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Lord of Azure Flame Chapter 24: The Schism


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Kelas sighed. "With the whole situation? Of course not," she replied. "But I can't rightly try and make you stay, because I know if I were in a similar situation I'd be trying to do the exact same thing. I'm just worried... not only are you heading into a warzone, in the freezing cold, but Shanice is still lurking around who-knows-where, and now there's this shadow-walker wandering around eating armies... the odds of nothing really bad happening don't seem so good. And you're my best friend, and I don't want you to get hurt." For a brief moment she held on a little more tightly. "I... I'll be all right. I'm just having to admit that I can't always protect everyone I care about, and I hate that."


That was abrupt, Arrin thought. How much energy does she HAVE? "Er... okay," he replied, not really sure if he'd be able to properly keep up a conversation. "There are multiple fields, was there a particular one you wanted to hear about?" Hopefully she'll pick one I have more than just cursory knowledge of...

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"Well I am interested in thunder magic. I'm particularly interested in the various ways you shape the lightning spells, how much mana it takes, what tomes are harder to do it with, you know, that sort of thing," Sadie answered.

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The small hallway was a little crowded, especially now that they were clustering up. When it had just been Heinz standing next to and supporting Irina, there had still been slim space where someone could squeeze by if necessary, but now that Tessa had arrived, and with Alferis shortly behind her, it was a bit of a knot, which was perhaps a little concerning, the healer thought, as she'd just passed Charlotte and Helios on their way down after all.

The axefighter had quickly asked what was wrong, so that saved her the trouble of that, and was about to lead into her main focus. Irina's reply took her a bit by surprise. Not that the other woman couldn't handle alcohol that well, necessarily―some people don't after all―but that she had started drinking so early in the day. Keeping her judgement to herself, though, she just shook her head and cut any lead-in.

"What's wrong with Kiev? Ixion mentioned something like he was in no condition to survive the next time we get in a fight... and I know how much he means to you. Is there anything I can do to help?"


Helios had followed Charlotte into the main room, but kept mostly silent during the ensuing discussion of Zaftran politics. It wasn't that he didn't have his own opinions on what happens to bring about a change of dynasty, or that such concerns weren't also pertinent and uncomfortable. But he was slower on his mental feet than he would have liked, and by the time he was ready to pipe in, it had either already been said, or someone had cut it off by a counter. A twinge in his stomach also indicated a slight resurgence of queasy, and he decided to just occupy himself with keeping that in line, and waiting.

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"Sounds like quite the monster... even compared to the ones we are used to fighting... this is troubling." Damian replied, sighing.

"But the endeavor for peace is well founded. I commend Councilman Richtor for his initiative... and I'll do whatever I can to help, just let me know what you need." Damian continued, giving Luc a slight smile, offering him his hand.

"Good to be working with you, Captain Altair."

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She felt as though she couldn't protect the people she cared for. That was all too familiar to Iso and he began hugging her back because he couldn't find the words this time. Deep down the fire sage was looking for an answer ... something that didn't just involve training or getting stronger.


Irina: Kiev? He's just fine, isn't he? There shouldn't be anything wrong with him. (I know Ixion's no fan of Kiev's but he's a great wyvern and he's gotten me this far. And what battle is he talking about? Maybe I should just brave this headache and go see what's going on.)

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Tessa's report was met with a bit of interest, and apparent confusion. Irina had a few questions, and it seemed like she'd need to elaborate, so the troubadour did the best to fill in the rest of the context that she could.

"I... I really don't know. It was just something I overheard him talking with Lev about after he finished scolding me for worrying about possible effects of Damian's training. He can be kind of... severe... can't he?

"Anyway, I wasn't paying the closest of attention, so I don't know all the details... but when I heard him say pretty much what I just told you, well it really jumped out at me and I got concerned. This is something you didn't know about then? I think there was some mention about the female too, but then they finished talking and he left to go do something outside..."

