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If you had to side with a villain from fiction, who would you join?

11 hours ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

Opinion of Youtube?

Youtube is good. I use it to listen to music most of the time, though I often watch educational videos and "meme" stuff as well. I sometimes comment on stuff, but I've never posted a video. So, I guess my opinion is that it's a good site, though it can be used for procrastination.

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5 hours ago, Clarine said:

I would imagine so.

Oh, I truly doubt there are any characters I wish to be erased from the franchise. If I am to state an answer, such might be Camilla due to her so-called "fan-service" design being unspeakably nonsensical and only caters to lecherous fanatics. Simply said, I wish not to have that on my screen.

Might there be any video game characters you can relate to?

There are actually several video game characters I relate to. Locke from Final Fantasy VI for his ability to be over protective of those he cares for. (Especially women he cares for). Kellam and Olivia from Awakening, for being practically invisible (thought not quite to the extreme that Kellam is) and for having low confidence in their own abilities, respectively. Elise from Fates for wanting a peaceful route to the war with her family of nonsensical morons. 


If you had to pick your favorite protagonist of Fire Emblem fighting your favorite antagonist of Fire Emblem, who would they be and who would win?

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10 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:


what present are you hoping for most this christmas

A Ps4, or Switch so I can play exclusives not available on my PC and to  play the newest Fire Emblem game when it comes out.

@GuardianGrarl How does one start  their adventure into the Yugioh franchise?

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3 hours ago, Trisitei said:

Something you find relaxing?

As answered many times, I find the activity of indulging in cups of tea to be most relaxing. I suppose sleeping also qualifies, for such two things are actually my primary uses of time. I am one to prefer to not be vexed by reality as one might say.

If I may ask, just where do you find your avatars?

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51 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

How hard were you hit by Irma?


Moderately, in my neighborhood alone, around ten trees got uprooted, local stores do not have any fresh food, 75% of all stores are closed. and all colleges and schools are closed for the week. Luckily my area has power so I can continue posting. The good thing this that Floridian homes are design for these kinds of weather, so there is little majior damage..Things should be back to normal by next week.

Who is your avatar supposed to be?

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1 hour ago, Jingle Jangle said:

A Ps4, or Switch so I can play exclusives not available on my PC and to  play the newest Fire Emblem game when it comes out.

@GuardianGrarl How does one start  their adventure into the Yugioh franchise?

Well, it kind of depends on what your ultimate goal is? Are you wanting to learn how to actually play the card game, watch the anime to learn why everyone is so hyped up on it? Or maybe your little sister needs a surgery that will save her eyesight and you find a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament that will pay for your sister's operation, provided you make it to the semi-final match?


Well, here's my advise on how to get started.


1: Watch the anime. The silliness of it can turn off some viewers from it, as the entire world literally lives and dies on what basically amounts to a game of UNO. But for those of us who can stomach the worst aspects of it and can enjoy it for it's flaws, you'll find a dramatic, silly, but fun adventure. It's stupid, it knows it's stupid, but it doesn't apologize for it. Which I like. Better to be proud of who you are than ashamed. (Looking at you Fan4stic!)

2: Pick a strategy for your deck. Some players like to have more control over their opponents cards then their own by Spells and Traps. Some players like to use high level, high attack point monsters and overwhelm their opponents. And some of us use a 2500 ATK point monster that is easily destroyed and can't even be summoned without a very specific Spell Equip Card on the field. (Those people are what we call 'losers. AKA Guardian Grarl) Whatever your strategy for the game, there is a group of cards dedicated to it. You'll have to hunt for them, but knowing what you want your deck to do can help you narrow down the search.


3: Find a community to help you on your way. Most people in the Yu-Gi-Oh community (like all communities really) will give you advise on how to build a decent deck. There are even builds online that you can use as spring board for ideas. Or just downright steal them and claim them as your own, you thieving prick. Ideas from others can help you find strategies you wouldn't normally find on your own.


And if none of those work, just have your little brother or grandfather get kidnapped by a super villain. That always seems to work.


Something you want to do before you die?

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1 hour ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

What was your favorite subject at school?

I believe that would be the study of language. However, I simply was not fond of being forced into an environment with uncouth peasants and as such, I was always the first individual the leave the school. Despite being immensely popular and if I dare say, feared—my school life was unspeakably dreadful.

