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Carrion panicked for a second, before realizing that she shouldn't care that the man infront of her just collapsed

Whaaaaaaaaat? She has some modicum of sympathy? Madness D: This is one of Mao's characters! They can't have sympathy! *gunned down*

He isn't dying, h-he's just KO'd. Right?


... right?

That all depends on Cam and Mao, now :E

Edited by seph1212
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Ormis saw you fall, got scared and ran away with his tail between his legs~

You're dead Seph~ You're friend has abandoned you!

@Minimum post

Always been 2, pretty sure I discussed it with Seph before I even started making the RP. Plus, I find it hard to believe that someone is so busy that they can't spare 30 minutes a day~ (Usually even less if you're posting in the active period.


I've got no idea what you're talking about, I haven't burned down any tables.... yet

Edited by Kanami
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That again xD

Though I'm still not sure what you mean by "the tables have" :/ Has there been a dramatic change in anyone's situation these past few post? I suppose Adrian has, but he's been dying for awhile now xD

Scarlet? Scarlet?!? SCARLET!!!

:P Name must of been catchy :/

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Ormis saw you fall, got scared and ran away with his tail between his legs~

You're dead Seph~ You're friend has abandoned you!

Ormis wouldn't run away, he's not Adrian D:

@the nickname, I blame myself. Then again, Carrion never introduced herself as Carrion, so...

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Don't worry, Zwool will be switching names at a pretty much random instance, he doesn't know your name so he'll call you by your most unique characteristic, so she could be Scarlet now, but later might be Crimson, Red, or maybe Flame.

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Ormis wouldn't run away, he's not Adrian D:

Point, maybe he saw a soldier in the woods and decided "Imma go kill it now" and chased after it, forgetting that Adrian was lying unconscious beside?

I don't really mind "Scarlet" sounds sort of nice~ xD

And LoAF still makes me thing Crimson Weapons, when I type Crimson.

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That again xD

Though I'm still not sure what you mean by "the tables have" :/ Has there been a dramatic change in anyone's situation these past few post? I suppose Adrian has, but he's been dying for awhile now xD

Scarlet? Scarlet?!? SCARLET!!!

:P Name must of been catchy :/

Well, burning down is generaly not a good thing, and one could make the analogy of adrian dying to a house burning down and so I found a flimsy excuse to post that because GOD DAMMIT I LIKE IT.

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Alright, I'm back. Sorry for lack of activity, but I had to go somewhere like right after you logged on, Mao.

And fuck no I'm not gonna run.

(Although I have to admit that while I tend to give my characters some ridiculous amounts of competence, I also like to be the unluckiest person in the room. Does it balance? Maybe.)

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I'm not sure what to do with the captive group at the moment, I do have something planned for over there, but it looked like roy and Slave were going to get some interaction going, and I didn't want to interrupt that :/

@Cam, Not that big a deal, you pretty much came back when we needed you anyway. Though I was joking about Ormis running :/

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lol xD

EDIT: Yeah, you come in here expecting something of worth and all you get is "lol xD" Trollolol

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