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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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you might wanna make his portrait have a larger build. I don't get knight from him more cavalier, or soldier or something. just food for thought.

those stats look nice and tasty yum. [his base level might affect my opinion on him though but well get there when we get there.]

Edited by ShinyPichu
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you might wanna make his portrait have a larger build. I don't get knight from him more cavalier, or soldier or something. just food for thought.

those stats look nice and tasty yum. [his base level might affect my opinion on him though but well get there when we get there.]

Yeah, I get that. He's still kinda new to the whole fighting thing which is why he's so small even though he's a knight/general. That's how we're rationalizing his appearance, at least.

He's a level 15 knight at base and has a knight's crest on him.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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Yeah, I get that. He's still kinda new to the whole fighting thing which is why he's so small even though he's a knight/general. That's how we're rationalizing his appearance, at least.

He's a level 15 knight at base and has a knight's crest on him.

hmmm . . . i guess that works. he is one hell of a new recruit with those bases man.

still even just a slightly larger build when you can get to it, to give the impression that he's gone through the training to at least be able to walk in the Armour. otherwise i kinda like his appearance.

level 15 base. . . you will go far Jauger.

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Where were all these comments when he was first a thing last year?

So I guess I'll post these.


Remember guys, Jauger is the Est.

Although I will say that the way his cloak thing is clinging to him makes it look like he's only got one pauldron. :P

Edited by Kon
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Does the portrait really matter when every FE nowadays has reclassing?

the portrait does indeed matter because A] his base class is a knight, therefore his portrait should hold knight qualitys

and B] reclassing is a silly feature anyways, that is not handled well in fe's that do have it and

C] no reclass in this rom hack anyways.

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Also, we're going to introduce some new weapons, following Alfred's idea of making useful devil weapons, we are going to make a Devil light tome so that priests and clerics can actually do something and deal high damage, but at a possible risk. Good thing they have high luck usually, huh?

I want the copyright for that idea

But yup, it's good to see you liked my idea.

All the gameplay changes are interesting (2HKO instead of 3HKO? Thank God!). I'm curious to try out all this improved stuff.

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Also, we're going to introduce some new weapons, following Alfred's idea of making useful devil weapons, we are going to make a Devil light tome so that priests and clerics can actually do something and deal high damage, but at a possible risk. Good thing they have high luck usually, huh?

Oh the irony behind that. :XD:

It's good to hear that there will be some progress on support conversations, although I wouldn't have minded if it was just the supports themselves. At least then I'd know who to pair up when the conversations are implemented. I like having a mobile convoy from the start too, it will make those back-spawns less trolly. The attack buff/defense nerf sounds like it'll help the most with units catching up and beating early-game mercenaries without Garath. And tightening the turn limits for the early escape chapters is fine, I've been clearing 5 with 10 turns to spare and 7B will be faster without that final bottleneck.

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Yes, yes, I'll get off my rear end and start working on the final chapter, then polish up the journal entries, and THIS TIME I won't be stupid and overwrite stuff because I wanna spend time with my cute guys run of Agarest

Jauger is adorable, and he's one of the easier characters to write lines for.

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still even just a slightly larger build when you can get to it, to give the impression that he's gone through the training to at least be able to walk in the Armour. otherwise i kinda like his appearance.

That armour would be more just unwieldy than heavy, honestly.

I figure the equivalent is jousting plate, which was twice as heavy as field plate, made for pure stopping power over mobility on foot;

'Specialized jousting armour was produced in the late 15th to 16th century. It was heavier than suits of plate armour intended for combat, and could weigh as much as 50 kg (100 lb), compared to some 25 kg (50 lb) for field armour; as it did not need to permit free movement of the wearer, the only limiting factor was the maximum weight that could be carried by a warhorse of the period.'

Still, 50kg distributed evenly over the body wouldn't be prohibitive for someone toned and with that build.

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That armour would be more just unwieldy than heavy, honestly.

I figure the equivalent is jousting plate, which was twice as heavy as field plate, made for pure stopping power over mobility on foot;

'Specialized jousting armour was produced in the late 15th to 16th century. It was heavier than suits of plate armour intended for combat, and could weigh as much as 50 kg (100 lb), compared to some 25 kg (50 lb) for field armour; as it did not need to permit free movement of the wearer, the only limiting factor was the maximum weight that could be carried by a warhorse of the period.'

Still, 50kg distributed evenly over the body wouldn't be prohibitive for someone toned and with that build.

You and your logic!!

i guess so, but still i just feel like a slightly bigger build might help get the idea of a knight in heavy protective Armour across just a little bit better. the Armour itself looks fine really, it just doesn't feel knight like to me.

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He's still going through puberty

One day he'll be the big bulky knight of your dreams but today is not the day

Donate some chickens to his cause or something

feed the boy protein

Edited by Thor Odinson
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He's still going through puberty

One day he'll be the big bulky knight of your dreams but today is not the day

Donate some chickens to his cause or something

feed the boy protein

You will be buff by the end of all this Jauger, and it will be glorious ;v;

into the hyperbolic time chamber for you boy.

because why not the dragon ball parody version of the song

Edited by ShinyPichu
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Some of you guys said to make 9b harder.

So I did.

Then I nerfed it.

And for some reason Onduris is just screwed in terms of stats while Musain is perfectly okay.

A lot of characters got buffs, namely Chase, Bellona, Kanus and Balder. Should make them easier to use in Onduris.

Edited by AstraLunaSol
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I don't know about you guys but Ive got a mayor bug in Chapter 19, with the main storyline, it shows me the storyline of Chapter 11x from fire emblem orginal game when a girl appears and he calls it Ninian, and Ephidel and Marquess Lahus appear in the game, and when I start the battle every unit is on the walls and stuff. And my game freezes :/ can you fix this?





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I never realized how much I love Crowe. Everyone of his lines puts a smile on my face. He's definitely my favorite. In terms of game:


Garath's a fuckin' boss


Gabriel has surpassed all expectations and is the main magic unit now.


And Enjorlas shows that he's infinitely better than Lvl8, 8 Speed Amelia


I wish I were lying. I really do. Perhaps I may have given up on her too quickly, but my current run dictates that I continue without her.

Aside from that, Seren and Kanus seem to be a little similar just by comparing their growths. Seren's definitely higher in strength and Kanus has build and defense down, but aside from that, they're not entirely dissimilar. I could just be spouting nonsense here, but I'm trying to help in whatever way I can.

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Aside from that, Seren and Kanus seem to be a little similar just by comparing their growths. Seren's definitely higher in strength and Kanus has build and defense down, but aside from that, they're not entirely dissimilar. I could just be spouting nonsense here, but I'm trying to help in whatever way I can.

Well, they're both soldiers, and join roughly at the same point in the game. Not sure what else you were expecting?

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