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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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South east nation is Gral Sethes (I think), and I believe part of its concept is that no one really knows what goes on inside its borders. So, I wouldn't expect to learn about it unless/until we actually go there.

*growl sex

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Hm, what lore for houses... Pretty much the usual stuff really; general background stuff. But to narrow it down to one request, I'd like to see more on Aukema itself. I know we were mooching around in the backwaters, but we learnt virtually nothing about Aukema's normal political structure, cultural curiosities and matters of everyday living. Heck, in the prologue to Chapter 6 I think we learnt more about the rest of the world than Aukema! Despite being in Aukema!

...Plus, that gives you the next six odd chapters to slot things in, given where we're headed.

The "rushing" didn't really bother me. I wasn't too keen on being swamped with glass weapons in late Onduris, but in retrospect I think it should stay. It fits with the mental image that I've managed to acquire of Onduris - that they like their combat flashy (glass), fast (low weight), vicious (high might), yet not too drawn out (low durability). So, I actually like glass weapons as a local speciality.

South east nation is Gral Sethes (I think), and I believe part of its concept is that no one really knows what goes on inside its borders. So, I wouldn't expect to learn about it unless/until we actually go there.

More Aukema it is, should be fun to explain/alude to.

unintentionalintentional mental images being sent

Yes, south east country is Gral Sethes, which if you haven't picked up yet is plagued by anarchy, and is just the way the civilians wish it to be even though terrible things such as banditry run loose.

I think X-Naut was referring to the south-east island that is off the mainland, which I THINK I've explained in a house before, if not, I'll be sure to do that.

I'm fine with the difficulty actually. I think the enemies being tough is a good thing. I just hate all the rushing. A lot of the maps have turn limits or other things like that, and incredibly strong/numerous reinforcements. It pressures me to speed up, when I'd rather just kind of turtle my way through the difficulty.

Also I suppose things like mythology or other flavor would be cool to read

Looks like I'm doing my job right then.

More of those, got it.

The problem with houses is that they are essentially wasting a turn. In Dream of Five, wasting a turn is a bad idea for the most part. Maybe give some lore in a village when you get an item.

I suppose I'll put more houses in stagnant areas of maps. If I can link the item to the lore, I'll do it.

Is the storm blocking that Svanhilde location ever alluded to in the story? Perhaps we could hear some lore about that, as well as more on the southeast nation whose name eludes me at the moment. Although personally I'd like to know more about how much the support system has improved. :P

Funny you should ask that, next chapter has some of the storm information.

Support system? I've decreased the bonuses for the supports in exchange for speedier support building, if that's what you were asking. If you're talking about the conversations themselves, they should reveal more of each character's backstory/personality and possibly earlier events in the timeline.

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^No way, that's a good way to work with the GBA support system. Nobody likes standing around for fifty turns to get to B rank supports, especially in this hack.

But what are the new affinity bonuses? I'm curious.

they are the same, just reduced

i hate you


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Well from what I've seen in V4 it looks like the Hit/Avoid/Crit/Avd boosts are only +1.5 per rank, but the Atk/Def bonuses are unchanged.

EDIT: Just did a thorough check and it's +1.5 Hit/Crit Evade, +1 Crit/Avoid, and +0.5 Atk/Def.

Edited by X-Naut
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[3:56:46 PM] Brad: is it intended that killing an enemy doesn't seem to give more EXP than hitting them
[3:56:48 PM] Brad: after like
[3:56:50 PM] Brad: the first 3 maps
[3:56:57 PM] Brad: or is that just because the EXP formula in FE7 is silly
[3:57:01 PM] Brad: so enemies are like level 1 forever
[3:57:51 PM] Brad: well
[3:57:56 PM] Brad: enemies are giving like 7EXP for a hit or kill
[3:57:57 PM] Brad: and are level 2
[3:59:28 PM] Astra: what level are you though?
[4:00:24 PM] Brad: 10ish
[4:00:33 PM] Brad: I would expect it to be really low
[4:01:21 PM] Astra: ah shit
[4:01:38 PM] Astra: i'm going to need to rebalance levels
[4:01:39 PM] Astra: fuuuuuck
[4:01:56 PM] Astra: well let me explain, then
[4:02:09 PM] Astra: i applied cam's asm patch to fix fe7's shitty exp
[4:02:21 PM] Astra: since it was giving promoted kills 50 exp
[4:02:25 PM] Astra: like
[4:02:28 PM] Astra: to a promoted pc
[4:02:31 PM] Astra: at level 1
[4:02:42 PM] Astra: so they give 30 now like normal
[4:02:46 PM] Astra: but it turns out now that
[4:02:53 PM] Brad: but it screwed with unpromoted PCs?
[4:02:56 PM] Astra: yeah
[4:03:13 PM] Astra: so now i have to test out and level everyone in terms of enemies appropriately
[4:03:21 PM] Astra: so level 1's won't exist for super long anymore

