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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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-I think I missed Ilanice being intro'd as a knight, or why she's on her own in the middle of nowhere.

She gets a proper intro with Amelia in the new patch.

-Chester's unit being "decimated" might not be the best wording. [ADDITION: The technical definition of decimation in the military is the reduction of a unit by approximately or exactly one tenth of its forces, not near annihilation, which is what seemed to have happened to Chester's. It appears that a unit which has been decimated typically remains intact. This is not to say the word is totally inappropriate.]

Yeah, but I meant the more modern definition... which rather oddly lends itself more to odds of about one in ten LIVING.

-Similarity b/w first Renair/Furet support and opening of game.

Huh. I'll look into it.

-Juan's intro conversation kind of seeems to lack any reason for him to join.

Fixed. Now his reason to join is that he's an idiot- I mean, he's superstitious as fuck.

-Merchant refers to you as "Lord Astra" even though there is no Astra (on this route, yet).

Well, I'll DEFINITELY have to fix that...

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See, I never remember than, cause I'm pretty sure Shadow Dragon doesn't include terrain bonuses on stat screens and I was just playing that earlier today.

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How are you supposed to pronounce the first sword in the Assassin's inventory?

Otherwise, I'd love to see what happens when the patch goes public!

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As far as decimate goes

-I remember it being used to refer to Chester's unit.

-I think I remember Chester saying not only that his unit was decimated, but that he was the only survivor or that it was totally routed and failed to regroup or something along the lines of it being completely destroyed.

-While numerous dictionaries accept decimation to refer to not exactly mean the destruction of 1/10 of something, many seem to contain some hints of reservation about its usage as a complete annihilation (as I believe I mentioned was the reason for my misgivings in my note) of a group.

-In the sense that Chester is alive, Chester's unit was not annihilated; in the sense that Chester's unit was routed, failed to regroup, etc, and Chester sought absorption into another unit, it was completely annihilated. I admit the grey area; I wonder if the word used is the most effective.

-I admit don't have a good feeling for Chester, but if he was a soldier I would suspect he would have a greater chance than most to use fairly careful terminology to describe a military action, especially if his role was at all related to intel. This is what I think would be likely for a FE thief in a military/combat role (see Matthew, Leila, Ashtol, Volke) prior to being recruited, especially if he was aware of Renair's role as a commander of an allied group (because then he might consider his conversation with her something along the lines of an official report). But hey, maybe he was flustered about escaping out of death's maw or something. Certainly, when in a professional setting where one is normally at ease, a disruption in the norm can disturb one's equilibrium, even with disruptions that are far reduced compared to the deaths of evenone colleague!


and what if Chester's unit had just 10 people

I believe you mean "what if Chester's unit had just 1.1repeating people." Killing 1/10 of 10 would leave us 9 Chesters; Killing 1/10 of 1.1 would leave us approximately 1 Chester. However, perhaps you are just indicating that any dudes with red hair, such as that totally amazing dude who's an enemy, might be Chester in disguise.

Maybe that was the definition 2000 years ago in Classical Rome, but you might want to check a dictionary from after the Battle of Hastings.

Cromwell's decimation tax, which retained the 1/10 proportion,, is well past that battle, and military decimations occurred even in the 20th century (maybe even the current one, I dunno). Contrast with this the Meriam Webster dictionary, which only notes the decimation tax and still lists the archaic terms as the first two definitions (in fact, the 1994 edition even states something like "we don't know of any usages of decimate to refer toa 1/10 reduction that occurred since the Cromwell taxation." This is pathetically stupid for people who are supposed to be language experts when you consider a short novel by a well respected author was published with a fictional decimation as a titular event a few years earlier. If they missed something in literature, as well as decade-old-examples of examples more closely matching decimations in proportion or their arbitrary nature, what are the chances they paid any attention to fairly recent military correspondence that might have used the term?



Edited by L1049
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Ah, this hack has so many squiggly new swords and fancy new names. IT'S OVERWHELMING~

Serious comment: Flamberge seems to be the worst of the 3 swords as it lacks the crit that Kris does while having greater weight and less hit (two negatives) but a very minimal advantage in might

and if the Scimitar is effective versus... whatever wind swords were effective against, it's definitely the most OP

granted you're not necessarily going for balance so just consider this my personal thoughts or something

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Serious comment: Flamberge seems to be the worst of the 3 swords as it lacks the crit that Kris does while having greater weight and less hit (two negatives) but a very minimal advantage in might

you really haven't played fire emblem seriously if you don't know that a 1 MT or 2 MT difference is very significant

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Ah, this hack has so many squiggly new swords and fancy new names. IT'S OVERWHELMING~

Serious comment: Flamberge seems to be the worst of the 3 swords as it lacks the crit that Kris does while having greater weight and less hit (two negatives) but a very minimal advantage in might

and if the Scimitar is effective versus... whatever wind swords were effective against, it's definitely the most OP

granted you're not necessarily going for balance so just consider this my personal thoughts or something

so overwhelming man

you really haven't played fire emblem seriously if you don't know that a 1 MT or 2 MT difference is very significant

yeah i'm gonna go with this for mt

as if i'm giving you a scimitar

also of course i'm going for balance ;/

You can't :p

Wait until, like, October.

i blame you

and our needs for new graphics and animations

only 1 issue how is the paladin using a kris effectively as a kris is a dagger/short sword so if a paladin tried using one the could not effectively hit the enemy

as if the paladin animation ever made sense

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I'm sure it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but do you guys have an estimate on how large the hack will be whenever it's all said and done?

Also, pretty rude how long you're making this guy wait before he can finish his book. How's he supposed to publish it and make money off it if you guys don't hurry up?

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I'm sure it's mentioned elsewhere in this thread, but do you guys have an estimate on how large the hack will be whenever it's all said and done?

Also, pretty rude how long you're making this guy wait before he can finish his book. How's he supposed to publish it and make money off it if you guys don't hurry up?

35 main chapters, 42 in total (Because routes) + unknown number of gaidens.

well he can deal with it

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