What are your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! cards?

Edited by Clarine
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If you could spend a week in the past or in the future (your choice of how far back or forward) which would you choose?

1 hour ago, GuardianGrarl said:

If you had to pick your favorite protagonist of Fire Emblem fighting your favorite antagonist of Fire Emblem, who would they be and who would win?

Well, my favorite protagonist would be either Robin, Eliwood, or Ephraim, and my favorite antagonist would be likely Lyon, Camus, or Berkut, if those two count. So, if the six of them fought, I'd recon the good guys would win. After all, they won before, Robin can be incredibly strong, and none of the villains require a special weapon to be defeated (like Falchion or the Binding Blade).

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3 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you could spend a week in the past or in the future (your choice of how far back or forward) which would you choose?

Forgive me, for I simply wish not to choose between different eras. Of course, I would rather spend a week in the future for a single reason. I can take technology from the future back into the present time for my own usage! Simply splendid, no?

Might you be able to enlighten me as to what the context is in your avatar?

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4 hours ago, Arcanite said:

Just the fact that you humans think you can govern yourselves and bring "peace" and do your best to solve your countries' (or even the world's) problems

Politics aren't about making the world better... it's about who makes it worse slower


Ever had a chai latte?

No. In fact, I've never had any kind of latte before.


How would you spend a Sunday afternoon?

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31 minutes ago, Gemma said:

How would you spend a Sunday afternoon?

Days matter not for an individual such as myself. Needless to say, I simply relax, indulge in cups of tea and rest or otherwise "work". In fact, I rarely know which day of the week it is lest I check a virtual calendar.

If I may ask, now how do you spend an afternoon of this kind?

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4 hours ago, Gemma said:

What is your ideal dessert?


If I am to simply select a dessert, I would choose a strawberry gateau or perhaps a selection of éclairs and other pastries. Such is acceptable, no?

Would you deem yourself to be an overly emotional individual?

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On 9/10/2017 at 6:47 PM, Clarine said:

From everything you know, what might your views be regarding the United Kingdom?

Ach, that's a difficult subject for me. Without going too deeply into details, any Anglophobia I have is directed towards British actions in the past (the treatment of Indians/Irish/Highlanders/Puritans/secularists(?)/Catholics/native peoples/etc.). When it comes to the present UK, I think that the government and its people are more-or-less OK.

What is your favorite piece of FE music?

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16 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

What is your favorite piece of FE music?

My favourite Fire Emblem musical pieces? If you truly wish to know, I am rather fond of Road Taken from Fire Emblem Fates and Beauty is a Mad Mistress from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn.

If one does not mind, may I mirror your question? And just what are your favourite Fire Emblem music pieces?

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If you could live in any Fire Emblem nation, which would you choose?

6 hours ago, Clarine said:

Might you be able to enlighten me as to what the context is in your avatar?

In the show Gravity Falls, Bill Cipher (the triangle guy) at one point possesses the main character of the show - Dipper. This being ("Bipper") thus tries to impersonate Dipper in order to prevent the main characters from finding a way to stop Bill's evil plots. By the end of the episode, Bipper has to wear a tuxedo to an event, and fight against Dipper's twin sister Mabel who discovered that her brother was possessed. As such, my avatar is when the event is ruined and Bipper is about to fight (and lose) to Mabel.

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11 hours ago, Clarine said:

I believe that would be the study of language. However, I simply was not fond of being forced into an environment with uncouth peasants and as such, I was always the first individual the leave the school. Despite being immensely popular and if I dare say, feared—my school life was unspeakably dreadful.

What are your favourite Yu-Gi-Oh! cards?

Ssss... CardS. 


Gonna be a long reply, but I am up to the challenge.


Let's start with my first card. The obvious one. Guardian Grarl.


Admittedly, the card is not very good. In fact, it downright sucks. The fact that you need to have a very specific spell card on the field to even summon him is ludicrous. So, why have him as my avatar, user name and even one of my favorite cards? He looks cool. ... That's seriously it.


