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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Eh, I'll try out this hack. It looks really good, a lot of work was put into it, and, well, the more FE, the better. I'm an FE noob, so I will need more luck than anything from what I can tell. Watch me beat the patch with most of the bad units.

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Played up to Chapter 7 and I went to Musain (though I have a savestate at the decision making point so I can experience the other route). Might as well give my impressions of the characters I have in my party so far:


She was shaky in the beginning but became pretty clutch by Chapter 2. Hope I get an Angelic Robe or Dragonshield soon. She and Ilanice are the best candidates for them.


Clutch. Completely clutch. The team that doesn't make use of Furetchen is screwed. He's like FE6 Marcus in that he can ORKO when needed but can also weaken if you like and is essentially for early clears. Even though he doesn't have a horse or flight and will probably fall behind later on, he'll still be the best character in the game for his sheer contributions towards anything resembling efficiency in the earlygame.


Killed some weakened stuff and could occasionally double (but not ORKO) stuff. He'll probably turn out better later on, but he's really nothing special so far.


Can't recall if there was an armory in Chapter 1. If there was, I should've bought an Iron Sword for her so she could bust heads in the very early chapters. Became immediately good once we started fighting cavs/soldiers and was second only to Furetchen in usefulness in Chapter 5. I could see her as a High tier unit based on flight alone.


Anything she doubled, she ORKO'd and she/Furetchen/Ilanice were essential for Chapter 5/6's boss clears. Of course she didn't double as often as I liked, but she still provided really excellent chip. She's probably RNG screwed though. She's good but she and Kolbane are probably overrated.


Chipper who could occasionally double (if he could double with Steel, it was a ORKO). Not bad for an archer and he certainly saved my ass a couple of times.


I wasn't planning on using him as a fighter, so I'm not going to bitch at how he sucks against everything except fighters/brigands/archers. There's not that much to steal early on I found, or at least, nothing that was worth risking your neck for.


Mounted healer, automatically good.


Better than Kolbane and Renair's equal defensively. She was helpful in some instances but because I really made heavy use of Furetchen and Ilanice, she didn't contribute that much. From what I've heard of her growths, she's a defensive swordmaster, which should be pretty neato against bosses.




Flier who is better than Ilanice defensively but has pretty much no offense (yuck at 3HKOing and never doubling with occasional accuracy issues).


Looks pretty good, though he needs a strength proc to OHKO the mages in Chapter 7. I can see possibilities for him already.

I'd like a list of the character's growths so I could how much my characters were blessed/screwed if it's ok.

Now for the story, it's ok. The dialogue is sort of a mixed bag. The good part is that some of it I found is poetic without necessarily being needlessly flowery. I like how some of the characters talk differently than one another. As for the bad parts, some of the dialogue seems sort of forced (whenever Furetchen and Varkade argue for example). I'm also irritated that the characters alternate between "arright" and "alright". Same with "yes sir" and "yes ser." I think that the characters should just pretty much use only one version of what they alternate. And yes, I know it's a minor nitpick.

I like the map designs too, and I do find the game pretty difficult. I'd say it's nearly about as difficult as FE6 HM or so, though there are differences between the reasons why the maps are challenging. In FE6, the enemies are pretty strong, though not insurmountable and the maps have large amounts of enemies spread out all over the place, so it's difficult to have someone solo a section without a lot of preparation. Also later on, status staves on druids make it even more frustrating. In DoF, a lot of the difficulty comes from a mix of large numbers clustered together who are difficult to take down with a LOT of reinforcements that are ready to murder you when you think you're safe. I had a frustrating time on Chapters 3 and 5 because of the heavy reinforcements or the powerful enemies (in 5, the FoW merely exacerbated matters). On the other hand, none of the maps had the luck based bullshit that's in Chapter 7/16 on FE6 HM.

Oh and there's a treasure chest on the grass for no apparent reason in Chapter 6.

So I like the hack overall. It's somewhat fun to play, though like with everything, there's always room for improvement.

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Your Kolbane and Amelia were both horrifically screwed. With regards to the 'ar/lright' thing, most characters tend to say one or the other depending on accent. The only one I can think of who says both is Renair, who varies depending on how weary/frustrated/angry she is. If Kolbane varies as well, he's the same. Much of the early dialogue was written prior to the shift to ser as a form of address.

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Oh god your Kolbane is terrible.

Like, that's the worst Kolbane I've seen, ever.

So much below average @________@

FE6HM is about right, yeah. I'd put it there as well.

I dunno if I can release the growths, but I can give you a rough estimate of how each is looking like.

Renair: Overall fairly average. She's got a bit more offenses than usual (except -1 on speed, but she's fast so it shouldn't be hard to make that up), for a bit less on defenses.

