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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Whahey! Darkwrights! (Looking somewhat worse for wear since tangling with Renair in the prologue...)

...Has Seymour's sprite changed, or is it just me? Come to think of it, Enjolras looks subtly different as well, but that one probably is my imagination.

And here I was thinking I couldn't anticipate FEE3 any more...

They are different, I've edited them since the last patch.

Should have more screens later today.

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That is the most awkward text break in the last screen. It sounds cooler than that, I promise!

(signed, your overworked writer)

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screens as promised

now i have to go and refine gameplay \ o/

Hmm... Renair seems awfully surprised to see Discan again. That just raises more questions, things along the lines of...

'necromancy or politics?'

Just a couple of random guesses, and ones I neither expect nor want an answer to.

...As for madam down in the bottom left, you are not helping improve our (my) opinions of you missy!

spoiler: i only have this chapter

Heh. As if we don't look over at Tumblr. We know there's at least two more that look close to finished. (Yes, I know you meant for FEE3).

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I truly believe that the game is 1 rn(last set for fee3) edit:i hate you dropbox

So, call me thick as Gonzales but... what does '1 rn' mean?

Also, I can't help but notice that Seymour seems to have different eye directions now - here he's staring forward as normal, in one of the other FEE3 screenshot batches ("Die villain!") he's looking shiftily to the side. Or maybe that was just an awkward moment to screenshot or something...

A couple of thoughts;

1) Annelise. Way, way, way back in post #2270502, you (Astra) said this:

"Annelise has way more backstory, and that becomes more apparent after you finish chapter 17 and its gaiden."

...Is Annelise actually going to be needed for this gaiden, or will you just get an alternate script if you, uh, lost her? (I haven't, but not everyone resets on losing someone). That's assuming she joins in Ch. 15 if you were on route B.

...If Kanus pops up in Ch. 15 after Musain, then Seren has no excuse in Ch. 15 after Onduris... oh, wait, the whole recruitment kinda hinged on Renair being present...

2) I suspect I might have an inkling who your mystery knight is.

Name's phonetically similar to Nergal. After all, you left him alive for something (but I'm probably barking up the wrong tree... in the wrong forest...

EDIT: 3) Kris is overpowered as *BEEP*, Kolbane is as overpowered as *BEEP*. And if he's got an 'A' support with anyone, then Discan's doomed to be dog meat.

4) Also, I wouldn't be surprised if Asher's little natter with Discan ends up triggering something. Maybe Discan is recruitable if you get enough of the right characters to talk to him. (Now I'm barking up the wrong tree on the wrong continent!).

Edited by Wayward Winds
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So, call me thick as Gonzales but... what does '1 rn' mean?

Also, I can't help but notice that Seymour seems to have different eye directions now - here he's staring forward as normal, in one of the other FEE3 screenshot batches ("Die villain!") he's looking shiftily to the side. Or maybe that was just an awkward moment to screenshot or something...

A couple of thoughts;

1) Annelise. Way, way, way back in post #2270502, you (Astra) said this:

"Annelise has way more backstory, and that becomes more apparent after you finish chapter 17 and its gaiden."

...Is Annelise actually going to be needed for this gaiden, or will you just get an alternate script if you, uh, lost her? (I haven't, but not everyone resets on losing someone). That's assuming she joins in Ch. 15 if you were on route B.

...If Kanus pops up in Ch. 15 after Musain, then Seren has no excuse in Ch. 15 after Onduris... oh, wait, the whole recruitment kinda hinged on Renair being present...

2) I suspect I might know who your mystery knight is.

Name's phonetically similar to Nergal. After all, you left him alive for something (but I'm probably barking up the wrong tree... in the wrong forest...

1 random number, fe6 and on run on the two random number system where they roll two numbers and average them out for battle scenes

It's the blinking animation

1) the gaiden is optional and as such, can be missed, if the right conditions aren't meant (ch17 condition and certain people alive) the gaiden won't be accessable

With seren I can use the excuse of her either deserting on her own or being recruited by enjo/arcus on their way to the capital, there are many opportunities for her to join anyway, while kanus only joined because he saw the crest of an aukeman officer, something that does not exist if renair is there, also farrell's forces withdraw after some time, so kanus would be sent back to aukema

2) I've already revealed who the knight is but I guess I'll repost it later once I've got more on ch16 in terms of dialogue

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2) I've already revealed who the knight is but I guess I'll repost it later once I've got more on ch16 in terms of dialogue

Ah, I clearly missed that one. It's just that running through a second time, you pick up things that passed you by the first time round. Told you I was in the wrong forest! (But I still maintain the opinion that we haven't seen the last of Fergal...).

