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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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I may have a mag/str split depending, for those staves.

And I've already worked though about half the animation for the sword.

can i c it plz

too lazy to play through a hack for an animation, which is all I really play hacks for, anyway.

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Forgive me if this has been asked/answered before, but how will promotions for thieves work? If I recall correctly they aren't any branching promotions, so what is going on with the promotion into tricksters/assassins?

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Basically, males go Assassin, females go Trickster.

[spoiler=age old screenshot]


And this was made just when FE13 was out in japan, so details are missing, greatly

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Basically, males go Assassin, females go Trickster.

That's sexist, and you're a misogynist. Shame on you, all of you. Especially the women of the Dream of Five team. I can't believe that none of you have the will to stand up to oppressive pigs like AstraLunaSol.

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I'm starting a petition asking the Dream of Five team to stop being sexist in their hack

Take a stand!

I think that's actually the lamest thing I've ever seen you do in all of the years I've known you.

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  • 2 weeks later...


So I broke down and played this instead of waiting for the next patch. Just finished playing (both routes) and I have to say the game is amazing. Gameplay is challenging and fun, map design is great and the writing is top notch. Music in particular was one of my favorite parts about the hack, hearing some old favorites as well as some new ones gave a fresh feel and I pretty much loved everything I heard (Chapter 12B during part 2 with a female sniper and the stage with Cullahan were the two best themes in the entire game in my opinion). Needless to say I can't wait for the sound room.

I only really had a few gripes and they're mostly just my own picky personal preferences. Those being...

- Exp gain get really really low once units hit around lvl 16. While that's ok and a good way to prevent you from getting your characters to a high level quickly and steamrolling the game, I feel it also works against training units that have to catch up with your main army. Like your primary units' general level being 16-17 and having a 12/0 unit on the field that you want to train. While your getting around 5 exp from encounters and around 8-12 exp from kills in your main army, your lower level unit is only getting around 10-18 a kill and chances are he's being spoonfed kills by your stronger units for nearly every kill because the enemies are stronger. Again maybe it's just me but the exp gain could go up a bit, the way it is now will definitely hinder units you get later on in the game, especially Est types.

- This is even more of my own personal opinion but, honestly? The lack of special weapons you get so far. Throughout the game I was seeing Titanium weapons left and right as well as poison, hero, crit increasing weapons and other ones like Flamberge and the Glass weapons but I never saw any but a bloody or 2 land in the hands of my party (I was particularly interested in a certain crit increasing wind tome I saw in a chapter or two). To be fair no one had an A rank so hero weapons would be out of the question until later on but It felt a bit bogus worrying about what different crazy weapon my enemy had while I'm chipping away at my enemies with Iron and Steel weapons 70% of the time. Heck I don't even think I remember getting an axereaver weapon even though I saw one in one of the preview screens.

Well, fun part as always, units.

Blue = Musain / Red = Onduris


Musain: I initally thought Renair was going to be your typical Myrmidon/Lyn type unit but found her to have very respectable survivability and even damage. In Musain she was particularly tanky and I found her at the front lines for about 80% of the game. She did so well she hit 20/0 about 3 or so chapters before the end and I had to resort to using her for chip damage/meatshielding. She could have done a bit better in the damage department but she's still miles better than Lyn. And once you get Kris her damage problems are basically over.

Onduris: Didn't find her as necessary in this one. With all the speedy enemies she was having trouble doubling things as well as killing them. I couldn't really place her on the frontlines like in Musain either due to the higher accuracy enemies as well as her def and luck lagging a bit behind the other route, she only just hit 20/0 near the end of 13B. The extra strength and skill she got was lovely though.

All in all she's a great unit with a great prf weapon. It's just a shame she promotes so late. She WILL be benched or demoted to chip damage/meatshielding before you're finished playing.


Overall: Jeiganiest Jeigan in all of Jeigandom and it indeed shows. He quickly loses his luster after you pick either route and he's not particularly amazing to begin with, but he made a great meatshield and chipper with his bow (particularly the greatbow). He's pretty useful for a nice chunk of Musain but loses his luster much quicker in Onduris especially with all the other units that need the EXP. Jeigan in it's purest state. He's vital for earlier chapters, but you won't be using him halfway through the game, I guarantee it. Bench him as soon as Driscoll gets up to snuff.


Musain: Was struggling earlygame, damage and speed consistently left much to be desired and it carried into the musain chapters. By the time he started to pick up other units were already doing better and eventually he was reduced to backup status. He was growing nicely near the end though, took him to last chapter since I had the room.

Onduris: Headliner in this route. Grew much quicker, was a stronger Renair during earlygame and ended up surprisingly tanky. Gave him the promotion item over Driscoll.


