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My Life is Fire Emblem


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I wasn't sure if I was supposed to put this in Forum Games, but it applied directly to Fire Emblem, so I decided to put it here.

Anyway, I'm sure we all know about those websites like FML and MLIA where people post little stories about how their life sucks, or stupid things they did/saw/etc. Well I'm creating this topic to put it in Fire Emblem terms. In this topic, post anything about your life that you found pertaining to Fire Emblem. For instance:

Today, while taking my AP World History Test, a question asked about the Crimean War. My Life is Fire Emblem.

It can also work for things that actually pertain to the game like.

Today, I spent three hours deciding who would receive my BEXP. My Life is Fire Emblem.

But also try and stay away from really generic things like

Today, I beat Chapter 22 of PoR. My Life Is Fire Emblem.

If you were to make it more specific you could be like

Today, I beat Chapter 22 of PoR. I killed every priest in pure spite. My Life is Fire Emblem.

Yeah, it can be really stupid and really dumb, but I think it'll be fun. Also, try to remember the format of these things. Each post begins with "Today" and then the instance and then "My Life is Fire Emblem".

It'll be fun if you put your mind to it.

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Today I was seeing a globe and then I saw that Switzerland's capital was Bern.My life is fire emblem :(

Bern, Silesia, Crimea...it's all there.

I ... got nothin'.

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Yup, those are all real places. As is Lycia, Ostia, and Gallia was what the Ancient Romans called France.

I got nothin' too. :<

Ostia was, if I recall, a really important port.

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My family's cousin... is named Marisa... My life is FE...

Oddly enough, there's many dudes and ladies that are named Vanessa, Kyle, Marcia and the like...

Wait what?

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I was playing Golden Sun and I realized that Mia is also a character in Fire Emblem. Same goes for Garet, Matthew, Amiti, and Isaac (though in FE Isaac is a country, not a person, and Amiti is a sword).

My Life is Fire Emblem (and partially Golden Sun).

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  • 2 weeks later...

My username is based off Ike's Vanguard class, and the FE7 unit Raven. Awesome, no?

Its pretty obvious(the origin of your name I mean).

I used to make plans for beating chapter 15x in 5 turns in my free time, can I say MY LIFE WAS FIRE EMBLEM?

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