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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Well I was asking because he died and the game still continued is all. Though I just point stuff out as I see it.

Can you be a bit more clear next time, 'cause I'm a terrible mind reader? I wasn't sure if you were asking because Balder died or because he didn't.

Edited by eclipse
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Can you be a bit more clear next time, 'cause I'm a terrible mind reader?

You're a mind reader? Clipsey, why didn't you tell us before?!

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Can you be a bit more clear next time, 'cause I'm a terrible mind reader? I wasn't sure if you were asking because Balder died or because he didn't.

I'm so sorry I guess I was vague about it. I had a terrible time minipulating the 11B boss to get the item he was in front of.

Also this B run sucks cause everyone I wanna use have the worst speed ever Amelia is at 9 speed at level 12 I had to take a nosedive and ditch her but Juan is my MVP and he don't disappoint with his 11 speed an 18 defense only worthwhile unit I got this run. I'll have screens up 12 hours from now.

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I just finished route A ^^'. I was really impressed with everything. The game is difficult but I do like it.

The scariest bosses for me were Jayson, Uther and the other boss from Uther's chapters. I had no idea they would move ;A;. Gabriel barely survived against Jayson only because Jayson missed. Uther and his buddy gave me many restarts QQ.

[spoiler=character stats and comments]


My powerhouse ;w; and my favorite character. She promoted in 10A as soon as the master seal was accidentally found o3o. She laughs at mages but her defense is her biggest issue not that I mind. I gave her all the boss kills until her promotion :^_^: and conserved as much of her Ranseur as possible. I do miss her old mug though but i'm getting used to this newer one.


I gave him a try and he turned out to be really helpful. I ditched Garath as soon as I got this guy and he became my main focus and second powerhouse after Ilanice promoted.


Heal bot and rescue bot she never attacked enemies after promotion. She reached level 20 in 14A but idk why I promoted her.


She's so fast that I ditched the rest of my mages for her o3o. Her mug also reminds me of Mist ^^.


She's a good second healer.


One of my favorite characters he was very good at tanking, mages as his only weakness. He does have hit issues though so for a while I let him use slim lances until he had better skill.


His prf axe is a big life saver, mages are tough in this game especially in a bunch. and so I continued to deploy him.


I give massive favoritism to fliers ^^'. She was one of the characters I was focusing on raising.


I was raising her together with River although River was getting more favoritism from me.


I like her Gold edge. I should probably focus more on her though.


Another unit I was focused on raising, thankfully the training lance exists.


She's a good unit but I lost focus on her for the last two chapters.


For a long while he was one of the characters I was focused on but he stopped being helpful so I let him go.


He opens chests, steals things, and sometimes chips.


Maythunder is gr9.


I should have probably used him instead of Melissa.


I wanted to raise him but then Marius won me over ;A;.


Helpful unit I like his mug.


Decisions. Another character I wanted to raise but had to drop, i'll use him in route B.


I let him go as soon as I got Driscoll.


The character I probably used the least.

Edited by Maiden_of_Emblem
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hmm, looks like Melissa's portrait gets cut-off and the map sprite is unfitting

and as ugly as Driscoll is I think I might have to use him 'cuz he looks like an offensive monster (unless you just got lucky or something)

also I like how you say "I let them go" as if though they're Pokemon lolol

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Here was my "endgame" team. Route A.






Character reviews based on my experiences:

Renair: Her defenses saved her from being utter garbage. Pretty much doubled all the time, which wasn't too bad. Good wielder for the Rapier and the Veritas, but not much else. She's a little underleveled because she could never really kill stuff without getting hurt. Overall: okay.

Arcus: High defense and HP with an awesome Prf to boot, but a little too slow. He got ORKO'd by Kris Paladins and Savanh, which wasn't very fun. Wasn't too shabby, and he probably dug me out of a lot of unsafe situations. Still his low Res was nigh-unforgivable. Overall: good.

Lia: What a beast! I know mine is RNG-blessed but Lia just tore shit up after she promoted. She was most certainly my MVP for the last chapter, though she had some durability issues and not enough Avoid to negate them. Overall: great.

Melissa: I didn't have a chance to use her very much, but she seemed to be doing alright. A little squishy but she had better speed than Jacob and it did not hurt me one bit to have another healer around. It's hard to mark down a staffspammer, at any rate. Overall: good.

River: Outstanding offense, but plagued by lower hitrates and low physical durability. Was an excellent unit to take out any pesky mages, though. Glass cannon, I guess. Overall: good.

