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Favorite Weapon Type!

Gaggle of Geese


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  1. 1. What is your favorite weapon type in the Fire Emblem series?

    • Swords
    • Lances
    • Axes
    • Bows
    • Magic
    • Staves

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Cyclone, huh? To be honest, I didn't see many of Genis's advanced T-line spells as all that great for the TP cost...

I never cared much about TP cost, though. Just how many hits, or how cool it looked, or how easy it made beating on the enemy with Lloyd. Or outright damage, sometimes.

And there's the fact that I just like wind spells. Unless the enemy was actually weak to something else, I'd generally go with wind spells. Or Thunder Blade, since that spell is amazing for a mid spell.

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I love magic in general, especially dark magic and the protagonist characters that use it. :D

Overall, with my general class preference to thieves/assassins/swordmasters, swords and knives also fall onto the list of things I like. :P

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I'll say dark magic, simply because the animations look cool and the characters using it often are mysterious. :newyears:

Closely followed by all kinds of anima magic (I don't really prefer either type of them) and swords.

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For me it's (in order): Dark magic, Anima magic (wind, thunder, fire), Axes, Staves, Light magic, Lances, Knives (underdog yay), Bows, Swords.

Although truth be told I like all of them, particularly when they can give me an advantage wink.gif. Also, the bottom two are the ones I train with most IRL. Weird.

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Swords are always great, but seeing as swordies are often the main bulk of my army, they're not really special. Soo, let's go with lances instead. Bows come in at a close second, especially the longbow. :D

As for magic, it's thunder all the way. I love to Tron-bomb me some motherfuckers!

(That said, I didn't care for Ilyana at all. -_-)

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Bows. I've always liked bows. They kill Dragonknights in FE11/12, which are some of the must fucking annoying enemies ever especially on higher difficulties, they're never countered, and the users tend to have good player phase. FE4 brings it to another level since you can use them player phase then equip another weapon for enemy phase, Ichival is there to make short work of tough foes, and skills make it so bow users can more often than not ORKO an enemy. And then we get to FE2, where bows are the best weapon in the game by a laughable margin. 1-3 range and 1-5 range. Quick Ring Bow Knight can stomp across the field with 19 attack range. Need I say more?

I also like magic depending on the game. FE2, 4, and 11 I use it, but in GBAFE (with the exception of Canas, Lugh, and Artur), 9, and 10, I don't care for it much.

Axes don't have too much appeal to me. I don't avoid them or anything but they can be obsolete at times (hello FE4).

Swords I've always liked because honestly, they work out best most early game and by the time you could use something else (if at all), you probably have a better sword rank and can just keep using them instead.

Lances are good. They have the right balance between strength and hit, have a pretty reliable 1-2 range in Javelins, and tend to not get much WTD when it matters. Sadly they're usually a poor earlygame weapon because of axes everywhere, but they work out.

Staves... I just don't know sometimes. They appear as white magic in FE2 and are pretty good, and there's crazy stuff like Illusion and Dear. FE4 they're essential as they're one of few ways to heal. GBAFE... ugh. I never end up using them as much as I think I will, healers become underleveled because of terrible exp gains, and they usually don't do much except stuff like Warp and Fortify- nice, but limited. FE9 is the same deal-they don't give enough exp, don't see that much use, and the users usually have lower movement. FE10... don't even get me started. Staves are just weakened pathetically by the appearance of the ridiculous healing items, using them fucking equips them and they're just so mediocre.

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Swords are always great, but seeing as swordies are often the main bulk of my army, they're not really special. Soo, let's go with lances instead. Bows come in at a close second, especially the longbow. :D

As for magic, it's thunder all the way. I love to Tron-bomb me some motherfuckers!

