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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Most primary staff users don't need to attack, anyway. It's not a big deal.

Considering the way the AI works in the GBA games, it's disincentive for the enemies to attack them.

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Considering the way the AI works in the GBA games, it's disincentive for the enemies to attack them.

And then Archers became the best buddy unit for clerics.

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Well that makes monks incredibly pointless. Hooray. And like Paper said, disincentive to attack healers seems... kind of broken, actually. Your healers are now never being attacked, which is a hit to the strategy element. Protecting your healers is now far less important and I honestly don't like it. If clerics are outclassed by troubadours, give them a better mag base or something, but giving them light magic seems like a step back. :/

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Well that makes monks incredibly pointless. Hooray. And like Paper said, disincentive to attack healers seems... kind of broken, actually. Your healers are now never being attacked, which is a hit to the strategy element. Protecting your healers is now far less important and I honestly don't like it. If clerics are outclassed by troubadours, give them a better mag base or something, but giving them light magic seems like a step back. :/


Monks are still useful. They can actually survive longer than a cleric/priest on the front line, normally have more access to higher level spells, and generally ALWAYS have more magic (at least as base, but typically in the higher levels) than Cleric/Priests. There are a few exceptions, sure, but they're DEFINITELY not useless. The light magic on the clerics/priests is only a defense mechanism in the exact sense of the word. If you're attacking with your cleric instead of healing, wtf are you doing? Sure, if you get the chance to attack, you might take it, but why do that, when you could have said cleric heal someone, and have them attack instead? You might say to give your cleric more EXP, but what's the point of a high level cleric, when your other units don't get the EXP they need? Give the EXP to your cleric, and your other units are just going to get hurt more, and then they'll need to be healed more :U

And giving them a higher magic base doesn't help them compare to a troub, since, no matter their magic, if they can't reach the unit to heal them, they can't.

Who says they're never being attacked, either? They're still the most (probably) frail units you'll have, and iirc, AI attacks units that are the weakest, after units that can't attack. It's either that, or they attack units with the lowest attack, and, a lightning wielding cleric is definitely going to have the lowest attack :/

Edited by seph1212
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Monks are still useful. They can actually survive longer than a cleric/priest on the front line, normally have more access to higher level spells, and generally ALWAYS have more magic (at least as base, but typically in the higher levels) than Cleric/Priests.

Not always. Lucius and Artur were extremely physically frail, more so than Serra or Moulder or even Natasha were. If weapon rank grows anything like it does in FE7, weapon rank isn't an issue especially when you consider how prohibitively heavy high rank Light spells are.

I also question exactly what the point of giving Clerics and Priests really low magic is in the first place.. It's just yet another advantage in favour of Troubadours.

There are a few exceptions, sure, but they're DEFINITELY not useless. The light magic on the clerics/priests is only a defense mechanism in the exact sense of the word.

But the light magic doesn't make them more durable at all. How is it a defense mechanism?

If you're attacking with your cleric instead of healing, wtf are you doing?

It's ridiculous to just generalise that there will never be an opportunity where damaging an enemy is going to be more helpful than healing an ally, especially when you consider how slow staff exp is.

Sure, if you get the chance to attack, you might take it, but why do that, when you could have said cleric heal someone, and have them attack instead?

Because everyone's at full health? Because everyone else has moved? Because any of the millions of potential situations where more damage is better than more health? Because you want to maybe one day promote your cleric?

You might say to give your cleric more EXP, but what's the point of a high level cleric, when your other units don't get the EXP they need? Give the EXP to your cleric, and your other units are just going to get hurt more, and then they'll need to be healed more :U

Depending on the growths of the cleric, it might be worth training her to have good combat, or promote, or have better staff range.

And giving them a higher magic base doesn't help them compare to a troub, since, no matter their magic, if they can't reach the unit to heal them, they can't.


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I will have to agree with Anouleth, Paperblade and Rein here. It's a strategical mechanism to have them Priests/Clerics unable to counterattack because they will most likely be targeted and will need protection. It's like part of the plan.

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I don't really care about it if Cleric is an enemy only class (although it sounds we're not getting any unpromoted light users, which sucks). What's the point of enemy only classes if they aren't totally fabulous?

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Although I'm agreeing with all o' y'all now, not much I can do 'bout it \O__o/

My interest in this patch just dropped a little.

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It's not honestly much of a difference, considering how shitty Lightning is in hands that aren't those of a Sage, Artur or Lucius. Besides, the cleric you DO get is pretty naff anyway.

Edited by Furetchen
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It's not honestly much of a difference, considering how shitty Lightning is in hands that aren't those of a Sage, Artur or Lucius. Besides, the cleric you DO get is pretty naff anyway.

What about Set-Oh right, Sage.

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It's not honestly much of a difference, considering how shitty Lightning is in hands that aren't those of a Sage, Artur or Lucius. Besides, the cleric you DO get is pretty naff anyway.

We'll see after those awesome bases/growths come into play.

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We'll see after those awesome bases/growths come into play.

I love how you profess to know more about the game's statistics than I do.

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Clerics have always been exactly what they sound like- they heal and nothing more. Giving them the ability to attack is about as great of an idea as giving an unpromoted mage a staff or giving Knights 8 move or making archers have 1-2 range: completely missing the point of the class, and for that matter, the entire point in having classes. You get certain classes. They do certain things. We move on in life. Give Clerics a higher staff rank, better staffs, 5 more EXP per heal than a Troubadour gets, or anything of the sort, but I think giving them light magic is worse for balancing than any other possible solution, even just leaving it how it is.

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Clerics have always been exactly what they sound like- they heal and nothing more. Giving them the ability to attack is about as great of an idea as giving an unpromoted mage a staff or giving Knights 8 move or making archers have 1-2 range: completely missing the point of the class, and for that matter, the entire point in having classes. You get certain classes. They do certain things. We move on in life. Give Clerics a higher staff rank, better staffs, 5 more EXP per heal than a Troubadour gets, or anything of the sort, but I think giving them light magic is worse for balancing than any other possible solution, even just leaving it how it is.

S'like, Sisters never existed in FE5. Duly noted.

And, it's impossible to give Clerics more EXP per staff use than Troubs. Sorry, bruh :<

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