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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Lolol at the old stuff. xD

I actually really like the old hand axe icon though. o 3o (But the Hurlbat icon is still cooler.)

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...probably still better than the average hack.

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As for the tent, there should be a super reward for someone who manages to beat every chapter with the tent intact. Because it just isn't worth it.

I want to see this happen. and it wouldn't add anything to my hack because it's too easy to keep the tent alive

too many perma event ids can't handle

sorry, I'm not letting you have any excuses not to.


Open it in a hex editor and edit the "CC" byte (use ctrl+F) to change the level the tent character must be for them to have survived every possible chapter. It assumes that the tent is promoted (i.e. that you have at least 20 chapters that the tent can level-up on).

Once you change that byte to the level they should be (in hex), save and copy that data to any offset and use IFAT 0xII 0xOFFSET+1 to check if the transporter's level is 00. What's after is if it's true, else is false. 0xII is the conditional ID. For example, you can just do

IFAT 0x00 0xD40001
//Insert reward here
ENIF 0x00

assuming the ASM is at 0xD40000.

Should take no longer than 2 minutes to implement, the hardest parts being finding free space and thinking of a reward for the player, lol. And you don't owe me anything, not even credit, this took more time to explain than it did to make and I did it because I'm so bored of studying for finals and I only started like 2 hours ago... >_>'

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So, I let the tent dies.

Guess what happened.

Juan dies to the boss... (doubled critical with her lancereaver style sword) I was pretty much finished with the chapter too... Not to mention I got some RNG lucks for the pirate crew, and escaped with the dancer princess hold style over water.

In anger I tried to "reset" it with file I had saved before...Only to have it glitch and not save the progress beforehand and gave me chapter 9b save instead, now I have to finish chapter 9b before i could move on. (The save glitch apparently was when I "saved" for my Bellathe or whatever her face is when i was about to move her in the range of the ranged swordmaster on a house. Turned out it closed my game. Probably hit a wrong key and didn't realize it.)

You know which the next three words are to appears.

And the worst of all?

Juan was in the lone forest tile on the left side of the wall next to the inn. (Just in range, but safe enough to lure boss and launch my gangnam style on her for the 2nd to last rout before I could facecheck whatever's in Inn if there's a visit option)


Edited by Ubel Engel
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dondon's opinion time

- earlygame enemies (basically prologue, chapters 1-2) are too difficult. i think it's mostly a combination between the mercs having a lot of HP and being too fast (thus having more avo and avoiding being doubled or doubling player units). the enemies stagnate as player units get better while enemy units don't change much, if at all.

- that top right village in the prologue is too far away :(:

- asher kind of sucks. i don't mind his terrible bases, but he's getting the short end of the stick EXP-wise even with accelerated staff EXP. will have to withhold further judgment though because units like malliesia are in the same position and turn out decent. i will say that he really doesn't help out much at all in the earlygame maps, though.

- props to whomever came up with the idea of +2 def on the gold edge. that makes renair 100x more usable.

- a prep menu before chapter 6x would be nice. you can just force renair + garath and then cap the player unit slots at 2 units.

- the chapter 6x boss has too much HP. i'm pretty sure that only arcus and enjo net positive damage on the guy (and arcus only nets 1 HP damage at base). obviously if you reduce his HP to 34 or less, though, that would make him too easy since enjo would 2RKO at base with thunder. tough call here.

- i remember crowe being better than he is now. i think the issue is that his base spd is just short of comfortable doubling range, and without doubling, he's basically strictly worse than amelia or gabriel. he's significantly less powerful even with a steel bow and less accurate as well.

Edited by HORSEBlRD
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at all

also units usability depends on routes

crowe is infinitely more useful in onduris than musain

Lolol at the old stuff. xD

I actually really like the old hand axe icon though. o 3o (But the Hurlbat icon is still cooler.)

it's still in

I want to see this happen. and it wouldn't add anything to my hack because it's too easy to keep the tent alive

sorry, I'm not letting you have any excuses not to.


