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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 73


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Worst: Gra. Just a pale imitation of FE8's Grado. And their king is a wuss.

How's it an imitation when FE1/3 came before FE8? xp King Jiol is fail, though. "I don't want to die!" Haha, sucks to be you...

Edited by Pet Pikachu
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Was that sarcasm, Narga? :(

Nope. Check the last page of Round 72 and then think Nelson from the Simpsons when you notice that your "in before lock" (possibly paraphrasing) post got deleted.

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How's it an imitation when FE1/3 came before FE8? xp King Jiol is fail, though. "I don't want to die!" Haha, sucks to be you...

True, but it is rather uncanny how both names are similar, both their rulers were generals, they both are manipulated into betraying a close ally (the main character's country no less!) and then dumped afterwards, and that their successors impact the journey of the main character in some way (though FE8 takes it to a much greater level than FE3.)

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Worst: Durhua

Durr- hoo- aah.

Dolhr or Doluna sounds so much cooler then that.

Dishonourable mention to Carcino.

Best: Definately Silesia! It flows so nicely.

Honourable mention to Thracia.

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Gra. Just a pale imitation of FE8's Grado.

Gra existed long before Grado ever did. ._.


Best: Khadein

Worst: Silesia

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Best: If it counts, Ostia (comes from the latin word "ostio" which means "bone." How awesome is that?). If not, then... Jehanna.

Worst: If it counts Pharae (sounds like "fairy" which is hardly intimidating). If not, then Crimea ("Where to now?" "The Crimea River!" "..." 'Nuff said.). Dishonorable mention to Gra.

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Best: Augustria


Oh geez, same here. I always thought 'Ren-uh-ees' just because I'm weird like that, then I find on the game's website that it's 'Ren-ay', like that it's supposed to be French or something.

Now the thought of French-speaking Renais troops won't get out of my head. One could expect it with Franz, but with Ross? Oh boy...

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