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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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I support the idea of a ranking screen between chapters.

I also like the idea for reduced exp gain, however I'm a bit worried that this idea might punish people not only for farming but also just for playing slowly, not necessarily because they are turtling, but perhaps just because they simply aren't as good as some of us or got a bit unlucky... (seriously, an unfortunate miss can really screw with you in chokepoint scenarios) Since, if I understand it, this would apply to ALL enemies, so someone who takes 20 turns to rout is going to get less exp than someone who takes 15. If this formula were only applied to reinforcements, though, that sounds fine.

And question: If you don't want people to durdle around and farm reinforcements to throw off the expected level curve, why do you have an arena in a seize map (ie Ch. 6)? Arenas are much more conducive to farming because the exp gain remains linear (ie enemies are always around your level), they give gold rather than take it away (farming reinforcements takes up weapon/item uses -> gold lost).

Edited by Paperblade
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Chapter 6 has a nice group of WTF strong enemy reinforcements, as to stop you from arena-ing.

I was able to still use the arena in that chapter (for this arena gauntlet).

Unless ALS changed stuff around after the first demo release.

Edited by Black Veteran Soldier
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Why are you guys so adamant of forcing anti-grinding?

Once the game reaches it's hands, the player has the right to do whatever it wants in it's gameplay. I understand that it's for the sake of the plot, but must the gameplay suffer somewhat in that case?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Why aren't you?

They don't want people to grind and breeze through the game. If you want to arena grind, go play a normal FE game, where they let you get away with it. This hack isn't for people who want to get their units up to massive levels by grinding, and if you don't like that, tough rocks, pal.

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Why aren't you?

They don't want people to grind and breeze through the game. If you want to arena grind, go play a normal FE game, where they let you get away with it. This hack isn't for people who want to get their units up to massive levels by grinding, and if you don't like that, tough rocks, pal.

Just to clarify, I don't grind. But that doesn't mean I can't ask these kind of questions now, does it?

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Just to clarify, you can. But that doesn't mean I can't laugh at you for them, does it?

Should've specified. I don't grind to breeze through the game. And as such, it doesn't mean I have to do a comeback to your comment now, does it?

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And yet you did :3c

Anyway, people who want to grind can try to grind. If that's their playstyle, they can have it, but that doesn't mean we're going to cater to those people just because they want to. No FE game caters to someone's want to grind, it's just a lot easier to do so in games like FE6/7/8. You can try to grind in DoF, you'll just have to face the repercussions from trying to do so.

Looks like you're all...


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And yet you did :3c

Anyway, people who want to grind can try to grind. If that's their playstyle, they can have it, but that doesn't mean we're going to cater to those people just because they want to. No FE game caters to someone's want to grind, it's just a lot easier to do so in games like FE6/7/8. You can try to grind in DoF, you'll just have to face the repercussions from trying to do so.

Looks like you're all...


Not really. I never commented exactly on the 'laugh at you' part, did I?

Regardless, all I did was ask an honest question. And got my answer. Don't see why it needs to be dragged on.

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I don't know why discouraging players from grinding necessarily equates to worse gameplay. An FE game that lets the player do whatever he wants is much worse.

I never said that it made it worse. And neither that it's the game that does it. I only mentioned the players can do whatever they want.

Be it play honestly, use cheats, use X character, use Y character, grind, don't grind, etc. It's them who decide how to play the game, that's all.

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And its our choice to discourage the user from doing so. If they wanna savestate abuse, beat those C6 reinforcements through RNG luck/abuse, and use that damn arena, we can't stop them from doing so, though I don't know why somebody wants to waste their time doing that when DoF is perfectly beatable by itself. But since DoF is ultimately a strategy game, grinding defeats the purpose. If they wanna go kill more enemies than is necessary for them to beat a chapter, be my guest, they'll just come out with more weapons broken than they have to.

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Y'know, you could always justify this via story. . .and perhaps after the initial wave of reinforcements, bring out stuff that does ridiculous, unavoidable damage (like that stupid dragon at the end of FE7).

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Since, if I understand it, this would apply to ALL enemies, so someone who takes 20 turns to rout is going to get less exp than someone who takes 15.

That's fixed by not having rout maps unless there are also reinforcements coming in around turn 15.

...Sort of.

But my understanding of the game's story is such that it wouldn't make sense to have (m)any rout maps anyway, i.e. FE6-style. But my idea means you might not get a lot of exp for the boss, and I acknowledge that sucks. Back to ye olde drawinge boarde...

why do you have an arena in a seize map (ie Ch. 6)? Arenas are much more conducive to farming because the exp gain remains linear (ie enemies are always around your level), they give gold rather than take it away (farming reinforcements takes up weapon/item uses -> gold lost).

Yeah, arenas are totally counter to the apparent goal, I agree.

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You will always have characters that are unusable.

I know you may be fixing this, but Renair, Lumi, and Kolbane all come early. Then, when the Female merc comes, we have 4 sword users, plus our thief. No one in their right mind who has been training the previous three would dump them for the new sword unit. She may be able to be used in combat, but she isn't really usable.

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Just because you're not going to use her doesn't make her useless, the fact that she doesn't have horrid stats to the point that she is unusable is what makes her usable. Its ultimately up to the player to decide if they're going to use the unit or not.

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