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Well that was that. Irina needed some answers, and lying in bed could wait. She would make up for it by drowning herself in tea while she was downstairs she figured, but for now having Ixion at the inn was causing too much of a stir from the party for her to turn a blind eye even temporarily, especially not if Kiev was being mentioned for whatever reason.

Irina: I should see what this is about. Thanks for telling me about this, Tessa. Heinz, can you help me back downstairs? I don't feel that unbalanced but I don't want to take any chances right now.

Try as she did, she couldn't hide the strain as it kept creeping up into her speech.

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OOC: I apologize for not responding sooner. I've been burnt-out of LoAF for a while. Also sorry if this is out of place/wrong. RL issues and latenight. I just wanna post; okay?

IC: "It's a bit more than just 'being cautious' Morgan. It could easily be a life or death issue for any one of us. Those weapons are not exactly stable. If he's looking at Tessa like that, there is a chance the weapon could respond to it. At the least, I would think it best to keep him away from people who lack experience with the weapons but..." she looked down in a weird manner. To do such a thing would remove Aiya from him; and that would shatter the fragile relationship the pair had. "If we do so, I think it best that the person not be me. Maybe a guy."

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"Ah... Well, combat magic isn't that difficult to explain, but I think some of the non-combat applications are a lot more interesting," Arrin replied, then proceeded to dive right into the requested explanation. "At any rate... I did get taught the basics of wind and fire, though I've never practiced with them, and combat thunder magic is pretty similar to wind and fire. Tomes are made the same way; it's just a matter of the spell arrays being different, because you're working with a different... substance isn't the right word, a different form of energy, I guess. It takes about as much mana as the other two disciplines. As for controlling direction and such... intensity and range is mostly a matter of how much mana you put into it, like in other disciplines, and direction... part of that's in the equations that go into the spell arrays, part of it's mental calculations, and part of it's intuition, though how much is intuition depends on how good you are at the calculations. For difficulty... well it runs about the same as other anima disciplines as well; difficulty increases with power, range, and finesse," he finished.


...She was entirely too comfortable being held, Kelas realized. That had some implications, and given current circumstances, they might not be good ones. In fact, she might have to panic a bit over that... but not right now, it was definitely the wrong time for panicking. Despite her realization, she let Isotov pull her a little closer, and rested against him. "Thanks," she said, very quietly, closing her eyes and wishing she could just stay like this, minus the attached worries.

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"Attempting to forcibly seperate Damian from anyone will likely cause him to become very angry-perhaps enough to set off the trigger. That is the sort of thing we wish to avoid, not encourage. I will not overreact to a minor setback such as this, and neither should you," Morgan responded to Esphyr before getting up and walking out.

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"That won't be necessary," Tas quietly put in as he joined the hallway's congestion. He'd heard enough to learn that there would be quite a bit of explaining to do...but not in the hallway and not with such a big crowd. "Irina, if you don't mind, I'd like to explain everything I know about all this. Though it'd be best if niether of us were so overcrowded or nearly falling over," he suggested with a half-smile and an outstreched hand. He gave Heinz a quick look of gratitude, but could -- and really should -- take things from there.


(What is this? A blockade?) Beau had thought the halls constricting enough but with all these people around, he didn't really feel like turning the corner. (I'll just have to wait until the hall is at least mostly clear again.) Given his position, he couldn't even reach the common room. That made him somewhat anxious since there were certain individuals he had no desire of speaking with and did not know the locations of.

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When Irina thanked her, Tessa felt a little warm inside, and replied back, "I know we did just have a little... argument the other day," she grimaced remembering her explosion at the rider in the aftermath of the templars. "But that doesn't mean we're not still friends, and something this important you just don't let go by without comment. You'd do the same for me if it were Trevor, I'd hope."

Before Irina got Heinz to take her down the stairs and outside, though, the wyvern courier had come up from behind, apparently with more information on the matter. It sounded like Tas wanted it to just be between Irina and himself, but she couldn't be sure...

