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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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This is just nitpicking, but is there any way the [A]s in the text could be better spaced? At the moment they feel very awkward and ruin the pacing of the script.

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Vorpal axe? Really? Where's the sword?

Also, this is probably just me, but whenever I got a fortune, it ended up with like the bottom half of the text box empty. Except the final sentence sort of.

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This is just nitpicking, but is there any way the [A]s in the text could be better spaced? At the moment they feel very awkward and ruin the pacing of the script.

[A]'s are every two lines, though this ruins the pace, it keeps everything readable, I had this debate early on, whether to make it readable or to go with the flow. I chose readable.

@Psych: There are vorpal swords, don't worry. And the fortune spacing can't be helped, it's just how the text works.

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Played some of this hack up to Chapter 5 and I like it. I think you could tone down Chapter 3 though since it's really hard and often times, of the bullshit variety. Like, it's nearly impossible to complete the chapter efficiently and get the Lancereaver and 3000 gold.

Other than that, don't really have any complaints.

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C3 is hard if you split your team. It's fair if you don't, although taking chests take longer.

Although, the amount of turns end up the same, since the amount of turns you saved on combat through not splitting team, you use to take all the chests.

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I took 12 turns to finish the chapter while getting Crowe and the 3000 gold. The northern reinforcements really got on my ass by the end and I probably would've died getting the Lancereaver. Didn't split up the team.

Maybe lower the reinforcements a little? Just a little is all.

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Played some of this hack up to Chapter 5 and I like it. I think you could tone down Chapter 3 though since it's really hard and often times, of the bullshit variety. Like, it's nearly impossible to complete the chapter efficiently and get the Lancereaver and 3000 gold.

What do you mean, complete the chapter efficiently? "Efficiency" does not mean "reach some arbitrary turncount". A chapter is not poorly designed if it takes 12 turns to beat and you don't get all of the treasure in doing so.

Edited by Anouleth
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here's my character stats and opinions per character: (Route A)


Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Renair          12.63   27      13       12      16      10      5       6      C Furet, C Kolbane 

She deals good damage and has no hit issues and doubles or on the edge of doubling on early chapters. She lacks alot of defense though and her durability is probably the worst in my team, somehow she doesn't avoid as much despite having good luck. I always make sure theres someone to meatshield her. I'd say she's the worst female in my team, so far.

Unit            Level   HP      Mag      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Amelia          12.73   26      15       11      11       5      7       11      

At first I thought she was the worst character in my team, and I didn't use her for one of the early chapters. Yet somehow after the first FoW map she shined and caught up, I needed all the help I could get and even underleveled she proved to be useful and after that I always deployed her. She's very useful no doubt, even with her shaky start.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Ilanice         16.27   26      16       13      18      16      7       10     C Juan      

She has a shaky start with her frail durability and even after some training her defense never grew much but her luck did so it made up that mediocre durability with good avoid. Her sword helped her case too, after using swords only (only when not needing lances) she got to C swords and if I need another killing edge user she's one. Ilanice and Juan stomped 10A. She's my favorite character :^_^:

Unit            Level   HP      Mag      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Lia             20.00   25      19       16      15      11      3       14          

OMG! Lia grows really fast! She reached level 20 by late 9A. She seems to dodge alot and when she doesn't she survives a hit. She's very good, if there were a guiding ring this early she would probably be broken just look at that Mag! She's also very useful for rescue/dropping. Since I don't like NPCs dying I had her rescue NPCs. The only time I allowed NPCs to die was in 8A because I couldn't control their fate there.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Lumi            14.47   30      10       12      18       5      11      4          

My Lumi was str screwed and she didn't deal much damage even with a killing edge, I gave her iron swords instead to conserve the edge. I've been babysitting her for a while, and she's a better alternate to Renair because at least she has good defense. Her offense is a little worse than Renair's though. Lumi can't face mages at all so I'm careful with her when mages are around.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Seren           11.74   28      13       13      14       9      10      5          

I LOVE the soldier class so Seren is probably my second favorite female but I also like Lumi and Amelia alot though so its hard to pick. She has a shaky start but she caught up very quickly and seems to pay off soon, I like that killer lance she uses it well.


Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Kolbane         14.95   27      16       16      19      12      10       5     C Renair 

He's very clutch, probably the best character in the game or very near it. He helped alot throughout the game and he's very worth the experienced. His speed grew very fast and his balanced defence and good offense made him a good front line fighter.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Chester         11.57   27       8       13      18      14       6       6     C Crowe 

He had helpful offense in early chapters, him and Ilanice had similar offense but then his str stopped growing. He has been very helpful though as a thief, wall, fighter, he's a great unit. His high luck means I can rely on him to wall for a turn or two. He's one of my favorite male units. I had him steal plenty potions ^^' and that definitely helped my fighters survive before Lia was recruited.

Unit            Level   HP      Mag      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Gabriel         16.27   27      14       10      13       9      5       15           

His combat was very much appreciated, though he had mediocre hit rates he managed to contribute alot. His hit rates are still 60-70 since his skill is low, I think he'd be a good use of secret book. I did babysit him plenty and I can throw him in a pack of mages and expect him not to die, Amelia is probably better though.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Juan            16.48   35      17       11      14       7      17       2     C Ilanice     

Juan and Ilanice are an excellent team, I have him clear out the archers for her since they deal like 6 damage to him and I have her clear out mages for him. Amazing team, he's my second favorite character in this game so far (until the other pegs get here ;w;). He's a reincarnation of Haar! I had him use the arena with Lia healing him, until those annoying prepromos got there. After I gave him speedwings and he's been deadly ever since.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Astra           11.44   33      14       10       9       6      15      3          

He's very solid, I had him rescue an NPC in his starting chapter and he survived anyways. I didn't open the prison room but I did have him open the chests. I haven't used him too much though but his combat is very good from what I've seen and his prf axe is very useful though i'm conserving it. I also had him weaken enemies for Lumi in 10A. (reinforcement cavs)

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Adrian           2.83   18       1        2      12      13       3      4          

He's a bard so he's obviously useful and since he has low move I had one of the higher move units (Lia) rescue drop him in 10A helped finish the map alot faster too.

Unit            Level   HP      Mag      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Enjolras        11.00   27      12       13      11       6       5      10          

He was good in his starting chapter, helped finish off the boss. In 10A I didn't get to use him, theres something wrong with his tome it has no range.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Cour            10.00   30      14        9      10       5      11      3          

Like Enjolras I didn't get to use him much. In his starting chapter he had excellent offense, in 10A I had him take an NPC from Ilanice so she could fight the boss.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Comb            10.00   29      11       11      13       7       9      2          

He has such a serene personality ;w; I can tell he's going to be one of my favorites. So far like Enjolras and Cour--- I didn't get to use him much. I also did the same thing as Cour by having Comb take off an NPC off Juan.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Furetchen        4.07   38      17       11      12       6      12      4      C Renair    

Excellent offense and best defense, but I see his has a lot of hit issues with his greatbow. In chapter 3 I had him wall off a chokepoint disarmed so everyone could survive. For other chapters I had him chip enemies for my units and wall off. In the FoW map I had him wall again. Mainly I've used him to wall off my weaker units ever since Chapter 3, I've also had him rescue NPCs and that sort of stuff.

Unit            Level   HP      Str      Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res    Support 
Crowe           11.28   27      15       10      14       3       8      1      C Chester          

ChesterxCrowe ;3; his offense is pretty good, he's like Shinnon 2.0. I left him behind though for 10A. He reminds me of Shinnon mixed with Innes. He's my least liked character (no offense to his owner)

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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Don't think I'm allowed to tell the exact growth, but it's better than every GBA myrm ever. With a base of 9 at level 6, 1 str in 8 levels is pretty bad screwage with what she has.

I mean, her str, if not screwed, should be higher than her current defense on average.

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Don't think I'm allowed to tell the exact growth, but it's better than every GBA myrm ever. With a base of 9 at level 6, 1 str in 8 levels is pretty bad screwage with what she has.

I'm pretty sure Karel has more strength growth.

There should be more killing Edges for Lumi

Or even better, she could be in a non-crap class. This game seems to like throwing mono-sword foot units at you.

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Personally, when the game as a whole is completed, something tells me that Kolbane and Amelia will share Top Tier, with Ilanice top or near the top of High. Pretty sure Elincia's Kolb is INSANELY blessed.

As for Elincia, no offence taken. As far as archers go, Chase is amiable in a distracted kind of way, and the third'll probably be the same, so there's no shortage of replacements. (Personally, I intend to use all three.)

Maythunder isn't bugged. It has 3-range exclusively.

Or even better, she could be in a non-crap class. This game seems to like throwing mono-sword foot units at you.

This is why I tried to push Seymour as an Ephraim Lord.

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