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Paper Mario Partner Tier List


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Bow - 6, Dodge

Goombario - 6, Flip Enemies, Charge, Multibonk

Top Mid


Watt - 5, Defense Ignore, Paralyze All



Lakilester - Cloud Nine

Kooper - Hit all enemies, safely touch enemies, Power/Dizzy/Fire Shell

Bombette - 6+ damage to all enemies, burns FP

Low Mid


Parakarry - Hits ceiling, burns FP



Sushie - Water Block, Tidal Wave, burns FP





Yoshi - 6, x2, Flip Enemies, Defense Ignore, Shrink

Goombella - 6, Flip Enemies, Multibonk, Rally Wink

Mowz - Steal steal steal steal STEAL



Vivian - Dodge, Burn, Fiery Jink (defense ignore), Confuse All

Koops - Hit all enemies, safely touch enemies, Power Shell/Shell Shield/Slam (defense ignore)

Flurry - Lip Lock (HP steal/defense ignore), Dodgy Fog



Bobbery - High HP, burns FP

Super Paper Mario








Utter Trash


Everyone else

This tier list is complete fact and is unfortunately non-debatable. It is posted here as a reference to guide you~

Edited by Obviam
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I have not played these games, but I was watching these paper mario videos one time, and I kept hearing this weird old woman's voice every time something happened, sometimes her speaking was not even related to the game. I think it was a very bad idea that Nintendo put that voice in the game, it is not even an optional easter egg. Please put that person in bottom tier.

One time she even tried singing along to that lonelyisland song about being on a boat. It was very uncomfortable.

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I have not played these games, but I was watching these paper mario videos one time, and I kept hearing this weird old woman's voice every time something happened, sometimes her speaking was not even related to the game. I think it was a very bad idea that Nintendo put that voice in the game, it is not even an optional easter egg. Please put that person in bottom tier.

One time she even tried singing along to that lonelyisland song about being on a boat. It was very uncomfortable.

:huh: What voice? I don't remember that kind of voice in any of the games...

And in regards to the tier list... Vivian below Ms. Mowz? Really? I don't remember stealing items being that useful. Her ability to heal would be... the only thing to note in my opinion.

But even then, most of her attacks tend to have audience members leave unless you do the stylishes... I think, I don't remember clearly, but they do tend to lower the number...

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:huh: What voice? I don't remember that kind of voice in any of the games...

It is a horrible voice. She threatened to name the Yoshi after me, but then it was named something ridiculous. I will never play those games because I do not want to hear that voice, the videos were enough.

Edited by Tangerine
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<3 Bow

Any chance of Watt being pushed above Goombario? Ignoring defense is really really useful, since it guarantees the damage against pretty much all enemies. Goombario gets forced out by spike enemies and barely scratches enemies with high defenses. Actually, my opinion is probably biased because I was never good with Multibonk...

Also, I think Kooper should be above Lakilester. You already pointed out Kooper's positive points and I'd say those make him better than Lakilester overall.


Vivian should definitely be above Mowz. Stealing ALONE is not enough to warrant such a high spot on the list. She fails at combat (no special offensive moves), and the only other good thing she can do is heal, which really burns up your FP. All she can do is steal, which has no effect on the outcome of the battle, while Vivian can hide, burn, ignore defense, and hit flying enemies.

Bobbery above Flurry. Can't remember exactly why I preferred Bobbery but I guess it's because he hits really hard.



Carrie is win because it turns Bowser into an absolute monster.

Barry can reflect projectiles which is pretty cool

Piccolo is fun to use, and takes care of what would otherwise be the toughest single battle in the game imo.

Fleep needs his own tier (yes, make one below Utter Trash just for him).

Edited by Kiku-Ichimonji
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Take Carrie and Bomber out of Utter Trash. They aren't bad.

Off topic: Paper Mario 3DS has partners again akhgksjay

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Bow is not top. She completely fails to damage enemies with even just a single point of defense, or two points of defense once she hits ultra level (but even to damage enemies with just one point of defense she burns through your FP rather fast, and even then it's just a measly 5 points of damage - something people like Watt can do without any FP at all). And dodge is only useful against enemies who charge their attacks. The thing is, any enemy that has charge attacks and is not a boss should long be dead before they get any chance to use them.

Goombario should probably not be top tier either. He has strong single-target damage once he hits ultra level, but that's only really useful against bosses - but he can't utilize that until chapter 5 at the earliest. Additionally, having his damage divided between two attacks also essentially doubles enemies' defense for him, and there's no easy way to take advantage of this as there are no partner badges in the first game. He also can't attack enemies with spikes at all, and such enemies appear pretty frequently, actually. He can scan enemies, which is cool, but that alone does not make him top tier, especially since you can just equip a certain badge to see the HP bars of your enemies anyway. Not that it's really required to see enemies' HP in the first place.

Bombette should be top tier. Let's face it, she has the single best damage output in the entire game, and can actually use this against all enemies at once (including ceiling enemies starting from about the middle of chapter 5), allowing the player to finish almost all random encounters on the first turn and thus avoid taking any damage at all. A good player should focus on increasing their FP and BP anyway (in order to be able to one-turn random encounters), so "burning through FP" is really not that much of an issue. Especially if it helps save your HP.

Lakilester further down. He has no redeeming qualities about him except for the battle against the chapter 6 boss, but even that can be replicated by Bombette, Sushie, items, a few badges and star power. Cloud Nine is only useful against bosses, and there aren't very many left to fight once he actually bothers to join.

Sushie should be a little higher; higher than Parakarry and maybe Lakilester, at least. Her normal attack is a lesser version of Gumbario's, but it doesn't suffer against high defense enemies as much. Tsunami is also nice for damage against all enemies if you're good at it; she can, just like Bombette, deal some pretty enormous damage and thus help you to end encounters before your enemies get an attack in.

Mowz down. Her main attack ignores defense, but has a lower damage output to begin with and the action command is idiotically difficult to do. Healing would be nice if it wasn't such an enormous waste of FP that would be better spent on using attacks that finish off your enemies on the first turn. And stealing is certainly nice, I won't deny that - but it rarely actually helps you win a battle, and enemies carry valuable badges so extremely rarely that it is hardly even worth taking into account. And again, her combat is abysmal.

She is also the only partner that requires that you go out of your way to recruit.

Vivian up. Fiery Jinx is awesome and sometimes actually hits that fire weakness some enemies have. The fact that it ignores positions and defense is also nice. It helps finish battles quickly.

Bobbery above Flurry at least. Bobbery has a lot of HP and can attack all enemies at once for good damage, though he isn't quite as spectacular overall as Bombette is in the first game and joins pretty late. He easily outclasses Flurry's worthless single-target damage, though.

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I have not played these games, but I was watching these paper mario videos one time, and I kept hearing this weird old woman's voice every time something happened, sometimes her speaking was not even related to the game. I think it was a very bad idea that Nintendo put that voice in the game, it is not even an optional easter egg. Please put that person in bottom tier.

One time she even tried singing along to that lonelyisland song about being on a boat. It was very uncomfortable.

Watch another video done by another user :P

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