Enjolras: Great offense with a really awesome Prf. He beat Amelia by 1-2 Mag and Spd when I first got him so I replaced her with him. I wasn't sorry for it. He ended up being a very good attacker with acceptable defenses. Overall: good.

Feuilly: He was a very, very average unit who I actually had ditched originally, but on a whim took him to this last chapter. He gained a few really great levelups and started to rise out of the shitter, I guess. I was going to early-promote him but after those levelups I thought I may as well do the full 20. Even so, his performance in the last chapter wasn't stellar, his main use being to ferry people around. Overall: okay.

Amelia: Despite a really good Spd growth, my Amelias just fail to get any momentum on the stat. She was benched a few chapters ago but the chapter allowed a hell of a lot of units so I decided to bring her. She was a solid attacker for the first few chapters but fell to the wayside later on. Overall: good.

Garath: great. Don't think this needs any explanation, although it would have been nice for him to have had a not-shitty levelup. He was peaking around two chapters ago, and I think I'll have to bench him very soon because, well, he's dying. Still makes for a really great archer, though.

Ilanice: Overall: WINGSPEAR. Terror on white wings. Bow down to your master!!!

Juan: Another awesome unit. The Partisan wasn't that useless this route, but he was double-attacking and everything, so I can't complain. The stats speak for themselves, really. Overall: AWESOME.

Driscoll: Annoyingly enough, he didn't gain speed levels 16-20. Still without a doubt another great unit. Him with Halberd/Labrys makes for a killer combo. Almost has monopoly over axes in this route. Overall: great.

Adrian: Bard. Overall: great.

Chester: Chester has some really great stats but unfortunately for him he shares his sword-user status with Renair. Renair ultimately gets priority when it comes to good swords so unfortunately Chester got beat out by this, every time. Still, thief utility, and can take a hit or two before he dies. Overall: great.

Crowe: A bit like River, he has some killer offense, but not much else going for him. Overall: good.

Basically everyone else I never brought along because they weren't doing so flash for me. I tried Marius for a little while but his low speed was inexcusable. Annelise was okay, but her sword rank was too low for her to get anywhere (and all the good swords were going to Renair) and she was far too squishy to be a good combatant.

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Driscoll's pretty beast

His speed's always low for me >:(

But his strength is crazehh

He uses the FE10 fighter anim too which is another reason I like using him~

Dris has higher speed growth than strength lol

but that 4 point base discrepancy is probably what did it

Also posting my team anyway because why the fuck not :V

B route. 'Cuz that's my most recent run. On the actual public patch.


Renair was actually pretty funny. She was stat screwed up until around... 9B ish? Like, horribly speed screwed and didn't double the enemies she was supposed to double, and so I complained about her being shitty in Skype. And then two perfect level ups happened and all of a sudden she went from shit to pretty good and she didn't shit on levels again so whooooo

It's like she heard the complaints and responded or something


Objectively worse than Renair this run but isn't terrible I guess

Prf comes in handy though so and he's a lord dude so I keep him trained




Took the speed booster 'cuz I want him on my endgame team still 15 natural speed at level 8 I ain't complaining


Shoots things dead aw yiss


Bombs things


Heals on a horse and can occasionally bomb things when I don't need heals


Heals and is not on a horse but had Physic for longer also can bomb with better tomes


Need another Bladed Crest asap


What are you doing gurl you should be slow as fuck you have 35% speed growth or something

Everyone else are one of the 4 cases

1) I would like to have used them but RNG didn't cooperate (core team stole their level ups)

- esp Balder whom I like and has really good offensive growths on top of that but kept on getting 1 stat level ups so I had to bench :<

2) Didn't really give a shit about as characters

3) Stats are irrelevant to their abilities

4) Too busy getting treasure to get level ups

Edited by Thor Odinson
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One thing that kind of bugged me was why give Valkyrie's light? Like, the one that attacks Garreth in Chapter 3 uses a Fire tome or something. When I promoted Lia, I was lucky I didn't really need her combat, since I was out of Light tomes from Asher using it, while I had a few more Anima. At least on B, since you don't get Enjo, it just kind of makes sense to give her Anima but whatever.

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Because Mage Knights exist deal with it

Sarka is more of a pimped out MK than a Valk just uses the Valk animation for now I think

also you do get Enjo just not on this patch

And you can't change promotions based on route to my knowledge

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Am I the only person that ends up with a speed screwed Amelia?

Nope. I'm one of them too. That's why I'd rather have River switching place with her, and have Gabriel go fishing.

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