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Do you (ab)use arenas?


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Well, I think the topic title says it all. I personally never use arenas on any Fire Emblem game, because I think that takes away the challenge of the game. Without arenas even FE8 can become somewhat a challenge!

How much do you all use the arenas and why? :P

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I generally try not to use arenas much on first playthroughs and don't abuse in general because it's kind of dull.

I do arena abuse when creating Link Arena and Wi-Fi teams though, because you rarely reach Level 20/20 when playing normally (and also to obtain the necessary funds for forging weapons in FE11/12).

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Well, I mostly use it to train units that are lower than the average level of the team. Oh, that means, I also use the arena to train the three main Lords of FE7 so I access the (at least I believe it is) 20/22 Chapter with Linus.

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If I feel like it. For example :


This was on Lunatic no less. I could only kill Dragon Knights, Generals, Warriors and Berserkers. I had the prices memorized so that I'd fight only them, but occasionally undefeatable Paladins would spawn at the same price as Generals.

In a normal, quicker playthrough, I'll always try to leave a good arena fighter and a healer at the arena while the rest to the team clear the map objective. Free levels and easy money.

Edited by Flying Spaghetti Monster
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I never seriously use them

but in PTs where I'm just in the mood to rage through the game or want to try certain things, I abuse as much as abusing is possible.

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I occasionally use them if they're there, not really abuse though. An example being the chapter you get Echidna in FE6, I'll send her, Tethys and a healer over to the arena to get Echidna some exp while everyone else finishes pushing for the seize, as soon as Roy can seize the arenaing stops.

Edited by Haze
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On the first two Game Boy Advance games, I am prone to abusing them. I care not for turn count. I like to get all my used characters maxed by the end of the game.

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I routinely use the arenas in FE4 because of the way they were designed in that game. I rarely bother with them otherwise, although I did heavily arena abuse during my second run through FE7.

On the subject of abuse in general, I sometimes boss abuse Wallace up to level 20 before promoting him.

Edited by Musashi
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FE4 arenas I use with no shame at all.

I basically avoid arenas for the most part. However, I do use the arena in the Prep screen of FE12. It's harder to abuse since you don't gain any money from it and it works like FE10 BEXP for the most part from what I've heard. I still only use it to finish off a level or get units under par like Tiki to get to an acceptable level.

Edited by Laughing Unicorn
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I use the arena a lot, but not really to the point of abusing it on normal playthroughs. The only times I work it enough to consider it abuse are:

1.) Getting to Linus' early chapter in Blazing Sword.

2.) Getting enough money to recruit Farina (Not as much funds to go around in Hector Mode).

3.) Anytime I'm working supports in GBA land where arenas just happen to exist (especially the 80 turn ones).

4.) Sacred Stones to get Amelia and Ewan to the party's current level and post-game (More Tower than arena here, but still counts as abusing.)

5.) Wi-Fi teams in Shadow Dragon (need to hit 20/20)

I try not to overdo it though, because one bad matchup is all it takes to lose a guy to the RNG, (Oswin + Silver Axe Pirates = Bad) forcing me to restart at chapter start/Last Map Save, which is annoying. Plus a little challenge here and there is good.

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I have a long sad history of arena abusing ever since I started playing my first game(Shadow Dragon). Unfortunately, I still haven't broke the habit, and it really showed in my FE6 playthrough(not this one, THIS ONE.), as I wanted to get a few arena videos, but I got too greedy, and Bors ended up at an inflated level(like Lv20, with 39HP/16Str/13Skl/12Spd/20Def). Dieck and Rutgar also were at inflated levels(both at Lv17, with extremely blessed stats). I also did this in an FE7 playthrough I did just for shits and giggles, instead, getting Raven to 20/0.

A user had this to say to me:

If you wonder your lack of activity, it has to be because this playthrough log is uninteresting. Wanna know why it's uninteresting? In my opinion, it has to be because there is nothing interesting in beating FE while taking ten million turns at a chapter arena-abusing and showing of your 1337 characters. And then, what is this? You quote yourself and sig it, why exactly? Forgive me if I sound crude. I just feel it's that way. It's basically the same with your FE7 one.

The moral of the story: Do not abuse the arena on your playthrough unless it's FE4.

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Not counting FE4 as arena abuse because I believe it's a must for the game. I don't really arena abuse all that much. I won't say I don't use the area from time to time but after awhile I find it boring.

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. I care not for turn count.


I abuse arenas quite hard for the following reasons:

Building Supports.

Spamming my healers and having them promote earlier than normal.

Getting a lot of cash for Farina (FE7) and Physic staves.

Raising units i want to use who are kinda lagging in levels.

Raising the level(s) of dancers.

Since i could care less about turn counts, efficiency, etc. I like doing it.

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Eh, I only really do FEs 8, 10, and 11.

I'm still playing FE4, but as every person has said already, it's an exception. It doesn't even cost a turn to use, or kill you if you lose. inb4rhyme

In FE8 I didn't use it much, other than to get Seth a few levels the first time I played it. That was when I still had Jagenphobia and then I heard he was good.

FE10 has no arena, moving on.

In FE11 I only use the arena if someone's very underleveled, I'm building a legit WiFi team, I'm broke, or I'm trying to make broken 20/20 units early. (I did it in Chapter 4 once, lol)

Edited by Hawk King Tibarn
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