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[OUTDATED] Fire Emblem: Dream of Five


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Hmm... don't remember about monocle guy, or at least, in the way he is talking to some other guy like that...

Anyway... woah, Lumi's palette is so cool, especially within that night background. :awesome:

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This may have already been reported(I am too lazy to read 8 pages of stuff to check haha) but in Ch.1 this village can't be destroyed:


Whenever the brigand tries to destroy the village it stay intact. :P

Also, Chester's NPC palette is really glitchy looking.

Edited by Ecut
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^You haven't had the time to do them or you don't know how to do them?

'Cuz my Ultimate Tutorial covers how to do all 4 (...or was it 5? o_O) battle palettes for a character. It's a more time-consuming method since you have to decompress and then recompress data but if you want to be a bit more professional =\

You can also just do the smart thing and copy the palette of a class and use that as a base for a character of that same class... IIRC Chester is a thief, right? So you'd copy Matthew's original palette since he's a thief, paste it somewhere else, repoint, and then edit his palette to match Chester's, and the NPC and enemy palettes (needed for arena) should work fine as well because of how the data compression for palettes works (and I'd get into that but it really wouldn't help you do your job any easier).

If you already knew that and I'm telling you pointless stuff, I'm sorry, just trying to be helpful but am too lazy to actually see if you need the help first--ignore this if you don't need it... D=

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Seeing as it might not link with your ROM, click ignore if you're using a patcher like NUPS.

But yeah, patch contains Prologue to Ch6. Enjoy.

If you have any bugs to report, say so, and if you can, get a screenshot and what you did to cause this. So I can replicate and fix it.

BTW, don't report Kolbane having no death quote in the prologue, I tried to fix it, and I couldn't get it to work.

Edited by Shion Kaito
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Very nice!

The only thing I dislike is Ilanice's new portrait.

That was requested by the maker of the character, and it would be rude of us to not comply to their request, since it IS their character :E

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So? We can still dislike it. In other words, I agree with Ecut. Though, the portrait is okay, but the colors are... eh. Same for the battle sprite.

I'm at the FoW chapter now, and the improvements are awesome. The only real complain so far is chapter 3's map.

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So? We can still dislike it. In other words, I agree with Ecut. Though, the portrait is okay, but the colors are... eh. Same for the battle sprite.

Well, I never said that you guys couldn't dislike it :E

I'm not much for the pink either

I was just explaining why it was changed.

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Yeah it had to be changed, and it was improved, the colors are just eww.

Anyway, I got up to the route split now, just saved beforehand.

Those spawning heroes and warriors almost gave me a heart attack, but luckily Chester was near the chest (Chester raids chests lol), and almost defeated... the boss (dun remember his name whaha), and Renair ready for seizing.

Got one complain, though. The reinforcements. They just keep and keep and keep coming. It's not hard, it's just annoying. I guess it's good for exp, but meh, it's just annoying. I'd only make them spawn for 5 turns max.

Edit: I'm talking about the regular reinforcements, btw, not the heroes and warriors.

Other than that, awesome. Can't wait til I can play the route split (prolly gonna go to Onduris first) !

Edited by Feaw
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Got one complain, though. The reinforcements. They just keep and keep and keep coming. It's not hard, it's just annoying. I guess it's good for exp, but meh, it's just annoying. I'd only make them spawn for 5 turns max.

Edit: I'm talking about the regular reinforcements, btw, not the heroes and warriors.

Other than that, awesome. Can't wait til I can play the route split (prolly gonna go to Onduris first) !

I'm pretty sure the intention was for them to be endless, you're supposed to be running away.

I noticed the wounded neutral Wyvern Riders would religiously follow around the Troubadour(I forgot her name) for a while, then if she kept ignoring them they'd run off to forts instead. Interesting AI.

Edited by Haze
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Got one complain, though. The reinforcements. They just keep and keep and keep coming. It's not hard, it's just annoying. I guess it's good for exp, but meh, it's just annoying. I'd only make them spawn for 5 turns max.

Edit: I'm talking about the regular reinforcements, btw, not the heroes and warriors.

Other than that, awesome. Can't wait til I can play the route split (prolly gonna go to Onduris first) !

Yeah, the top sentence of this quote pretty much summarizes it.

And awesome.

I'm pretty sure the intention was for them to be endless, you're supposed to be running away.

I noticed the wounded neutral Wyvern Riders would religiously follow around the Troubadour(I forgot her name) for a while, then if she kept ignoring them they'd run off to forts instead. Interesting AI.

I did nothing, I put them as chase without heed to HP

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I noticed the wounded neutral Wyvern Riders would religiously follow around the Troubadour(I forgot her name) for a while, then if she kept ignoring them they'd run off to forts instead. Interesting AI.

Woah, competent AI? I must hurry to see that in action... XD

By the way... what the heck is this!? :blink:


Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Woah, competent AI? I must hurry to see that in action... XD

By the way... what the heck is this!? :blink:


Well, it's actually accurate, as you've taken no damage...

