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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 78


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Best: Nedata. Honorable mention to the homosexual bandits.

Worst: Gheb. How the flying freak does this guy even have fans in the first place? I mean come on! Dishonorable mention to Glass, Batta, and Denning for the same reason.

Edited by LittleAl
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Best: Denning, for simply being epic. He was rather good for being so purposely generic.

Worst: Just about every boss in FE11...How about Sternlin? 'You shall not pass! You shall not...ungh...'

Edited by Maria's Bro
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Best: Gomez. It kind of pains me to consider him a generic boss since he's actually kind of unique as far as gruff-looking bandits go, but he does fit the minor story importance requirement.

Worst: Aine.

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Best: Denning... Cause he's lulzy for a generic boss!

Worst: GHEB! GHEB! WHY HAVE FANS IF YOU WILL JUST... SAY HI TO YOUR GRAVESTONE? Dishonorable mention to Glass and Batta... and if Valtome counts... put him in!

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Best: Carlyle is probably one of the more interesting characters to fit these requirements (don't think he shows up outside of his chapter)

Worst: Reis (FE6 Ch15 boss). He's much weaker than other bosses in the game for no real reason.

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Best: Hafedd. Guy had personality, and he seemed like an honourable Daein soldier (not insulting the laguz, for one), which is sort of rare.

Doesn't he have long, golden locks of hair while riding a Wyvern?

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Doesn't he have long, golden locks of hair while riding a Wyvern?

That's not Hafedd. Hafedd is a Halberdier. The boss you're thinking of is Gromell.

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Worst: Gheb (woo bandwagon)

Best: Zoldam, and here's why. I know he isn't going to win, because I have to admit, Schaeffer was one of the best bosses ever, but Zoldam is probably the only generic boss I've ever come across that legitimately scares me. Has anyone NOT had a run on Pirate Ship ruined because he landed a Luna crit? I know it has happened to me maybe 3 or 4 times.

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Worst: Eins. In FE4 he doesn't even have a freaking picture, and in FE5 he's

Leidrick after he does.

Best: Carlyle!

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