I'm putting these two together because they are basically the same card. Dunames Dark Witch and Dark Valkyria. They are basically the same thing, except Dark Valkyria is a Gemini monster, which can be harder to pull off, but if you can, it is easily worth the extra ability. I like the design of these two Fairies and the game for the Gamecube, Falsebound Kingdom gave Dunames Dark Witch as pretty sweet special power that made me want one in my deck. Except I'm not willing to shoe out $30!


Next up is Jerry Beans Man. I like the silliness of this card (reminds me a lot of Bean Soldier) and a lot of people used to play 'Gravity Bind' and 'Level Limit Area- B' which caused a lot of problems for my level 4 or higher monsters. Being a level 3, Jerry Beans Man is unaffected by those cards, and is free to attack as he pleases. And with 1750 attack, he's got a fairly good power to stand up to many level 4 monsters. (Especially when combined with another card I like.)


Jinzo is kind of the main card I try to get on the field. His ability to negate all traps makes 1/3 of my opponent's deck useless. Admittedly, it does the same for me, but Jinzo can allow me to gain some momentum, since they have to destroy it first with a spell or monster. 


Blowback Dragon is a strange card that won my heart years ago. While it is a chancy card, Blowback Dragon often gains more for me than he loses. So, he's earned his spot in my deck.


Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon. My most powerful monster in my deck. It has a pretty sick ability and can cripple some of my opponent's best monsters. And best of all, it's ability can be played whenever you feel like it. Your opponent summoned a giant god monster? Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon just weakened it and drained it's strength.


Onto the spell cards, Unexpected Dai is a card that allows me to pull monsters from my deck onto the battlefield. A card I recently discovered and I don't know how I managed without it. Because I didn't. At all.


Amulet of Ambition is a card I often combo with Jerry Beans Man to topple towering giants. Since many people play high level monsters, this card grants me a lot of power in a small package. 


Onto one of my favorite trap cards, Pinpoint Guard. Another card I recently discovered and I freaking love it. Not only is it revival for my monsters, but that monster cannot be destroyed again that turn. Leaving me with a guaranteed monster for my turn.


Psychic Shockwave. A trap card that basically lets me easily summon Jinzo or Blowback Dragon from my deck. Two of my staples for my deck. At the cost of only a spell or trap card from my hand. #Totallyworth.130842.jpg


There are others, but these are my top favorite cards. That being said, I don't recommend building any kind of deck I would build, because I'm not a very good player.




What was your favorite childhood toy/object?

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21 hours ago, Clarine said:

If you are to have a Fire Emblem class, just what might it be?

thief, i'll steal your heart in the middle of the night

what unique robot abilities do you possess that your terminator brethren do not (this question was for arcanite)

edit: opinions on everyone's favourite magical girl, dark magician grill (this question is for grarl)

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10 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

If you could live in any Fire Emblem nation, which would you choose?

In the show Gravity Falls, Bill Cipher (the triangle guy) at one point possesses the main character of the show - Dipper. This being ("Bipper") thus tries to impersonate Dipper in order to prevent the main characters from finding a way to stop Bill's evil plots. By the end of the episode, Bipper has to wear a tuxedo to an event, and fight against Dipper's twin sister Mabel who discovered that her brother was possessed. As such, my avatar is when the event is ruined and Bipper is about to fight (and lose) to Mabel.

Oh my, how dreadfully specific. This television show is becoming ever so curiouser and curiouser. One wonders how Mabel even wins.

Perhaps Etruria may serve to be an ideal location for me. After all, such a place is famed for their most excellent troubadours and valkyries, no? As such, I believe I could become a splendid example if I am to study there. Of course, you may recommend an area in which I can settle, of course.

6 hours ago, GuardianGrarl said:

Ssss... CardS. 


Gonna be a long reply, but I am up to the challenge.

Fascinating, I do not believe I have ever been truly acquainted with these cards, excepting Jinzo. Perhaps we may be able to discuss such a game another time? In fact, it behooves me to allow to you request for similar information after forcing you into typing such a passage. I say, perchance, such may even interest you.

6 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

thief, i'll steal your heart in the middle of the night

You, steal my metaphorical heart akin to that of a phantom thief? Surely you jest! In fact, one might say—such an elusive thing may not even exist. And of course, one may struggle to find a lady of my calibre outside during the night!

And just what qualities do you look for in an animated "GIF" image?

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