It's faulty AI. They were never meant to heal as an Other unit.

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So, I made a playlog for the current patch.


[Prologue: Defending the Innocent]

Turns: 10

Furetchen is lovely for softening enemies with his bow for Renair and Kolbane to kill. What sturdy bandits, though! Furet loses manly points for missing a level 1 mercenary he was supposed to shoot in the face. Got a vulnerary and 3k gold from the villages. Furet chips + Renair murders Discan for the win.


Name	Lvl  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res 
Renair  3.95  6  11  11  5   6   3
Kolbane 3.15  9  10  10  5   6   3
Furet   1.20  16 10  10  6   10  4

[spoiler=Chapter 1]

[Chapter 1: Bonds in Blood]

Turns: 12

Amelia and Ilanice get. Unfortunately, Ilanice isn't in a place to contribute much, being very frail and surrounded by enemies that can double her and own her in the weapon triangle. Here's hoping she gets more useful later. Amelia, however, is an atomic bomb. I bought her a lighter fire tome, some vulneraries, and a spare iron sword. Furet chips + Kolbane murders for the boss kill.


Name   Lvl   Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Renair  4.58  6   11  12  6   6   4
Kolbane 5.07  9   11  12  6   6   3
Furet   1.55  16  10  10  6   10  4
Ilanice 3.42  7   8   10  8   4   5 
Amelia  3.87  8   6   7   3   5   8

Kolbane is turning into a stronger version of Renair, but without the pimp sword.

[spoiler=Chapter 2]

[Chapter 2: Snuffing Out the Rat]

Turns: 9

What's this? A wing spear? Heck yeah. Ilanice nabs it from the village, and then kidnaps Chester so he can't get into trouble. As usual, Furetchen helps baby my ass, and the others mop up. After recruiting and chest key grabbing, it's a couple turns slogging through the woods. Darrick gets softened up by Furet and Kolbane, and Amelia bombs him for some sweet boss xp.


Name   	Lvl Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Renair  5.22 6   11  13  7   7   4
Kolbane 5.47 9   11  12  6   6   3
Furet   1.81 16  10  10  6   10  4
Ilanice 3.69 7   8   10  8   4   5
Amelia  4.89 8   7   7   4   6   8
Chester 3.0  5   5   11  5   5   2

Dear Amelia, I appreciate your def, but please grow some speed. You can't double even with that Fire tome.

[spoiler=Chapter 3]

[Chapter 3: The Darkwright Bandits]

Turns: 13

Haha, poor Varkade, trying to offer advice to these impatient, reckless kids. He chills outside with Furetchen, who I bench. My team splits in two, with Renair and Ilanice going to the left and Kolbane and Chester going to the right. Amelia smokes the two archers behind the walls. Then the team proceeds towards the throne room, with Chester recruiting Crowe and Ilanice finally leveling. Amelia smites the bandit brother and gets herself an awesome level, including a point of speed (thank god.) The ranged folks soften the last brother and Ilanice takes the boss kill.

My haul: Elixir, Lancereaver, 3000 gold


Name 	Lvl   Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res
Renair  5.60  6   11  13  7   7   4
Kolbane 5.84  9   11  12  6   6   3 
Furet   1.81  16  10  10  6   10  4
Ilanice 5.12  9   10  10  9   4   6
Amelia  6.43  10  9   8   5   7   9
Chester 3.72  5   5   11  5   5   2
Crowe   5.20  10  9   11  2   5   1

Ilanice is stronger than Renair and almost Kolbane, certainly not what I expected from her.

Amelia is nuts. Low on the speed still, but sweet haysus, that def is pimp for a mage.

[spoiler=Chapter 4]

[Chapter 4: A Swift Return]

Turns: 8

Furetchen gets benched after taking it like a man last chaper, and a wild Lumi appears. Dayumn, she looks as deadly as Ayra with that Killing Edge and C swords. I roll up the map, recruiting Lia, my coveted healer. Next I grab Lumi, who in her mercy does not crit me to death. She receives my spare iron sword in thanks. Amelia finally doubles a few times, causing nuclear death. Renair advances to C swords, too, allowing her to use the Lancereaver. Ilanice also gets some use out of the Wing Spear. Shopping happens, then Amelia and Lumi team up to smack that stupid captain.

Purchases: Thunder Tome, Heal Staff, Vulnerary, Javelin, sold Red Gem


Name 	Lvl   Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res HP
Renair	5.97  6   11  13  7   7   4   23
Kolbane 6.40  10  12  12  6   6   3   26
Furet   1.81  16  10  10  6   10  4   36
Ilanice 5.81  9   10  10  9   4   6   22
Amelia  7.17  11  10  8   5   7   10  24
Chester 4.43  5   5   12  5   6   2   23
Crowe   5.84  10  9   11  2   5   1   23
Lia	5.66  7   6   8   7   3   8   19
Lumi	5.73  8   10  13  4   7   3   23

Renair is needing some str level-ups soon. She can't rely on that Gold Edge forever.