"Umm, do you want me to tag along?"

Edited by Balcerzak
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"Well, I'm not sure... I guess that's up to Irina," he replied to the girl who apparently already knew somewhat of what was going on. He added on under his breath, "At least some things should be..."

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Irina: Hmm ...

She thought about what was going on for a moment, and then realized that she was too curious to not handle this situation in the simplest way.

Irina: Tas, I know you're willing to tell me what you heard, but maybe I should hear it straight from Ixion. It'll save time, and I can get any other questions I have answered right then and there. I think we should all head downstairs ... if that's okay with you guys ....


Iso had almost been able to completely tune out the outside world and focus on ... that was odd. What was he focusing on? He wasn't sure, but hugging Kelas for this long had him thinking about way too many things all at once. He could only tell that he was worried, and still a little upset. Perhaps too comfortable to just get to his pseudo rescue mission just yet either. Unfortunately the voices from the hallway got his attention for a moment.

Iso: (What's going on out there? I could have sworn I heard Irina and Tessa ... Alferis too possibly. Not sure who the others were though. Oh man.)

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Luc Altair

"Troubling yes and..." there was that other thing Luc realized. "Hmm, I don't suppose you've been briefed on our recent clashes with previously encountered demons yet?"

"Yes, this is our duty. Once things are settled here I'll send the reply to him right away." Luc took the offered hand of a fellow soldier. "Good to work with you as well, Colonel Kleine."

A Paul

"Sleepy, sleepy."

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Heinz nodded in response to Irina's query. Figures that Ixion would bring along trouble, he thought wryly. Doesn't seem to show up without a reason. Argument? Frowning as he recollected his memories of the templar battle and coming up blank. Didn't notice it, and I wasn't knocked out either in the fight

The mercenary raised his eyes as the wyvern courier began to speak, insisting he could aid the wyvern lord. "Weren't you drinking heavily as well last night? Can't say you look much better than her," he commented, scanning the courier's appearance after Tessa asked whether the boy wanted them to follow.

Odd that the shaman would tell him about Kiev if he's not related to the Ivanko Mercenaries.... he's in the business of selling, not fighting, pulling one corner of his mouth downwards slightly, mulling. "Sounds alright," he replied at last to the suggestion to head down to find the druid. "I'll help Irina downstairs," Heinz decided firmly. "I would like to hear what Ixion has to say, unless this is a private matter." Doubtful, if at least Tessa was able to overhear and Tas seems to know. That man wouldn't let anyone eavesdrop if what he had to say was important, remembering his earlier announcement.

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Kelas knew her current state of comfort was too good to last, and sure enough, she soon heard some sort of commotion from the hall, with Irina involved. "Is this my cue to let you go?" she asked quietly, not moving, but opening her eyes to glance toward the door.

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As he looked at the door littered with embedded knives, he grimaced.

Chek: The heck is all these?

He saw a man on a windowsill across from the inn and immediately stepped forward a few steps and waved to him.

Chek: Hey! You know who did these? Or ... was it you?

Mercenary: Get the damn supplies!

One of the other mercs came up from behind and shoved him a bit to get him back on track.

Chek: Gah! Oh right ... ehhh.

He did have work to do ... so it was probably best to let it go for now, but if he was the culprit, someone ought to deal with him, right?


Iso: (What is this? I know what I'm supposed to be doing but I feel so hesitant. I want to say it's because I don't want to pretend to be Miranda but ... that's a lie. I don't really care about that anymore. I'll do what I have to to protect my sister, even this, but ... for some reason this is ... really painful to be preparing to do.)

He didn't realize it at first, but the moment Kelas' question surfaced he hugged her tighter.

Iso: I ... guess. (I really don't want to have to do this ...)


Irina: Alright then, let's all go together.

