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(FE7) Screw over your opponent draft tourney fe7


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Marcus isn't only used for beating stuff up. . .

I know he can rescue and move units faster, but honestly I thought about it and I just thought it seemed silly to ban him right before 22 where his usefulness takes a pretty big dive. You should have at least 1 unit better than him by this point.

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Alot of enemies actually start slowing down due to heavy weapons at Midgame. Alot of them are also unpromoted, so Marcus will be able to be good at fighting even up to that point.

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If only sacrificing undrafted characters were allowed. I finally figured out how to hold my position for 5 turns without any of Lyns group getting attacked, but Wil keeps dying, and the pirate reinforcement destroys me. I'm probably going to have to settle with some sort of penalty.sad.gif

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I'm fine with Marcus staying around, he's not as gamebreaking after a certain point anyway, especially when we have better options around by that time.

Incorrect. Strange that you should say this too, when your only mounted combat unit is Heath. In fact, you and Jean would greatly benefit from having free Marcus for the entire game because your first mounted combat unit isn't until chapter 22 and HHM Heath doesn't catch up in combat parameters to a --/9 Marcus until around 16/0, and Jean doesn't have a mounted combat unit, period. Weapons also appreciates free Marcus to some large extent. Only 13 and Paperblade don't really mind not having Marcus past chapter 16.

Edited by dondon151
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Incorrect. Strange that you should say this too, when your only mounted combat unit is Heath. In fact, you and Jean would greatly benefit from having free Marcus for the entire game because your first mounted combat unit isn't until chapter 22 and HHM Heath doesn't catch up in combat parameters to a --/9 Marcus until around 16/0, and Jean doesn't have a mounted combat unit, period. Weapons also appreciates free Marcus to some large extent. Only 13 and Paperblade don't really mind not having Marcus past chapter 16.

Oh my! The plot thickens! You do realize that HongLei was the one that decided to lift the ban and not us, right? (And Xander is actually right; I normally stop using him on a normal playthrough before then due to that. Of course, I cannot be trusted.) I find that most on this forum severely overestimate what Marcus can do in Hector Hard Mode.

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I find that most on this forum severely overestimate what Marcus can do in Hector Hard Mode.

Or, it could be the other way around, with most of the fanbase nonsensically sandbagging Jeigan units because they are "Exp hogs" and can't do anything past a certain point of the game even though they never bothered giving them very few levels so they can still be the best.

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Just finished a playthrough (the Sainadin one, oddly enough, so I had mounts out the ass), and Marcus was STILL awesome and holding his own in VoD AND Light, despite having Sain, Kent, Isadora, Vaida, Heath, Florina, Farina, AND Fiora all promoted.

So yeah. If Marcus gets bosskills (no reason not to in a Draft PT, no less), he's basically an insane murder monster all game long. Slowing down after 22? Hardly. Most of them younguns can barely keep up with him

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Incorrect. Strange that you should say this too, when your only mounted combat unit is Heath. In fact, you and Jean would greatly benefit from having free Marcus for the entire game because your first mounted combat unit isn't until chapter 22 and HHM Heath doesn't catch up in combat parameters to a --/9 Marcus until around 16/0, and Jean doesn't have a mounted combat unit, period. Weapons also appreciates free Marcus to some large extent. Only 13 and Paperblade don't really mind not having Marcus past chapter 16.

I actually do mind not having Marcus after 16, because 17 and 19 are pains in the rear without him. Heck, 19 is a pain in the rear WITH HIM.

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It's possible to do this with an undrafted Matt. Hector takes two to break down the door, and Matt has to dodge either the archer or soldier. He unlocks the door for Hector, who runs to Wire and kills him. I've done it in normal mode, Matt would probably die in HM.

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Edit: Redo time.

Chapter 16: 8 turns again..

Kent and Sain ferried Lyn. After Sain died, Kent carried her, and just before I seized Kent died again. This time, I kept Wil on the forest. He still almost died because a mercenary attacked him and doubled him.

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OK, team overlook, like I choose to start usually.

Hector- Please get speed

Marcus- Ditching you after 22. Maybe. Depends on the rest of the team

Merlinus.-Never used you before.

Athos-You are useful, as you never get RNG screwed.

Matthew- Please gain strength and Skill. And Defense. And don't die.

Dorcas-Best axeuser before you get Geitz/Dart besides Hector, IMO

Bartre-Actually, worst axeuser IMO.

Guy- Please gain strength, and I'll use you more.

Kent-You usually end up good


Hawkeye-Meh, you're okay.

Vaida-Last resort, but ok.

Only thing screwed here is the lack of healer.

Chapter 11- 8 turns, but Red gem, and some decent levels.

Chapter 12- 8 turns, and a few levels for Hector, Matthew, and a Bartre

Chapter 13- 12 turns due to difficulty. Guy is @!@#ing awesome.

Chapter 14- 11 turns. 2-shotted Erik with the Silver Lance. Guy went up with Matthew, Axe-squad (Hector, Bartre, Dorcas) went south.

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Chapter 14: 6 turns

Marcus went left, made sure to get attacked by the two cavs in the south on turn 2 EP, killed Erik by turn 3 EP, silver lance'd a nomad and myrm, and finished the two bandits on turn 6 EP for the win. Oswin cleaned up. Hector dealt with the lancefest on the right. Eliwood, Becca, and Serra did miscellaneous tasks, and generally stayed out of the way. Did not recruit Erk.

Chapter 15: 8 turns

Running out of 1-2 range. Did not kill Sealen. Did not get the treasures. Oswin dominated.

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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Ch. 11: Same old.


Ch. 12: Marcus rushes north to save Hector + Penalties. Lowen picks off dudes.


Ch. 13: Marcus and Lowen chain ferry Hector while picking dudes off.


Ch. 14: Hate this chapter. Hector stayed behind, Marcus rushed forward, Lowen killed Pirates.


Ch. 15: Defend derp.


Ch. 16: Marcus intercepted the guys going after Lyn and then the gang rushed the castle.


Ch. 17: Bumrush, kill Raven. All the soldiers died but I was probably gonna skip Canas anyway.




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Chapter 16: 6 turns

The key here was moving Marcus into a square turn 1 which would cause the mercs to move away from Lyn's group. After that, Marcus picked up Hector and went north and won. Lyn's group stalled, and everyone died except Lyn, who also picked up 4 Javelins. Everyone else got exp.

Char    | Lvl   | HP | Str | Skl | Spd | Lck | Def | Res
Hector  | 8.30  | 24 | 12  | 6   | 5   | 5   | 11  | 2
Eliwood | 7.03  | 22 | 7   | 8   | 9   | 9   | 7   | 1
Marcus  | 5.00  | 34 | 17  | 18  | 12  | 9   | 12  | 10
Rebecca | 3.98  | 18 | 3   | 6   | 7   | 4   | 3   | 1
Oswin   | 11.84 | 29 | 15  | 9   | 6   | 3   | 15  | 3
Serra   | 2.37  | 18 | 3   | 5   | 8   | 7   | 2   | 6
Florina | 3.50  | 18 | 6   | 8   | 9   | 8   | 4   | 5

Chapter 17: 10 turns

Missed the Knight Crest, but I don't think it'll be worth it for Oswin. Marcus went up and Hector trailed while enemies were still alive, since this Hector is lacking. Everyone else got exp.

Chapter 18: 3 turns

Florina went shopping while Marcus used Javelins. Stole the whip.

Total: 51 turns

Edited by WeaponsofMassConstruction
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