... Fffff I forgot to record HP before now.

[spoiler=Chapter 5]

[Chapter 5: Escape]

Turns: 14

I guess Renair & co found a castle to hide in before they got attacked. Furet and Ilanice nab the near village, receiving an armorslayer. The others proceed down the map, encountering the enemy. Kolbane reaches C swords, and Renair finally gets some strength. On turn 7, Kolbane recruits Felix, who brings a lovely torch with him. Crowe and Furet mow down the reinforcements from behind, netting Crowe C bows and severely depleting his steel bow. Amelia obliterates all the armor knights, raising her anima to C. Furet hands off the armorslayer to Renair before weakening the boss. She takes the kill just in time to save Kolbane and crew, who were getting swamped by the reinforcements. Overall, this was the most fun chapter so far, offering a good challenge to the Crimson Blades.

I suspect Varkade is going to become our group's Machiavelli.

Purchases: Heal Staff, Vulnerary


Neither village gate shuts after visiting.

Does it make sense that Felix can rescue Ilanice, who is mounted?

Kolbane is mentioned as an ensign, but that's a naval rank. (Unless you're using British infantry ranks?) Since he's in the army, he'd be a second lieutenant.


Name 	Lvl   Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res HP
Renair  7.37  8   13  13  8   8   4   24  Sword: C
Kolbane 7.67  10  13  12  6   7   4   26  Sword: C
Furet   2.07   16  10  11  6   11  4   37  Bow: A, Axe: C
Ilanice 6.84  9   10  11  10  4   6   23  Lance: D
Amelia  9.27  13  11  9   6   7   11  25  Anima: C
Chester 4.73   5   5  12  5   6   2   23  Sword: D
Crowe	8.08  13  11  12  2   6   1   24  Bow: C
Lia 	7.97  9   7   10  8   3   10  29  Stave: C
Lumi	6.89  8   11  14  5   8   4   24  Sword: C
Felix   6.73  9   6   7   7   5   7   23  Dark: C

Renair got two more str points, which should help her out in the coming chapter. I prefer Kolbane to her at the moment, though.

Amelia's mag is going to eclipse even Furet's str soon, haha. She also doubles a good deal now, which is spectacular.

Crowe is turning out every bit as murderous as Amelia, and with more speed to boot. He's quite the up and coming monster.

[spoiler=Chapter 6]

[Chapter 6: Crossroads]

Turns: 12

Ilanice recruits Juan as the dragons move to intercept the Blades. Surprisingly, Juan's men become allies - not what I expected. Luckily, they aren't powerful enough to kill things on their own, meaning they won't steal my xp. I plow down to the bridges, where I cut my way across with Renair and Kolbane in the lead. On the other side, Furetchen adjusts himself, brandishes his bow, and strides into the middle of the enemy pack as bait. Death for the Aukemians follows, and Ilanice's lance level increases to C. Chester heads over to nab the Master Seal chest with Lumi for an escort. Juan hits the arena for shits and giggles while the others head to the boss. Lia reaches B staves, Amelia and Felix wreck the boss, and Renair seizes for the win. I choose to head to Musain. Who doesn't love poison and flame? :D

Bugs: No prep screen for Chapters 5 or 6?


Name	Lvl   Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res HP
Renair  8.30  8   13  14  8   9   5   25  Sword: C
Kolbane 8.16  10  13  13  6   7   4   26  Sword: C
Furet   2.13  16  10  11  6   11  4   37  Bow: A, Axe: C
Ilanice 7.28  9   10  12  11  4   6   23  Lance: C
Amelia  9.77  13  11  9   6   7   11  25  Anima: C
Chester 4.73  5   5   12  5   6   2   23  Sword: D
Crowe   8.76  13  11  12  2   6   1   24  Bow: C
Lia 	10.08 12  9   11  8   4   12  23  Staff: B
Lumi	7.75  8   12  14  5   9   4   25  Sword: C
Felix   7.89  10  6   7   7   5   7   23  Dark: C
Juan	6.75  11  7   8   5   11  2   27  Lance: C

Lumi's defense is looking nice for a myrmidon.

Juan is tanky and strong, I'd like to give him some more play time next chapter and see how he handles.

Overall thoughts:

Chapter 5 was definitely the most fun so far, offering the best challenge. I think Chapter 6 could be a little more difficult, considering how desperate the situation is supposed to be for Renair's crew. As for my team, I don't know very much about most of them in terms of story or characterization, which I'd like to see more of. Supports will eventually help with that, however. Mechanics-wise, the current characters cover all my bases, and they're enjoyable to use. The route switch promises to be fun, too. I very much look forward to the next patch for Dream of Five!

Edited by Astelaine
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