When Heinz had helped Irina reach the bottom of the stairs, Ixion was standing near Levski. He seemed different somehow. Almost ... hostile.

Irina: Ixion ... what's going on? What's this about Kiev?

Ixion: I don't want you straining yourself so I may need to do something about that hangover now; since you won't be lying down, or so I suspect.

The Dark Druid came up to her and slowly began placing his palm against her forehead. He was slow about it to allow Irina time to reject his offer of help should she choose, but she agreed with it for the most part. She didn't want to be downed by her headache if any yelling started, which she suspected would. Ixion quickly began to dull her sense of the pain, but only enough to allow her to function without being hindered. Beyond that, and what else he was secretly doing, he didn't want to mess with her mind. When his hand lifted away from her, she felt fine.

Ixion: You still have a hangover, but you shouldn't be hindered by it for the time being. Now then, I suppose now is as good a time as any to begin informing you of the situation.

Irina: ... yeah. Tell me what's going on ....

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"Weren't you drinking heavily as well last night? Can't say you look much better than her." The statement caused Tas to flinch somewhat. He didn't know if he'd been drinking heavily, all he knew was that he drank something strong that was apparnetly alcohol and it caused him to act rather...different. It was true that he wasn't much better-off than Irina herself, so he could see the foolishness in his offering to speak with the mercenary girl privately or at least the "helping to lead her around" part. (I didn't know if she wanted to hear it privately from me or not. It sure seems like that mercenary back there wouldn't be gentle about telling her what's going on...) Irina opted for all of them to return to the common room and hear what the man whose name was apparently Ixion had to say directly from him.

Respecting the decision, Tas followed the group of people back to the common room. Though he was glad the mercenary had the ability to help Irina's hangover, certain memories began to resurface...and he figured out the answer to one of his earlier questions. Suddenly being gripped with an almost hostile anger, Tas attempted to remain in control of himself as he venemously asked the druid, "What did you do to Nikita?" (He uses magic that effects the mind? That's the only way he could've turned Nikita's loyalties without her rider's cooperation!) This was just going too far. Forcing Irina into a war she didn't know about, separating her from Kiev, altering the memories of a wyvern to turn against her trusted partner, insulting Lev again and again... (How can I remain in control in light of all this?!)

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"I have not been briefed yet, no. You've witnessed everything that has occurred since I arrived first hand, after all." Damian replied, his eyes shifting towards where Ixion and Irina now were.

"But that can wait for a little while... looks like Ixion is making his move... things are about to get wild." Damian concluded, curious as to how exactly Irina woul react to the situation.

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Lev: (They're back? Aaaaand the two of them are asking questions like that?)

He sighed and hung his head.

Lev: (I'm certainly going to miss ... well ... everything. Well ... here we go.)


Irina glanced at Tas for a moment.

Irina: W-wait, who's Nikita?

Looking Tas dead in the eyes with a stare that couldn't have meant anything good, Ixion explained to pretty much anyone listening, but directed certain bits to certain people.

Ixion: Frankly? You weren't able to finish training her before the beginning of the operation, and so I insured that she wouldn't be giving you any problems.

Irina: You mean the pink wyvern Lev caught?

Ixion: That's exactly who I mean, and yes, her name is Nikita. That's one of many things I learned from her mind while altering her memories.

Irina: Y-you ... you what?

Ixion: Listen closely. Nikita had a former owner who liked to go by the name Pressha. The pendent you have is hers and bares that name. Nikita is an extensively trained wyvern and a treasure trove of knowledge all in one package. It was agreed that you would train her, but the time for that has passed. I replaced every last original memory and bit of information about Pressha, with you. She is completely yours now.

Irina: You ... how could you do something like that to her?! You can't just go around swapping memories like that! Don't do this just to help me train her faster, it's not worth it if everything she remembers about me is a lie!

Ixion: It's too late for that.

Irina: What do you mean it's too late? Just fix her!