(That said, I didn't care for Ilyana at all. -_-)

On bows: They're among my more favored weapons. But longbows, to be blunt, sucked in pretty much every Fire Emblem game except Shadow Dragon because they either were weak (non-RD/SD FEs) or had accuracy issues (FE6 and RD, ESPECIALLY the latter, and it didn't help that they were obsoleted by Marksmen in that game).

Bows. I've always liked bows. They kill Dragonknights in FE11/12, which are some of the must fucking annoying enemies ever especially on higher difficulties, they're never countered, and the users tend to have good player phase. FE4 brings it to another level since you can use them player phase then equip another weapon for enemy phase, Ichival is there to make short work of tough foes, and skills make it so bow users can more often than not ORKO an enemy. And then we get to FE2, where bows are the best weapon in the game by a laughable margin. 1-3 range and 1-5 range. Quick Ring Bow Knight can stomp across the field with 19 attack range. Need I say more?

I also like magic depending on the game. FE2, 4, and 11 I use it, but in GBAFE (with the exception of Canas, Lugh, and Artur), 9, and 10, I don't care for it much.

Axes don't have too much appeal to me. I don't avoid them or anything but they can be obsolete at times (hello FE4).

Swords I've always liked because honestly, they work out best most early game and by the time you could use something else (if at all), you probably have a better sword rank and can just keep using them instead.

Lances are good. They have the right balance between strength and hit, have a pretty reliable 1-2 range in Javelins, and tend to not get much WTD when it matters. Sadly they're usually a poor earlygame weapon because of axes everywhere, but they work out.

Staves... I just don't know sometimes. They appear as white magic in FE2 and are pretty good, and there's crazy stuff like Illusion and Dear. FE4 they're essential as they're one of few ways to heal. GBAFE... ugh. I never end up using them as much as I think I will, healers become underleveled because of terrible exp gains, and they usually don't do much except stuff like Warp and Fortify- nice, but limited. FE9 is the same deal-they don't give enough exp, don't see that much use, and the users usually have lower movement. FE10... don't even get me started. Staves are just weakened pathetically by the appearance of the ridiculous healing items, using them fucking equips them and they're just so mediocre.

To be honest... You just love your bows, don't you. I like how they laugh at counters as well, and in some games, javelins and hand axes are too inaccurate to rely on (FE6 and FE9).

On magic: Since enemies usually have less resistance than defense...

Agree on axes and lances, as well as swords.

Staves... Anything before FE6 is not my forte at all, so can't comment there. But while they're not that great in RD, I still prefer healers to self healing, though I keep vulneraries in case a healer isn't in sight or something. Other than that, vulneraries and their 10 HP of healing start becoming inadequate going into midgame in most FEs.

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Don't staves count as Magic, especially if you aren't splitting magic?

Either way, Lances tend to be my preference for general reliability.

The reason magic isn't split up here is because in many FEs, it isn't split up (there's no wind/fire/thunder in the GBA games, and there's no Light/Dark in Akaneia or Dark in FE9). But Magic and Staves are always seperate.

I like staves the most, followed by magic... just because I like siege tomes. I just wish there was a way for them to be useful beyond five uses.

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The reason magic isn't split up here is because in many FEs, it isn't split up (there's no wind/fire/thunder in the GBA games, and there's no Light/Dark in Akaneia or Dark in FE9). But Magic and Staves are always seperate.

You can always split it to:

GBA Anima




And what does no Light/Dark in any specific game have to do with it existing as a whole? For that matter, what about Knives? Possibly even Laguz weapons.

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Staves, I wouldn't have got through FE5 without some wacky warping. There's also the wide array of effects they have. It's a shame healers are so hard to level in FE1. Bows come a close second, mounted archers are pretty nice.

Edited by Dokutayuu
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Kinda surprised at how lances are winning...

I prefer blasting everything to smithereens/ zapping them to death. Magic FTW. (Mainly anima. Light is pretty bleh unless it's FE4.)

Not really particular on the rest, though. Swords are pretty overused, lances and bows are okay...hardly ever use axes. 

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