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and posted, now hopefully I can get another post in tonight. (gtg for like... anywhere from 4 and a half to 5 hours once 3 o clock hits) and you don't do to much in my running, I would like to get back involved. =)

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Until then, let's discuss this Combat system, and how it broken it is eh?

cause seriously, this is probably the most GM biased combat system i've ever seen, it makes no sense in terms of RPing and the like, and I'd rather just not have one in the first place for a game like this, or atleast, one that isn't Minesweeper, and hoping we find our one enemy on the HUGE ASS FUCK battle board, before the RNG screws us over.

BTW: I enjoyed how the GMs PC got more attacks than the two player PCs combined, that was a real kicker.

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It was an unfair fight and we all knew it. Once we do a battle that's actually supposed to be winnable without pulling a Chuck Norris, then we could discuss it.

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in PMs? or somewhere that I haven't read cause I'm so far behind? And I guessed that one was intended to be rigged, but even then, later battles are only going to get worse. >_> (btw, love how you didn't throw in the combat system tell abotut the third or fourth combat in, and even then only explained all the possable actions one at a time, I expect a full tutorial by tomorrow)

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Lol, quit being so serious, bro XD

You're judging the entire system off of one rigged battle which wasn't even how the battle system was going to work, and now you expect a full tutorial by tomorrow, when you've barely been active the entire time?

Lol, bruh. Just lol.

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I don't play games I don't know all the rules too. So of course I'm being serious.

One thing about this system is that it is impossable to attack on the first turn, unless the field is only 1 square large. I was kinda enjoying the lack of a combat system, it means I get to be RP Z with no concerns about the RNG, but now you introduce a system, and All business, Number Crunching, Powergaming Z comes into play, the kind of Z the takes the system, and just chugging out scenarios tell he knows the expected outcome of every battle, which is why I know this system is terrible, because it comes down to the enemy RNG vs. Players ability to chose the right square, and the RNG wins every time. =\

EDIT: and as Slave said, it doesn't make sense from an RPing standpoint. >_>

Edited by Zsword
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Suddenly, vision loss in terms of battle, so we have to RP like we're drunk or someshit.

THAT part I agree with, and I think that, like 90% of battles should have all enemies visable. I mean, if we can see who we're fighting before we start fighting, we should be able to see them during the fight.

@Z Just calm down, bro XD Quit taking this thing so seriously; it's supposed to be fun, not number crunching madness.

Edited by seph1212
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Actually, that was just the initial surge and small rants I had for the system, once it's fully out, expect all hell to break lose. =P

but seriously, I do find number crunching fun, I find analyzing systems to be fun, and I find finding the various flaws, pointing them out, and getting them fixed, to be FUN, if I didn't I wouldn't be here right now yelling about it, I'd just leave.

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Then just leave? Because, as much as I am for discussing it and making it better, I'd rather not have one person just yelling out opinions because they enjoy number crunching =(

I mean, if you're going to be like that the entire time, then that's no fun for everyone else.

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Well, this is just the way I get when I first get a chance to analyze the system, once it's out, and done, and I know I've been heard, I get better. and I do mean everysystem, cause I did this for RoTE when I first joined, it's just, kinda the first step of the system, don't worry, I won't all ways be this way, it will be temporary, just uh... initial rush is all. =)

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To clarify though, yes, it's rigged in my favor, not so I'll win 100%, but the chances aren't 50/50 :P

So yeah, that fight is not really something to judge on.


I can see it (having to search for her) making sense (sorta) as it's getting dark and none of us have any form of light beyond fire and it's hard to get a good look when said light source is headed straight towards your face.

But in most other cases it makes a lot more sense just to have the enemies visible from the beginning.

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which is another reason this system is just a bit flawed, it's based entirely on not knowing where the enemy is, as such... it just kinda doesn't work, at all, it doesn't make sense, it's rigged in the GMs favor even when it's not supposed to be, and uh... just... kinda doesn't work in general... =\

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I'm kind of agreeing with you atm, but I'd prefer we wait until both a full tutorial and an actual non-rigged fight shows up and we see how it works before we start demanding changes.

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I'm not actually demanding changes yet, it's just that, from what I know and can chug, I'm saying it kinda sucks all around, and actually would rather just keep them as RPed fights, considering this is supposed to be the RP for more people interested in RPing. =\

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