Musain: Primary flyer unit. She had damage issues early on but eventually picked up and her resistance was a Godsend against the many

magic units. She couldn't take a physical hit hit to save her life but she did a pretty nice job of dodging them. Oh yeah she was the only other character that could double everything. Did I mention her special lance is amazing?

Onduris: Benched. Between all the bow units surrounding speedy sword units that she couldn't double as well as low damage to those sword units and nearly no damage to enemy wyvern units who 2HKO her with decent accuracy... she started to become more of a liability than anything. Had to make her hit the showers halfway through.


Musain: Pretty bad honestly, couldn't double anything and was actually getting doubled as a rule early on. 2HKOed by everything and can't ORKO anything except soldiers and some generals who can usually hit her back. Think Micaiah only without the Thani bombing. Horrible, basically. I benched her the second I got Enjolras.

Onduris: Primary magic unit and MVP of said Route. Picked up quickly, doubled everything but Myrmidons, Bosses and some Mercs, still gets 2HKOed but dodges a fair bit more. She was the prime pick for the promotion item, she unfortunately never got to see any action by the time she actually promoted though. Prime example of how random the RNG can be.


Overall: Mandatory thief unit. You'll use him, you have to. He has to be fed kills as his strength sucks. He's pretty much your typical

Thief but slightly better on the battlefield. Onduris route was looking a bit more promising with his stat gains. He'll be a pretty sick Assassin/Rogue I imagine. Too bad you already have a bunch of good sword units in that route already...


Glassiest Archer cannon I ever did see.

Overall: Performed quite well in both routes honestly. He's going to get Str/Skl/Spd and not much else no matter what pretty much. Had a bit more trouble doubling and doing damage in Musain, got an extra point or two in both in Onduris as well as the squishier enemies. Chances are you'll be using him unless you decide to look towards your other option in Onduris.


Overall: Your first healer. Mandatory for most of the game, very slow and easily killed. He was outdone by Lia in Musain and she was given the promo item. But he did much better in Onduris and traded 1 Spd and 2 Skl for a whopping 4 Def, 1 Res, 2 Mag and 1 Luck. Needless to say he was given the promo item and became a Micaiah of sorts. Healing my units and bombing when necessary. The Physic helped a lot too. He's a decent unit but he won't be seeing much other than staffbotting.


Overall: Mounted healer. These are usually always good. Her survivability blows but at least she doesn't have to worry about getting doubled like Asher. Main healing unit in Musain and given the promo item but lagged behind in Onduris and demoted to second string healing.


Musain: MVP in this route. Killed everything, didn't care. Was given the promo item and was mandatory for 14A. Great Axe unit.

Onduris: Definitely much more underwhelming in this route. The surplus of sword users and a good 4-5 Def that he didn't get from the other route noticeably hurt his game here even with Labrys. Still a good unit but not quite as necessary or amazing. That and you get a pirate that could potentially take his place. Even if he can't promote.


Musain: Secondary flyer and benched for a nice portion of the route. Used mostly for meatshielding due to the insane def he was getting. Str was nothing to sneeze at but all the magic users running around killed it for him. Took him to the 14A, did his meatshielding job very well.

Onduris: Main flyer unit. All the sword units running around finally allowed his special weapon to shine and was all but essential in the later chapters. His strength got screwed and his def could have been a bit better but his speed skyrocketed and I found him doubling things and avoiding getting doubled. Another example of the RNG and it's randomness.


Musain: Incredible. Main magic unit and 2nd best unit overall for this route. Started doubling everything and never stopped with surprisingly minimal trouble hitting things, capped magic incredibly fast and his res was so amazing he was ORKOing enemy mages (along with almost everything else) who were doing 0 damage to him. Gave him the promo item as soon as I got it but like Route B Amelia, he sadly never got to see any action after he got it.

Onduris: Dissapointment all around. Performed much more like the traditional shaman, never really doubled, not even wyverns, could 2HKO most units but only if he could hit them, almost never gained skill (I gave him the Artemis scroll btw) and was 2HKOed on top of low avoid. Took him to nearly every chapter but ended up as a secondary unit regardless.

Pretty Polarizing, some of these units. The only units that were great in both routes were Renair, Crowe and Driscoll. Ok the exclusives now.


Hector with a magic axe basically. That said a decent unit but inferior to Driscoll for kills. The best meatshield in the game though. Few things can hurt him and even fewer can kill him.


Not particularly amazing in any way but decent if Amelia fell through the cracks. His special tome is nice too.