Furet: If he has 12 speed by route split he's god forever in this patch and he has that. 12 speed doubles practically every unpromoted enemy type but myrm/merc and you don't see a lot of those in Musain. In Onduris he won't double myrms/mercs (only Renair and Lumi has a shot at that by 7A, and Ilanice and Kolbane have a shot in later Onduris), but 12AS doubles all wyverns and that's what's important because those are annoying as hell.

Kolbane: I won't even get into how much he sucks right now. Screwed in basically EVERYTHING important except HP. My god that offense. That's horrendous for Kolbane. It really is.

Ilanice: All around blessed except in defense, which isn't that bad of a screw since it's only a -1 and her defense naturally sucks. That extra point of HP helps, though.

Amelia: Not as much screwed as underleveled, I'd say. A lot of those stats actually does hit the averages, but I've never seen Amelia at level 7 by C7 before. Give her a few levels and she'll be alright.

Crowe: A tiny bit blessed, mainly just a point of STR and DEF. DEF he likes. STR he caprams so fast it's ridiculous, but it's always nice to have more earlygame.

Chester: lolthief. One level.

Lia: Lia is Lia. Screw stats she has a staff. But anyway, fairly average Lia. A point of mag for a point of spd and everything else looks pretty average. She'd rather have more speed, though, her mag is ridiculously easy to catch up. Plus dodging bolting later is a good thing to do, too, in case she's somehow the only one in bolting range or something.

Lumi: I see you got two str levels in a row. :3 That's useful as hell and puts +1 to her str, pretty much. Everything else looks fairly average, except luck and res which are her two worst growths, and she's proc'd both. Nice~

Juan, Gabe, and Astra are all base level, so no comment. You should give Juan an Iron Lance, however, since Steel weighs him down and should only be used to finish things off. He can take Ilan's, that thing kills her AS anyway.

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I found FE6 HM not all that hard besides Chapter 7 (aka IS why you do this to us)

Granted, it's far easier to recruit Lumi than Rutger who ambush spawns on your ass, but still. :<

That and Dan's really sadistic about the upcoming chapters. That is all.


Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Made it to Chapter 9. This is rough already.

I think I'll give Juan the Speedwings and then have him trade his Iron Lance for Seren's Killer Lance. The main problem is keeping Lumi, Ilanice, and Amelia alive :>_<:

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Yeah, forgot to warn you. Chapter 9 is a bitch if your characters are underleveled. Most of mine are around 11-12 at that point, though, and I go at a casual-efficient pace.

Lumi can sit on that fort and hack away at soldiers while Gabe chips. If Amelia makes it to the fort near her starting point, then she's good as well. Ilanice should fly for Renair's position, preferably if she has a sword. Your Renair is fairly overleveled. With help of Crowe, she should be able to take the 9A boss, who spawns near her starting point, with no problem.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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I found FE6 HM not all that hard besides Chapter 7 (aka IS why you do this to us)

Granted, it's far easier to recruit Lumi than Rutger who ambush spawns on your ass, but still. :<

That and Dan's really sadistic about the upcoming chapters. That is all.


Well to equal FE6HM, the later chapters probably have to include Staff staff bolting bolting purge! as that's what many of the more annoying FE6 maps consist of. Also FE6 bosses are douches (I realized my issue with the bosses may have been caused by selecting Hard Mode- seems that buffs up promoted units significantly).

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Is it just me or this like a ragefest hack that's more than 1 chapter? >_>

It's just you, and it sounds like the RNG's spitting in your face.

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Oh yeah something interesting about Chase.

He's Rein's old character from one of the RPs on these forums. Lord of Azure Flame to be exact. I know this because I RP'd with Rein, so it was kind of amusing for me to not bother making a new character for the hack :XD:

Rein's going to kill me isn't he.

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Is it just me or this like a ragefest hack that's more than 1 chapter? >_>

Not only does DoF start to resemble FE6HM in terms of difficulty, its starting to take on its trollRNG as well.

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Oh yeah something interesting about Chase.

He's Rein's old character from one of the RPs on these forums. Lord of Azure Flame to be exact. I know this because I RP'd with Rein, so it was kind of amusing for me to not bother making a new character for the hack :XD:

Rein's going to kill me isn't he.

I was pretty close to signing up a Helios too but I already had a character in so I decided not to.

Imagine though.

Also, its a different Chase according to Rein, not LoAF!Chase.

Edited by Black Cat
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Why do I get the feeling that my Furet shot himself in the foot? He gained a little Strength and HP. . .and not much else. . .

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Stop, children -- what's that beard? It's Linoonechen, Furet's cooler Zealotrian brother! And he brings gifts, in the form of punches to the balls.

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Stop, children -- what's that beard? It's Linoonechen, Furet's cooler Zealotrian brother! And he brings gifts, in the form of punches to the balls.

Ah, that explains why they look so similar then. I'm assuming they are twins since they wear the same clothes?

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Ah, that explains why they look so similar then. I'm assuming they are twins since they wear the same clothes?

... I... I can't tell if you're being serious or not.

Oh yeah



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