...And if you're wondering, my interest in Seren is that she outperformed everyone on my playthrough (not that I'm posting screenshots. I know when I'm pushing the annoyance factor too far). So naturally I'd like to see her pop up on leaving Onduris.

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Keep in mind that he's using one of my Kolbanes, the worst of which is still blessed (and the bests are absolute monsters)

He's not that OP on average I just got really good rolls with him

it's my kolbane lol

with it's terrible defence

Ah, I clearly missed that one. It's just that running through a second time, you pick up things that passed you by the first time round. Told you I was in the wrong forest! (But I still maintain the opinion that we haven't seen the last of Fergal...).

...And if you're wondering, my interest in Seren is that she outperformed everyone on my playthrough (not that I'm posting screenshots. I know when I'm pushing the annoyance factor too far). So naturally I'd like to see her pop up on leaving Onduris.


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then why did you ask me for the save lol

IIRC your Kolbane's basically a glass cannon tho

A+ Offense just can't take a hit

Also man 19 damage on a glass Kolbane I wonder what will happen if I sic my tankiest kolbane on him

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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*looks at third screenshot*

Oh my GOSH, I need to dig up my notes! Man, Seymour sounds derpier than usual in that one! I hope it's not because I rushed it and sent in something weird!

EDIT: Found the context. That. . .works. If you guys feel that it's too awkward, lemme know, and I'll change it!

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Yes, well, I'm sure FEE3 will give plenty of reasons to make this thread buzz.


...Ungrateful sods. Keep all of Juan's fellow wyvern riders alive and they still flap off leaving nothing for your troubles. How's that for gratitude?


...Here's an idea. The next time we have a batch of green units to protect, rather than giving a reward for keeping them all alive, give a penalty for losing them all/a certain percentage (if such a thing is possible). Say, remove 3000 florins/dubloons/rupees/whatever it was, justified by the green team having to recruit new troops or something.

Just another idea from the dustbin of my mind. It would be amusing to see people's reactions if such a thing did happen though!


...And why do I get the impression this "Sanghild" place (top left) is going to be important? I don't remember it listed back in Ch. 4's infodump houses, yet it has a name. The only name we haven't heard a peep about yet. Hmm...

(Never mind the fact that the map gives the impression there's a stinking great whirlpool in the way. Or a perpetual hurricane/typhoon/cyclone/insert your own synonym. Maybe it just isn't common knowledge, or maybe it's just a nightmare to get to...)

Edited by Wayward Winds
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That's "Svanhild", actually. You can guess who was probably behind that one...

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unfortunately you can't remove money from the player manually

otherwise i would have done this already

also juan's mercs are helping you and just flee after the battle ends so lol

whirlpool is kinda important

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Oh, that's a pity... On the other hand, anyone who knew it was coming could quickly go on a mass shopping spree... and watch the game tear itself to pieces as it tried to take 3000F from 150F, got a negative and proceeded to dive head first into a mental breakdown.

Hm? I didn't know SF had a member called Svanhild

...Isn't/wasn't Do5 on the Emblem Brigade site as well? Could it be 'Svanhild' hails from a different site (not that the credits list mentions anyone with a name even remotely approaching that).

FINAL edit: Whirlpool?


...I need to stop making these observations/speculating. Otherwise I'll end up really peeving people off about all these future plot devices that keep bubbling up.

Edited by Wayward Winds
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[2:32:36 PM] PKLucas531: what would happen if you had a forced subtraction but the player had less money

[2:32:37 PM] PKLucas531: :V

[2:33:22 PM] Cam: lol

[2:33:33 PM | Edited 2:33:43 PM] Cam: would probably result in 800k gold

[2:34:46 PM] Astra: |D

[2:34:49 PM] Astra: yeah that's a thing

overflow is a thing

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