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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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i'd be interested in a 0% growths, just offhand (this is gonna sound really arrogant) i want to say that it'd look something similar to my runs except with even tighter move requirements

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But would you use those units for much longer? I've done perfectly well with reaching lv. 20 then promoting, but then I have a fixed team that will only get changed if someone better comes along (Ilanice is currently on my drop list for her appalling strength, but everyone else is doing pretty well because I've focused on them - and have virtually unused Garath, Chase, Fieully, Marius etc. sitting back in the reserves. Seeing as I reset on losing someone, my reserves aren't really needed). Think about it, if you promote early you'll get an immediate stat boost that may make things slightly easier for the moment, but come the endgame you may well regret locking yourself out of five (or ten if this was vanilla FE) levels worth of stats. Promoting at level ten automatically stops a unit from gaining about a quarter of their potential power! Not to mention that promoted units gain exp even slower, so after that stat boost it then becomes harder to gain subsequent boosts.

...If you do plan on using those units simply as filler until something useful comes along, then I suppose promoting earlier will help. Bit of a waste of a promotion item though...

Okay, rant over. I acknowledge that some people will indeed promote as soon as possible anyway, but opening the option in Do5 to promote sooner is probably not going to help people much with difficulty. This is not FE8, where nearly anything would work because difficulty was flipping low anyway!

okay i really want to just say "your question is utterly, bewilderingly stupid" and be done with it, but it looks like you really have no idea why that is, so here's a thorough explanation.

part one of your argument suggests that i'll use a promotion item on a unit and then leave him on a bench. this is such a silly suggestion that i don't even know where to begin. the point of promoting a unit is so that he can stay relevant for as long as possible. this can be short-term or long-term depending on the quality of new recruits. by promoting the unit, i've maximized his utility from my point of view - how is this a bad thing?

part two of your argument seems to imply that i don't know how to do basic arithmetic. of course i lose out on "potential" levels, but the potential level argument falls short on three accounts:

1. it makes the assumption that 20/20 is a realistically attainable endgame level, which is not true for most playstyles in most FE games.

2. it makes the assumption that having slightly better performance in the long-term is more desirable than having significantly better performance in the short-term.

3. it makes the assumption that an unpromoted unit and his promoted counterpart can fight the same number of rounds of combat and get the same number of kills. promoted units have more movement and better stats, therefore they see more combat.

part three of your argument makes a possible concession, but you take it right back because you think it won't make a difference. if it won't make a difference, then i wouldn't be complaining about it.

Well, something paperblade has noticed with the new patch is that you start gaining the equivalent of a kill (7exp) once you are about 4 levels above the enemy level by hitting them, so in the end you will get more exp from hits than kills. If you really want me to decrease the min limit, tell me what level it should be at.

either L12 or L14. i don't like L13 because it's a prime number =P i think that purposely trying to grind by chipping at enemies is kind of dumb, but that's not my call to make.

How much durability should they have then? 12 defence?

well let's look at FE11 and FE12 enemy samples:

FE11 chapter 16 paladins have 42 HP, 10 def

FE12 chapter 8 paladins have 42 HP, 8 def

FE12 chapter 15 paladins have 47 HP, 11 def

and then the paladin in question that i distinctly remember was from chapter 11A and had 41 HP, 12 def. so if the DS games are any benchmark to go by, then 9-10 def seems to be more reasonable.

(i distinctly recall now that i had a bigger problem with the chapter 10A 36 HP, 13 def halbs, since only one unit also had the 17 AS required to double them and she did 5 x2 HP damage.)

Edited by dondon151
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either L12 or L14. i don't like L13 because it's a prime number =P i think that purposely trying to grind by chipping at enemies is kind of dumb, but that's not my call to make.

well let's look at FE11 and FE12 enemy samples:

FE11 chapter 16 paladins have 42 HP, 10 def

FE12 chapter 8 paladins have 42 HP, 8 def

FE12 chapter 15 paladins have 47 HP, 11 def

and then the paladin in question that i distinctly remember was from chapter 11A and had 41 HP, 12 def. so if the DS games are any benchmark to go by, then 9-10 def seems to be more reasonable.

(i distinctly recall now that i had a bigger problem with the chapter 10A 36 HP, 13 def halbs, since only one unit also had the 17 AS required to double them and she did 5 x2 HP damage.)

i'll purposely choose 13 then I think 14 is fine, considering most units by chapter 10 are about that level to use the master seal. Oh, no, I was just mentioning how most of the exp will appear, near the end of the routes you actually gain more exp from attacking enemies than actually killing them.

well the paladins have 14, I've decreased them to 12 and all the normal enemies so far have had 1-2 def nerfs

yeah the halberdiers are assholes, thinking of changing them

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Hey, er, I have a question. In the FEE3 Dream of Five video, you said there were, "script enhancements" (or something like that). How much enhancing did you do? Do you have some examples of stuff you enhanced?

Just curious, really.