Ixion: Out of the question. Memory tampering is extremely dangerous at the level I just performed. I'm not only not willing to attempt undoing all of that work, but it is reckless to do so. When one permanently alters a mind to that degree more than once, it can sometimes cause sensory and memory diffusion effects on the mind. In simple common, she could very well begin tasting purple and mistaking the ocean for the sky. I won't risk an asset returning her to the inconvenience she once was.

Irina: Inconvenient? You're just impatient ... and insane! Why didn't you think before you did that?! Why didn't you talk to me first?!

Ixion: You've got plenty more to be upset about. With that in mind I decided to go through with it and not waste time arguing with you on the matter. This was going to happen whether or not you agreed to it.

Irina: You ... damn ... urrrrgh! What could possess you to do something like this when I already have a wyvern I use in battle?! Does Kiev suddenly not exist or something?!

Ixion: I don't like Kiev's chances.

Irina: Chances. Of. WHAT?!!!

Ixion: I don't like his chances of getting you through the battle in Kalten alive.

Irina: ... what?

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Tas was furious. He wanted to join in with Irina's rejection and condemnation of Ixion's act, but Irina's yelling was swiftly and effectively crippling him. (So louuuuud.....) One hand was on the table, the other was on his head, balancing himself and trying to somehow stop the ache and throb inside his skull. He'd been able to ignore it decently well, but now it was just ludicrous. He was silently cheering Irina's outburst on, though. When Ixion mentioned the battle in Kalten -- which he could only assume was somewhere in Zaftra -- Irina quieted down. Now she was about to hear the rest of the story. Tas' head still hurt enough to make him dizzy, though and it was quite unignorable.

The Irina was shrieking at something. That dark human over there was orbably an enemy, then! He had to abandon the suspicious, thick-skinned human hand for now. So, Niket leaped from the hand to Makar's chest, clawing at the man's armor as best he could, making his way to the man's shoulder. Then, from there, he leaped at the next-closest human and the next until he finally sprung at Ixion, planning to claw and bite at him until he was driven off. "AREEEEEEENNNAAAAAAAA!!!"

Tas flinched. Niket's shrill, piercing cry only hurt his head more.

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As Niket leaped at him, Ixion held up his hand and the infant wyvern slowed to a stop about a foot and a half from him. A barely visible cloud of dark energy kept the little wyvern suspended in the air.

Ixion: ... well that certainly wasn't expected.

Irina: IXION!!!

Irina quickly dashed forward and used her left arm to shove him out of the way, and then she grabbed Niket out of the cloud and held him close. The cloud immediately vanished and she gave the Dark Druid an enraged glare.

Ixion: I understand that you don't trust me with the wyverns but try not to overreact. I would have simply killed anyone else who tried to attack me so suddenly ... save for you or a crimson weapon wielder.

Irina: Don't touch him, you brainwashing jerk! Just stay away from him and the others. "Don't trust you" is an understatement. I don't even know who you are anymore.

Ixion: Inconsequential.


Well that was it it seemed. He knew for certain there was screaming going on downstairs and he knew the voice well.

Iso: ... d-dammit. I should have known this would get out of hand way too soon. (I guess it's ... time to go down there ...)

Isotov ... wait ...

Iso!Miranda: ... girl sure can make a fuss. Looks like it's just about showtime~

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By this point, Tas had had to seat himself, covering his ears with his arms as his elbows and forehead rested miserably on the table. (Irina's...doing fine...on her own...without my help... Owwwww.....)

That had been really really weird. Niket hadn't been able to move for a moment there, but the Irina had rescued him. Even so, it was close enough to flying that he didn't care all too much. The ediable human also had caused him to fly... Maybe it was something people with a scary, dark feel to them could do: making things fly. Still, the Irina was angrier than ever at the dark human. So, Niket likewise glared at him intimidatingly and gurgled fericiously. The dark human would have Niket to deal with if he wanted to hurt the Irina.

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