REJOICE level 1 haters

you get your kinda fix

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...Doh. Now I'm worrying about the prospect of running lv. 20 characters around for however many chapters it takes until a suitable promotion item shows up.

...Something tells me that this will mean an enforced new save file.

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maybe you should hire blazer to fix it with assembly OR

maybe you should hire me to

I will definitely charge more. Fair warning.

You'd also have a better hand at it, too, than Blazer. I mean, your Jet Force Gemini multiplayer hack makes a pretty awesome example as it is for credentials.

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No you do not understand game balance at all. I know several people with 20/10 units at chapter 15. There are several great knights in a couple chapters. I think you can add 1+1

Let me guess, these units are called Kolbane, and these people have little else of comparable level. I mean, my highest leveled units at the end of Ch. 14A were Seren (20+3), Lia (20+2) and Kolbane (20+2). Everyone else in my active party was between lv. 15 (Crowe, Enjolras) and lv. 18. (Renair, Arcus, Annelise, River, etc.). The only enemies I didn't tackle were about half of the Ch. 10 reinforcement rush, (and I had similar levels after 14B) so by my calculations anyone with levels that high had a seriously unbalanced party.

I don't hack, so I'm probably about to suggest a load of baloney, but could you get round the Great Knight problem by creating a custom unit? It uses a Great Knight battle and map sprite, has expected stats and weapons; a Great Knight to us... but the game thinks it's a Corsair or something (suggesting Corsair because it was to all intents and purposes a fancy Pirate in FE7. Do you really need both? Adjust the Corsair details to show us a Great Knight, but hopefully still have Corsair exp gains).

Edited by Wayward Winds
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I don't hack, so I'm probably about to suggest a load of baloney, but could you get round the Great Knight problem by creating a custom unit? It uses a Great Knight battle and map sprite, has expected stats and weapons; a Great Knight to us... but the game thinks it's a Corsair or something (suggesting Corsair because it was to all intents and purposes a fancy Pirate in FE7. Do you really need both? Adjust the Corsair details to show us a Great Knight, but hopefully still have Corsair exp gains).

that's exactly what they're doing now, but with Female Nomad instead.

(though admittedly corsairs did actually appear in like one chapter of FE7, so probably won't exp glitch, but given the amount of custom classes (I can think of four, not counting lords) they've probably used that, as well)

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Though admittedly corsairs did actually appear in like one chapter of FE7

Yep, the Linus version of Four Fanged Assault. I looked at it and reacted (roughly) with "What the heck makes a Corsair different from a Pirate?". Hence my suggesting Corsair here.

Also, female nomad? What's that doing in FE7's code? Isn't the only female Nomad Sue from FE6?

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Let me guess, these units are called Kolbane, and these people have little else of comparable level. I mean, my highest leveled units at the end of Ch. 14A were Seren (20+3), Lia (20+2) and Kolbane (20+2). Everyone else in my active party was between lv. 15 (Crowe, Enjolras) and lv. 18. (Renair, Arcus, Annelise, River, etc.). The only enemies I didn't tackle were about half of the Ch. 10 reinforcement rush, (and I had similar levels after 14B) so by my calculations anyone with levels that high had a seriously unbalanced party.

I think we've seen more 20/10 Ilanices than Kolbanes tbh from the results of playtesting and the last patch

Even I don't have a 20/10 Kolbane and I tend to get the ridiculously blessed ones

There is the fact that higher-levelled units tend to be the few that's able to kill the higher-levelled promoted units for the exp, yes, but it does get ridiculous when Amelia can gain 5 levels in chapter 16 alone (2 of them came from the 100exp GK kills since she can ORKO with ease) and I have a pretty good track record of balancing levels through my various playtesting files

I think that anomaly is what led to Astra looking into exp problems in the first place because this isn't something I'm known to do and yet it happened

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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