Open it in a hex editor and edit the "CC" byte (use ctrl+F) to change the level the tent character must be for them to have survived every possible chapter. It assumes that the tent is promoted (i.e. that you have at least 20 chapters that the tent can level-up on).

Once you change that byte to the level they should be (in hex), save and copy that data to any offset and use IFAT 0xII 0xOFFSET+1 to check if the transporter's level is 00. What's after is if it's true, else is false. 0xII is the conditional ID. For example, you can just do

IFAT 0x00 0xD40001
//Insert reward here
ENIF 0x00

assuming the ASM is at 0xD40000.

Should take no longer than 2 minutes to implement, the hardest parts being finding free space and thinking of a reward for the player, lol. And you don't owe me anything, not even credit, this took more time to explain than it did to make and I did it because I'm so bored of studying for finals and I only started like 2 hours ago... >_>'


dondon's opinion time

- asher kind of sucks. i don't mind his terrible bases, but he's getting the short end of the stick EXP-wise even with accelerated staff EXP. will have to withhold further judgment though because units like malliesia are in the same position and turn out decent. i will say that he really doesn't help out much at all in the earlygame maps, though.

- props to whomever came up with the idea of +2 def on the gold edge. that makes renair 100x more usable.

- a prep menu before chapter 6x would be nice. you can just force renair + garath and then cap the player unit slots at 2 units.

- the chapter 6x boss has too much HP. i'm pretty sure that only arcus and enjo net positive damage on the guy (and arcus only nets 1 HP damage at base). obviously if you reduce his HP to 34 or less, though, that would make him too easy since enjo would 2RKO at base with thunder. tough call here.

- i remember crowe being better than he is now. i think the issue is that his base spd is just short of comfortable doubling range, and without doubling, he's basically strictly worse than amelia or gabriel. he's significantly less powerful even with a steel bow and less accurate as well.

asher gets more use as a light magic user by 7a, if he gained any speed anyway (which dondon's didn't)

best weapon

there may be one, depending if I can use the UNCR thing

he's staying the same


i suppose you could use blazer's thing or you could have just asked me to set it up in a way that'd be slightly more difficult to memory hack

if people are memory hacking i don't think it matters anymore about beating the game legit

work on my potion instead

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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you know, baldar killed nikita for me. he had a little bit of hp left and she attacked him with the xiphos, missing him twice. next turn, he crit her. you should try it, send him within her range with <20 hp. hopefully, he dodges and bamf, dead nikita.

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The hack is kind of known to be hard

and I suck at FE, that's why I don't play it

i suppose you could use blazer's thing or you could have just asked me to set it up in a way that'd be slightly more difficult to memory hack

I didn't want to implement something that he had to do after every chapter as it would require him to make a change to... well, every chapter, and that would in fact be a time-consuming process that he could make an excuse for

ATM the only practical excuse I'll accept is "I don't want to" in which case I lost ~15 minutes of my time though maybe someone else will use it

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You guys mind if I ask for a tip on a chapter on Path A?

Titled Escape.

Who would be "best" for rush to treasure chest on the top side with Renair's position?

Right now I'm using the three obvious ~ River, Renair and Annalise. I also threw in Lia for a heal support considering the three are quite squishy. I'm trying to see which would be the better last for them. I'm using the other lord to go with them for his Mage slaying and armor against the archer with longbow.

The second column has Juan, Crowe, Dark Mage and Amelia. and the last one with another chest in a room is Chester, Garath (Needed him because of lack of survivability he's main soak with some damages.) Auger, Seren and the other axe guy.

I would post their stats and levels, but I don't have my program on this computer atm. (they're on my memory stick waiting to be transferred to my new computer and I occasionally play on alternative computer that does not have much speed or power to run the hack ;| would sometime freeze.) Let's just say they're strong enough to run toward the cavaliers' "seek and slay" line that comes in the later turn (6?)

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a prep menu before chapter 8 would be nice as well, so i wouldn't be stuck with lia in chapter 8 with a 4 use mend and a weaponless driscoll in chapter 9

and alas, B rank swords that i can't use

Well, if you go to 8x you can give Driscoll a weapon there, but the amount of effort you have to put into reaching 8x is probably not worth it.

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