Hit 20/0 at the very end of 14B. Average. Struggled to kill things but had decent survivability with his prf weapon. Starting getting great levels around 16/0 hence the stats. It'll be interesting to see what he promotes into. Maybe just a mount but i feel like someone like him would promote into a swordmaster variant with swords and lances, that would be pretty cool.


Average extra healer. Ok speed but mag isn't even in the ballpark with either of the other 2. Dat res is nice though. Use her until she stops being forced then most likely benched.


Used him for about a chapter or two after I got him. A pretty promising bowman who will most likely double everything and the horse is nice but I was forced to pick between him and Crowe and the latter was doing better so unfortunately he was benched. I could see him being a great candidate for your Bowman if your Crowe was screwed or you chose simply not to use him though.


Pretty good unit. She's basically Nephenee but without the amazing res. Speedy but respectable strength. Carried her weight well in every chapter but a bit squishy for a soldier, she never recovered from that. Was beastly after promoting but still felt squishy afterwards.


10 Base speed in a land of speedy myrmidons and mercenaries is not a good thing to have. A potentially good unit bogged down by subpar damage and mediocre survivability. He appears to be the Tank variant of Seren with his superior damage and defense at a much lower level but the low exp gain and tough enemies made it hard for him to get kills that weren't fed to him. Brought him to the majority of chapters but was the third wheel in basically all of them.

Other units mostly unused.


Annelise: Didn't use her, decent in the chapter she's in and carries the killer weapon. Not as squishy as Illanice but most likely not as fast. If your Illanice didn't get strength screwed then you most likely won't bother with her.
River: Was looking promising, overshadowed by Gabriel. Could definitely see her replacing him in other playthroughs though.
Marius & Feuilly: Didn't touch them. Not a big fan of Cavaliers and they didn't look particularly promising either.
Balder: Potentially a good unit but the limited supply of good axes, surplus of sword users, tight EXP and limited amount of deployable units for each chapter gives little reason to use him if you're already using Driscoll. Too bad, I love Berserkers.

Inari: She brings the Kris. Decent in her starting chapter and your go-to if Kolbane got screwed. I imagine she probably has better growths then him. Didn't bother with her though as my Kolbane was looking nice already.

Vixenk: He's alright. Myrmidons and Swordmasters are my favorite units but swords were limited and I had already committed to using the sword users I had. Stripped his bloody edge and benched after his starting chapter.

I look forward to seeing the game finished and what other units you get later on. So now a few questions, though you might not be able to answer them all.

- How many chapters will the full game have?

- Will the route split continue or will you be going to the same place with each respective army?

- Will there be another route split later?

- Will you get units you only get in certain routes later on with altered stats? (IE Kamus in Ch.15 assuming you went route A)

- When does Renair promote?

- When does Arcus and Seymour promote?

- Does Enjolras use a special promotion item or can he use an Inner Light like normal magic users?

- Does the bard at the beginning of the game effect the game in any way by being male or female?

- How difficult is it to make this (A) hack?

- Will there be a new patch any time soon? (Sorry, had to.)

Anyways, great hack and can't wait for the finished product.

Edited by Zeo
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oh god

time to reply to stuff

stuff in bold+underline is my reply


So I broke down and played this instead of waiting for the next patch. Just finished playing (both routes) and I have to say the game is amazing. Gameplay is challenging and fun, map design is great and the writing is top notch. Music in particular was one of my favorite parts about the hack, hearing some old favorites as well as some new ones gave a fresh feel and I pretty much loved everything I heard (Chapter 12B during part 2 with a female sniper and the stage with Cullahan were the two best themes in the entire game in my opinion). Needless to say I can't wait for the sound room.

I only really had a few gripes and they're mostly just my own picky personal preferences. Those being...

- Exp gain get really really low once units hit around lvl 16. While that's ok and a good way to prevent you from getting your characters to a high level quickly and steamrolling the game, I feel it also works against training units that have to catch up with your main army. Like your primary units' general level being 16-17 and having a 12/0 unit on the field that you want to train. While your getting around 5 exp from encounters and around 8-12 exp from kills in your main army, your lower level unit is only getting around 10-18 a kill and chances are he's being spoonfed kills by your stronger units for nearly every kill because the enemies are stronger. Again maybe it's just me but the exp gain could go up a bit, the way it is now will definitely hinder units you get later on in the game, especially Est types.

I'm going to edit lategame routes to have more promoted units, which will result in more exp to go around. Maybe some higher levels too. There's only 1 Est type, and he's not even really an est since his stats are alright. He can also promote on his join.

