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Hello guys. I am not really sure what you can offer me, but I figured that I should join another Fire Emblem board eventually since my old ones shut down a long time ago. So, then, let's have some fun...

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Hello guys. I am not really sure what you can offer me, but I figured that I should join another Fire Emblem board eventually since my old ones shut down a long time ago. So, then, let's have some fun...

What we can offer you?!........ What we can offer you?!?!?!?! Why, we can offer.........

Well...... good stuff!!! =D Great memories!!!................................

Guess you'll have to look to someone else who can represent better.

Well at least I can say this shouldn't be shutting down anytime soon. =] So welcome to the Forest and have a great time.

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Welcome to Serenes Forest. Remember to check out the Code of Conduct here before posting all of the porn you have stored on your computer.

Enjoy your stay 2md1190_th.jpg

Oh, don't be silly. I don't keep my porn on my hard drive.

My mind. It is melting. Please simply it for my simple mind. What exactly do I do on my turn, or do we take turns, or what? I would like to see some kind of simulation round. Sorry if it was on there and I missed it.

No, don't. Popularity isn't all that good.

I can tell that I am going to like you already.

What we can offer you?!........ What we can offer you?!?!?!?! Why, we can offer.........

Well...... good stuff!!! =D Great memories!!!................................

Guess you'll have to look to someone else who can represent better.

Well at least I can say this shouldn't be shutting down anytime soon. =] So welcome to the Forest and have a great time.

Thanks, you and everyone else for the welcome. I hope to enjoy myself; rr, rather, enjoy you; on my stay here. Let's hope that it is indefinite, unlike the others.

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My mind. It is melting. Please simply it for my simple mind. What exactly do I do on my turn, or do we take turns, or what? I would like to see some kind of simulation round. Sorry if it was on there and I missed it.

Each player takes turns at choosing characters from the selected game's roost. Once that's done, each of them plays their games independently, using the units they chose and posting updates about their runs.

There are draft threads in pretty much all FE boards right now, they shouldn't be hard to find.

Also, welcome.

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Random hey and welcome to forest makelov post. Its about time i start to make these...

Make whats?

Thank you for the welcome.

Welcome and enjoy your stay.

It is indeed difficult to dislike Nightmare.

Thank you for the welcome.

Each player takes turns at choosing characters from the selected game's roost. Once that's done, each of them plays their games independently, using the units they chose and posting updates about their runs.

There are draft threads in pretty much all FE boards right now, they shouldn't be hard to find.

Also, welcome.

Indeed; someone already explained it in the IP.Chat. Thank you for replying, though.

And thank you for the welcome, one and all. Until later.

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I am not really sure what you can offer me

Ask not what our forum can do for you, but rather, what you can do for our forum. Well?

Ahem. Anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest. Enjoy your stay, avoid falling branches, and please appreciate our generic greetings.

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Ask not what our forum can do for you, but rather, what you can do for our forum. Well?

Ahem. Anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest. Enjoy your stay, avoid falling branches, and please appreciate our generic greetings.

I was waiting for this. I hated Kennedy for that too. Ask not what one can do for either. Ask why they need to associate at all.

Needless to say, the forum does not apply here...

Edited by Makaze
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I can tell that I am going to like you already.

You'll have to like Night or he'll ban you =P

It is indeed difficult to dislike Nightmare.

Yupperz!!! =) (just cause he'll ban me otherwise)

Ah just kidding since I became friends with him before he became admin. *gives Night thumbs up cause he's coolio*

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I can't tell whether you are serious or not...

Sorry for the ambiguity. I'm serious, I thought that was cool.

Dude, you're like the male equivalent to Soluna... except you bold shit.

Never really knew Soluna, but if she's like this guy she must have been neat.

Edited by SeverIan
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Dude, you're like the male equivalent to Soluna... except you bold shit.

soluna used to use Frankin Gothic Medium every single post. x:

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