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There's a lot of conditional text depending on units fielded or units alive that appear come after the main story dialogue happen

So more character dev and shit. Eclipse did an overhaul to the script we had in the last patch and it's damn good imo. She also more qualified than me to talk about it.

Another thing about characters is that supports are currently nonexistent, conversation-wise, so there's gonna be more fleshing out of characters once those are written, but they're low priority right now. The release content is also only halfway through the game, so more is yet to come.

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Oh, no, I was just mentioning how most of the exp will appear, near the end of the routes you actually gain more exp from attacking enemies than actually killing them.

this is actually impossible, it uses 0 if the kill EXP modifier is negative unless you messed with the EXP formula

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Hey, er, I have a question. In the FEE3 Dream of Five video, you said there were, "script enhancements" (or something like that). How much enhancing did you do? Do you have some examples of stuff you enhanced?

Just curious, really.

Why, whatever is the matter? Did you think we were unaware of your pathetic little plot? Or did you just hope we would let this equally pathetic little lordling join his knights to you? No. As wretched as your puny rebellion would be, I must cut it out from the womb, and you with it.

from 6x

strikethrough is old stuff that is removed

all that eclipse really did was make things more concise and made more sentences flow better

it's not like she rewrote entire chapters or anything



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I know Marc, for one, used turtling a lot in his playthrough. It seems that I have to eliminate that playstyle entirely by providing a turn limit or spawning super powerful enemies behind them, since it results in a boring game.

I caught a glimpse of this, and choked a little bit. I honestly believe this is the very opposite of a good level design philosophy.

The less choices you leave a player, the stiffer the gameplay becomes. Most players will regard as good and memorable chapters the ones that leave them larger liberties in their playstyles. Not ones that force them to use one specific approach. Turtling serves a use when you get a bad break, get a bit paranoid about a dangerous-looking situation, or simply fuck up in some way (it happens to even the best of us) and don't intend to waste what has been accomplished so far on a reset. If you have a problem of players turtling too much, I think it's more of an issue that advance is discouraged by being too punishing on them.

People rarely adopt a boring playstyle for the fun of it. Because it's not fun, it's boring.

Adding more severe punishments for turtling just feels like the overall goal here is not to create a balanced game, but something that makes really good FE players feel even better, and wants to get rid of anyone who isn't above a certain minimum skill level.

I'd make a parallel with the way teachers handle their students' lack of motivation, but that'd probably be way off-tangent.

Edited by Miacis
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I caught a glimpse of this, and choked a little bit. I honestly believe this is the very opposite of a good level design philosophy.

The less choices you leave a player, the stiffer the gameplay becomes. Most players will regard as good and memorable chapters the ones that leave them larger liberties in their playstyles.

if this were true in the least, the best level design would have nothing but open plain and a seize point, with no enemies or anything to trip up the player. puzzle games, whose sole purpose is to challenge the player with finding the unique solution, would be universally frowned upon as having the worst possible level design.

it follows from the mere existence of a level design that a player cannot just do whatever the fuck he wants to and clear the level.

Edited by dondon151
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Why, whatever is the matter? Did you think we were unaware of your pathetic little plot? Or did you just hope we would let this equally pathetic little lordling join his knights to you? No. As wretched as your puny rebellion would be, I must cut it out from the womb, and you with it.

from 6x

strikethrough is old stuff that is removed

all that eclipse really did was make things more concise and made more sentences flow better

it's not like she rewrote entire chapters or anything




Oh, I thought, like, an entire overhaul on chapters. Guess I was wrong, hehe... Eclipse really sounds like a great writer. No really, she has my respect.

As for the snapshots:

Picture 1: Lol. I guess Renair still needs to get used to riding on a dragon.

Picture 2: Another new character, looks cool. Also another new class, I imagine, judging by that suspicious map sprite on the top.

Also, will Renair's battle sprite have a special sprite for the new sword of hers?

I'm dying to see Renair's new battle sprite, I really am D:

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And I'm revamping the battlesprite yet again because I have no sense of priority and redesigns everything way too much

I would've made an axe animation if dan would let me though, it shouldn't be hard to edit from a super-claymoresized sword's more smashy than stabby animations

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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I'm interested in this.

It's definitely being implemented in hard mode, and if the turn limit expires then it's just going to a gameover.

if you would like i can post the cheat code i'm using for it i'm also considering posting a run through of it in rom hacking

also after playing a bit, it really makes you pay attention to range and positioning


looks like lumi is a female hero but shes sword locked which suggests sword master but, she looks to armored for that, hmn

Edit: i attached the vba cheat code file and the cheat code itself to the document

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that sprite is a GK or Cataphract as they're called in DoF.

In the FEE3 video is shows a playable one named Leofric.


I was talking about the girl.

Not the cataphract.

Also, Renair's animation is getting a custom animation for the sword, right?

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but that's the old version oh well new one can wait

can't ORKO a merc, character sucks

and she also faces 9 displayed crit

It's probably before the stats were put in lol

because the mercs can't even reach 9 crit at this point unless they're killing edge

I /think/ i dunno maybe they have 18 skill by 17 or something i've not seen the stats for that

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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