- This is even more of my own personal opinion but, honestly? The lack of special weapons you get so far. Throughout the game I was seeing Titanium weapons left and right as well as poison, hero, crit increasing weapons and other ones like Flamberge and the Glass weapons but I never saw any but a bloody or 2 land in the hands of my party (I was particularly interested in a certain crit increasing wind tome I saw in a chapter or two). To be fair no one had an A rank so hero weapons would be out of the question until later on but It felt a bit bogus worrying about what different crazy weapon my enemy had while I'm chipping away at my enemies with Iron and Steel weapons 70% of the time. Heck I don't even think I remember getting an axereaver weapon even though I saw one in one of the preview screens.

The axereaver is on one of the cavs. Also, in the next patch, the route chapters should have more variety in weapon droppage, giving you better weapons. Which will make the hack a bit easier. (especially since I'm lowering enemy defense a bit, and increasing their attack/accuracy)

I look forward to seeing the game finished and what other units you get later on. So now a few questions, though you might not be able to answer them all.

- How many chapters will the full game have?

In total, ~45

In a single playthrough without mandatory gaidens, ~32

- Will the route split continue or will you be going to the same place with each respective army?

Latter, though some dialogue trees will change depending on which route is taken.

- Will there be another route split later?

None planned, probably won't. It's a lot of effort to do route splits. In terms of actual chapters, I've made about 21, enough for a small FE game.

- Will you get units you only get in certain routes later on with altered stats? (IE Kamus in Ch.15 assuming you went route A)

Yes, they'll have their average stats at level 16-18, depending on the unit.

- When does Renair promote?

Chapter 16.

- When does Arcus and Seymour promote?

~18-19 ish.

- Does Enjolras use a special promotion item or can he use an Inner Light like normal magic users?

He uses the same promo items as mages.

- Does the bard at the beginning of the game effect the game in any way by being male or female?

Dialogue a bit, but otherwise no.

- How difficult is it to make this (A) hack?

What do you mean by this question?

- Will there be a new patch any time soon? (Sorry, had to.)

No, I'm incredibly busy with school, and we're going back and fixing up some of the gameplay and dialogue. Dialogue especially.

Anyways, great hack and can't wait for the finished product.

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I think that's actually the lamest thing I've ever seen you do in all of the years I've known you.

You forget the time when he pretended to be a woman and tried to woo people with nude pix of himself.

No wait, that was me.

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I've been playing through this as well (slowly, very slowly). Been keeping a log of funky stuff I've noticed:

[spoiler=Chapter by chapter]DoF v4 notes

- Map lacks flow
- Portrait overlap when you see Garath and Kolbane for the first time looks way off.
- Garath seems to be [MidLeft] and Kolbane

- Make Garath [FarLeft]
- Asher join convo seems rather shallow. It can kind of be summed up as:
Renair: "YOU. FOLLOW."
Asher: "'KAY"
- Discan smiles when he dies?
- Asher mentions some Cajel place or so but it's up to the reader
to figure out what the hell Cajel is. Is it a village? Is it a pot?
Quick fix: Instead of saying just "Cajel" have him say "the village of Cajel." Instant clarity.

Chapter 1:
Opening event
- Music shift after the letter giving scene is very odd and out of place
- Asher's little reminiscence is woefully out of place in a scene of adrenaline and action.
- Recommend moving it to the end of the player's first turn.

- Kind of confused about why Kolbane is hanging out with Amelia and Ilanice.
The girls talking makes sense but Kolb just seems kind of there.
Maybe give him some sort of entrance?
- Ilanice talking frames glitch out too (I think it's the smiling ones).

Chapter 2:
- Battle background is plains? Doesn't match the map.
Chester Intro
- Awkward [A] button prompt breaks the flow of his first sentence.

Darrick Opening battle quote missing a "!" after "War".

Ending Event
- Chester moves his mouth for the line "..."
- Use [ToggleMouthMove] before and after this line to remedy this.

Chapter 3:
- World Map prologue
- "Themselves" mispelt as "themseleves"

- Awkwardly long pause after viewing Renair's journal

- Crowe
- "...and you're just an idiot." Classic. I love it.
- His description needs a comma after "drink" to signify that "drink" and "women"
are two seperate ideas and that it's not "drink and women" as one thing.

- Crispin
- I'm noticing you like to put [A] prompts in awkward spots.
Crispin is no exception. His battle quote would flow so
much better if you put the [A] prompt after "good job..."
Otherwise your putting a pause in the middle of the
sentence when no pause would exist there in normal speech.

- Rankin smiling after Crispin's death seems awkward given his speech.

That's all for now. I can drop off some notes every few chapters if you want.

I sound nitpicky (And I am) but I'm really liking this project so far. Stellar work.

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