying in the channel, and the following was brought up. We don't know exactly when new enemy combat teams will be activated, but usually it's when old combat teams are eliminated right? (Or the obvious case of they're provoked via attack.) And we were planning on eliminating one whole combat team this Player Phase. Still, there are quite a few active and aggressive enemy teams left over, so maybe it wouldn't activate. Still, a very good point was brought up that it may be better to strategically activate teams that we consider less dangerous, to avoid sudden cans of unexpected on the enemy phase.

This is a question to the general populace. If we go with the general plan stated about (Reign + Shad + Tia wiping most of the Fighter Merc Shaman team, Nika eliminating Killer Archer (finishing off that CT), should we have Robin instead attack Bard B or something? Or do we not activate a new squad, and take a wait and see approach as to whether enemies will already start aggroing themselves? This should probably be a collective decision.

[spoiler=relevant conversation]

[15:03:39] <roychel> well it's mostly a dense battle

[15:03:43] <roychel> *defense

[15:03:48] <roychel> lol dense

[15:03:56] <roychel> so it's going ot be target nuking by Zach and other people

[15:04:01] <roychel> to keep active CTs to a minimum

[15:04:17] <roychel> and then defending important people like Nadya

[15:04:50] <roychel> this reminds me a little of the Fallen battle

[15:05:20] <roychel> our goal is to activate CTs on our terms

[15:05:43] <roychel> instead of them suddenly becoming active over EP and massacring

[15:06:13] <Balcerzak> should we actually have robin activate a team of our choosing then, to replace the one with the archer we're wiping?

[15:06:18] <Balcerzak> instead of plinking at the bard?

[15:06:35] <roychel> There are enough actives that another one shouldn't activate I don't think

[15:06:43] <roychel> and the fighter isn't dying so his team isn't out yet

[15:06:56] <Balcerzak> okay, ignore that then

[15:07:06] <roychel> I guess we'd have to wait one EP to see how exactly it will work this battle though

[15:07:14] <roychel> usually they only activate after an entire CT has gone down

[15:08:09] <roychel> oh wait that means killing Archer A might activate one

[15:08:42] <roychel> I hope not

[15:08:54] <roychel> we already have 3 other teams agressive right now

[15:09:33] <Balcerzak> ^^^yeah, that was why I concenred

[15:09:36] <Balcerzak> but who knows

[15:10:08] <roychel> oh shoot and it will be that teams with Soldier A that activates too

[15:10:09] <roychel> xD

[15:12:12] <scorri2> uhm

[15:12:13] <scorri2> hmm

[15:12:26] * scorri2 is now known as scorri

[15:12:27] <Balcerzak> if we activate a team, I would recommend Bard B

[15:12:38] <scorri> can we try to avoid activating fighter teams?

[15:12:40] <Balcerzak> aggressive bard isn't that bad, defending monk doesn't attack

[15:12:43] <scorri> cause i want to have mar defend

[15:12:49] <Balcerzak> mage isn't as scary as some of the other things

[15:12:53] <scorri> and can openers are scary

[15:13:42] <roychel> hmm

[15:14:29] <Balcerzak> because the bard would only heal 4 damage cross teams

[15:14:34] <Balcerzak> which is annoying at best

[15:14:50] <roychel> I'm torn

[15:15:01] <roychel> I'm not sure if killing that one team will aggro the next

[15:15:02] <HFBlade> I'm not

[15:15:05] <roychel> but if it does that's the best option

[15:15:20] <roychel> but if it doesn't we just put two more attackers on us

[15:15:25] <Balcerzak> we should canvas for input and decide as a group then

[15:15:28] <Balcerzak> avoids the blame game

[15:15:42] <roychel> yeah

[15:15:55] <Balcerzak> I'll post in chat

[15:15:59] <roychel> ok

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[05:42:51] <Balcerzak> bard A was damaged from barding before tina attacked him right? 20% of 21 health is 4, then 10 damage from tina is 14, right? Shouldn't Bard A have been 7/21 at the end there?

[05:43:07] <Ether> Phee had him at 18/21

[05:43:22] <Balcerzak> phee made a boo-boo then, I think. I'm posting that in chat

[05:43:26] <Ether> but now that you mention it yeah

[05:43:29] <Balcerzak> hmm, a good insulting noun

[05:43:31] <Balcerzak> let me think

[05:43:33] <Ether> he would have been at 7

[05:43:36] <Ether> then he barded

[05:43:36] <Parrhesia> No, just a normal noun

[05:43:39] <Ether> then he got healed

Justifying a minor (but who knows if important) health change.

Also, we just got wrecked a little bit, we need to coordinate, nobody do anything hasty. I smell both Nadya and Chelsea needing to rez, but picking our targets is a pretty big dilemma, (cuz there's so many of them).

More to be editted in here before I go to sleep, probably.

[05:46:20] <Ether> also, Bal

[05:46:36] <Ether> what are Sinbad's tonic'd Hit/Mt with that gun?

[05:46:51] <Balcerzak> 13.75 Hit, 27.5 MT

[05:47:14] <Ether> okay

[05:47:26] <Ether> if Tia bards he 100% OHKO's Hayato

[05:47:28] <Balcerzak> So, a Tia bard boost would be appreciated, but if need be, can do without

[05:47:31] <Balcerzak> yeah

[05:47:35] <Balcerzak> no questions asked

Snowy, child soldier can be useful. Don't do it just yet, but +HT makes for a guarantee.

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okay, so this is first draft of battle strategy. DO NOT ACT ON ANYTHING JUST YET, but feel free to comment.

Action 1: Veronika attacks one of Hayato's warriors. Nadya ressurects Gar.

Action 2: Gar attacks Hayato's other warrior.

Action 3: Tia bards hit, then proceeds to attack one of the warriors above with her fortune tome, if necessary.(If both warriors are alive, but in KO range of it, Tia might opt to force tome instead. This however opts into a more risky Hayato counter. Discussion appreciated)

Action 4: Sinbad makes Hayato stop existing.

Action 5: Grant defends Sinbad

Action 6: Synthia heals one of Tia/Arietta(allows Tia to survive an autohit, allows Arietta to survive another EP aside from crits/Sardis), Valter kills Bard A.

Action 7: Gytha defends Nadya, Norbert defends Valter

Action 8: Pending

Another option, if Tia can bard first, then make her attack later, is that Tia bards for action 1, followed by roy(healing Tia with Synthia) Tia then force tomes Hayato team, and has a better chance of living Hayato counter, followed by the above(except move snowy and roy to the front) This eases pressure on Gar and Veronika so they have a higher chance of straight KOs(not getting auto'd)

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Can't I just move first when ready on this plan? Valter doesn't need the hit boost.

EDIT: Also, lol, fixing the Bard's HP was important. Him being at 7 allows Valter to OHKO.

EDIT:EDIT: Nevermind. We want to heal Tia after the bard boost, forgot.

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