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Japan just got hit by an 8.9 Earthquake, and a 6 Meter Tsunami

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Just thought I'd necro this because I saw a little something on the news last week and I didn't feel like making another topic, and thought it was relevant with this one.

Apparently Japan didn't get the reactor trouble under control yet. And now people are comparing the Fukushima incident with the Chernobyl. Had anyone else heard about this?

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Oh for the love of tea, everyone still loves to panic about that don't they?

No, the reactors have not been cleaned up entirely yet, but that is not the same thing as being completely out of control. They've got a lot of work to do but nothing's going to spontaneously go boom.

Yes, the incident is now being rated at a 7 on the INES (the scale for nuclear incidents), which is the same level that Chernobyl was rated, but the two incidents are not really comparable. The Chernobyl plant was built to lower standards than the Fukushima plant, and there was much more of an effect on human lives at Chernobyl than there has been at Fukushima.

I posted this in here before and I'll post it again: http://mitnse.com/

It's people who know what they're talking about, reporting on what's actually going on, rather than news reporters who don't telling us all to buy iodine pills because the sky is falling.

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