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what do you think of this song?

5 minutes ago, GuiltyLove said:

What sport is most entertaining for you to watch on TV?

Hockey, though i don't watch it much.

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Who would win in an arm wrestle, Nino or Maria (any reason)?

13 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

what do you think of this song?

What dictates me liking a song:

1. If the singer is good.

2. If the lyrics are good

3. If the instrumentals are good

The instrumentals don't suck, but its not enough for me to fall in love with it or even say "I like it". Is the singer good? Don't listen to Japanese music so I can't say whether or not she's good. Are the lyrics good? I don't understand Japanese so I can't make an opinion on that. 

Verdict: I am not educated enough to make a decision on this. I like when they say "Yay!"

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3 minutes ago, Arcanite said:

Who would win in an arm wrestle, Nino or Maria (any reason)?

Nino because Maria sucks at everything

favorite fired chicken chain restaurant?

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Ever had a Cheese Steak sandwich?

4 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

favorite fired chicken chain restaurant?





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Would you rather sing or dance on stage of a booked theater?

3 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Weirdest thing you've ever eaten?

A foreign candy that was a really bad consistency of sweet'n spicy


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How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

1 hour ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Favorite TV show of all time?


Growing up I was obsessed with Code Lyoko and Ben 10. Nowadays I'm going to go with AMC's Hell on Wheels, phenomenal show by the way

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would you rather attack twice as fast or deal twice as much damage

On 5/1/2017 at 7:51 PM, GuiltyLove said:

Do you think Wood Man is nice? >:]

heck yeah

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Do you play games for the story or for the gameplay?

14 minutes ago, Emerson said:

would you rather attack twice as fast or deal twice as much damage

Attack twice as fast really 

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What would you do with one million dollars?

15 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

what is your Avi/sig/etc. from?

Iron Fist, show is on Netflix

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What would you do with one million dollars?

15 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

what is your Avi/sig/etc. from?

Iron Fist, show is on Netflix

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An FE character you'd love to see in Heroes?

4 hours ago, Slade said:

What would you do with one million dollars?

Figurines that caught my eye for years
An actual PC

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Favorite ice cream flavor?

23 hours ago, Trisitei said:

fondest memory from your youth?

Aw geez, uh, I'll go with when my mom would read my siblings and I books before we went to bed. Not just kids books, mind you; she read us the entire Harry Potter series. It's not one specific memory, mind you, but it's one that brings me back.

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A TV show you believe was cut too soon
Besides Young Justice because too easy

18 hours ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite ice cream flavor?

I love chocolate, but i'm starting to find a new appreciation for strawberry.

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1 hour ago, Trisitei said:

A TV show you believe was cut too soon
Besides Young Justice because too easy

Star Trek Enterprise got cancelled just as it was starting to get good.

Same question.

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What would be your wishlist for Heroes?

10 minutes ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Same question.

i wasn't watching it when it aired, but i really like Andy Richter Controls the Universe
shame it got cut short

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What are you favorite and least favorite parts of Fire Emblem?

On 5/2/2017 at 11:54 PM, Trisitei said:

Do you play games for the story or for the gameplay?

Mainly gameplay, although thats not to say I won't play something for it's story.

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How far are you in Xenoblade Chronicles?

15 hours ago, Robert of Normandy said:

Opinion of roller coasters?

Roller coasters are great! I love thrills like that, and have been to numerous theme parks for the sake of riding awesome coasters.

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Have you played any of the other "Xeno" series?

33 minutes ago, Emerson said:

What are you favorite and least favorite parts of Fire Emblem?

I like the freedom the games give you. No two playthroughs of an FE game ever have to be the same, since even in games without a lot of customization features you have a lot of units to pick from and can change up your strategies a lot. I also appreciate that it's a low numbers game compared to other RPGs.

As for least favorite...eh, it's hard to say that there's one thing that's true of the whole series that I especially don't like. I guess I'll cheat and say "the community" because people are a bunch of negative nancies about everything.

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Any other place in the country you'd want to live in?

1 hour ago, Robert of Normandy said:

For characters or what?

Do you like shrimp?

Characters of course.

Hell yes

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