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Have you ever defenestrated someone, or been defenestrated yourself?

22 hours ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

If you were given three wishes, what would you do?

I suppose asking for godlike powers and a universe to rule wouldn't work? Well, I suppose I might ask for magical control over the forces of winter (meaning the power to create and control snow, ice, wind, and the cold itself) as my first wish. I would promptly use these powers to conquer the entire world.

The second wish is harder to figure out. Immortality might work, but I feel it might not be good for when the sun might swallow the Earth in ~5 billion years. Instead, maybe general invulnerability - incredibly high physical resistance, complete cold resistance, perfect immune system, no longer having the need to sleep, eat, drink, etc. Basically, immortality to all things except age, and even there having an extended lifespan.

As for the third, well, if it were coming from a genie, I'd just release him. I mean, he just instigated the rise of the ruler of a new global empire. He deserves a break from wish granting. But if the wishes didn't come from a genie, I'd just keep it to be used in a future time when I figure out what to do with it.

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What is your obsession with defenestration, aside from the fact that it's a rather funny concept?

7 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Have you ever defenestrated someone/been defenestrated yourself?

No, though in eons past a friend once voluntarily jumped out my window.

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4 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

What is your obsession with defenestration, aside from the fact that it's a rather funny concept? (my emphasis - S. of L.)

You have answered the question yourself. I found it funny once and never got over the humor of it.

If you were given control over any individual country past or present, which country would you choose?


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Favorite historical time era/topic?

4 minutes ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

If you were given control over any individual country past or present, which country would you choose?

If I had the Roman Empire, specifically if I was a new Byzantine Emperor somewhere in the years of ~700-1000, I could probably have kept their splendor alive for longer and possibly re-certified their control over Europe. I mean, at least I wouldn't be worse than the emperors they did have.

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3 minutes ago, Rex Glacies said:

Favorite historical time era/topic?

Medieval/late medieval.

Supposing you were in control of the East-Roman Empire at the end of the Iconoclast Controversy (c. 834, look it up). What would your strategy for reconquest be?

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1 minute ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

how cute do you think you are, on a scale of 1 to natalie portman

Cute factor (S of L)= the square root of the negative of Natalie Portman.

What of you?

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3 minutes ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

when was the last time you employed realpolitik

I don't remember. Of course it doesn't help that I don't know the exact definition of realpolitik to begin with.

Have you ever behaved like a Fire Emblem character in public?


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4 hours ago, SullyMcGully said:

Would you like for me to be your bodyguard?

Perhaps so, but qualifying as a bodyguard for a lady such as myself is of the highest of honour. After all, one must earn my utmost trust if they are to qualify for the role. Mind you, my bodyguard must conform with my uniform and simply must not be entirely repulsive in appearance. Oh, might you be referring to my "online bodyguard"? Very well, you may be such a thing if you desire. I shall expect you to die for me, virtually that is.

Would an individual such as yourself ever wish live in a real castle?

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7 minutes ago, Clarine said:

Would an individual such as yourself ever wish live in a real castle?

Wouldn't mind it too much, although I'm satisfied with the regular old house I have now.

In what ways does your personality IRL compare to that of your namesake?

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4 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

Would you hire butler(s) if you lived in a castle?

Most certainly, I may even hire some maids for some specific roles. Of course, such individuals are to abide to their allocated attire. I simply cannot see this any other way, for I have always had my "help" to work for me. Of course, such may just be the same.

Would wearing a crown make you feel most uneasy or perhaps powerful?

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if you had the attention of the entire world for a minute, what would you say?

7 hours ago, Clarine said:

Might you be one to support a world that is more dangerous, but far more akin to that of a fantasy setting?

I would like one more so things would be more interesting. like a mix of modern day/sci-fi technology with fantasy elements. An example i would give would be something similar to like Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy XV and Xenosaga

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1 hour ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

how cute do you think you are, on a scale of 1 to natalie portman

Well since this one was for me I'll answer it anyway

Probably an Astolfo/10 ;)


I guess 9/10

Cute is the word a lot of people use to describe me on here.... lol


1 hour ago, Sigismund of Luxemburg said:

Have you ever punched someone?

Ive been in a "fight" before but there was no punching heh

it was a pretty easy fight 


How was your day today?

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13 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

if you had the attention of the entire world for a minute, what would you say?

I, for one, would not know. Perhaps I can reprimand the world for being unspeakably uncouth, dreadful and overly mundane. Of course, I might even be one to attempt to seize political power within the minute.

And just what are your sentiments regarding humanity?

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22 hours ago, buttmuncher.ops said:

one thousand and one nights

you earn the rare chance to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel yugi. what's your villainous catchphrase?

"I'm going to beat you like Rafael did in the anime."



"I'm going to beat you like you beat Jaden in GX."


If you were to have a movie made about your life (or a story (made up or real) with you as the main character), who would you get to play the role of you? (You must choose someone other than yourself.)

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