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FE7 HHM 0% growths (with commentary) CANCELLED


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Chapter 16:

I'm sure other people have thought of the Marcus drop before, but Gergeshwan was the first person that I saw use it.

Turns: 5

I've resorted to sort of reading from a script as opposed to coming up with what to say on the spot, which lets me work on the commentary when I don't have time to do a full recording. This will probably help me get vids out faster from now on.

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Kind of funny how that Thief works, but aside from that good job. I think writing the script is probably better in most, if not all instances. I know that my commentary would probably be a lot cleaner if I simply wrote down a script, but I confess to being a lazy bastard.

We also know deep down you love Armor Knights dondon. Don't hate.

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Those mercenaries near Lyn's group are assholes. They double Sain on effing normal mode, for Pete's sake. Granted, that's Sain without Lyn mode, but who does Lyn mode?

EDIT: Also, I'm excited to witness Marcus' Hammer!ORKO of Bernard next chapter.

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I noticed on turn 5 that Priscilla didn't get to heal anything. However, on turn 3, Priscilla could have healed Guy and then Serra could have healed Lowen, who wouldn't have been healed fully and could have been healed again next turn. Was this just a random oversight as you were playing? It doesn't look like Lowen needed the HP.

Good stuff, though. A faster release schedule would be awesome.

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The SDA FE7 run probably uses a Marcus drop too, but maybe not the turn 1 one you did.


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I don't think I saw the 1 turn drop in a video anywhere else, but I'm pretty sure I heard someone mention it a while ago. Can't remember where off the top of my head, but I think I stole it from somewhere.

Can't wait to see what you do with chapter 29, that should be really interesting.

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For fun, dondon, I'm tempted to upload a commentary video myself, because I'm convinced you and I have exact opposite speaking styles (though yours is perhaps better suited to a rational, strategic subject like Fire Emblem, I confess!). Haven't posted here in a while, but just wanted to say that I love these vids and am eager for more!


Because I'm not 21.

Aw, he's so kayuute! :newyears:

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Not to underrate Marcus, but I feel like I can't stop getting impressed by how much weight a base level Marcus can pull through. It's amazing.

EDIT: Do you like BERSERKER.

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EDIT: Do you like BERSERKER.


Who did you end up giving the Dragonshield to?

No one, yet. I have the saves for the beginning of every chapter, and as of chapter 17, Marcus is still sitting at his original base defense of 10.

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