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The Ultimate class.

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So recently, after watching MageKnight404's Valkryia Chronicles 2 playthrough, the V2's stuck out to me a little. It made me think, what if Fire Emblem had an ultimate class. I think it was brought up by Strawman that an armored mage could work. But what if it used magic but something like a Blaster cannon or something that relied on Dark magic? Since it's an armored magic user, it would have great magic, defense, and resistance. However, every class has it's weaknesses so I thought it would be best to make HP it's drawback. What do you think guys? Comments?

Thanks for your time.

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Staff users could be the ultimate class. If the better staves weren't stupidly rare, and staffs not slanted towards healing almost exclusively.

Seriously, staves are the least explored weapon type of all. And it has the most potential as well

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Staff users could be the ultimate class. If the better staves weren't stupidly rare, and staffs not slanted towards healing almost exclusively.

Seriously, staves are the least explored weapon type of all. And it has the most potential as well

That could work. They could have Prf staves that attack and use regular staves to heal.

Would need to be mounted. Probably on a wyvern.

I was actually thinking of having the unit to be flying.

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Master freaking Knights.

27 all Cap

80 HP because of FE4

Can use all weapons minus Dark.

Pretty damn good. And mounted.

Technically 22 Magic and Resistance. Also only C Light. Don't forget the innate Pursuit.

The Emperor had better stats, though. No Pursuit, "only" Charisma and Big Shield. Shit movement but you meet one of them in a castle and the other in the arena.

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Staff users could be the ultimate class. If the better staves weren't stupidly rare, and staffs not slanted towards healing almost exclusively.

Seriously, staves are the least explored weapon type of all. And it has the most potential as well

I agree, but staff users are generally already very good, if not quite the 'ultimate class'.

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Master Knights.

^ was about to say this. They're pretty much already the ultimate class. All they need is flying.

Master freaking Knights.

27 all Cap

80 HP because of FE4

Can use all weapons minus Dark.

Pretty damn good. And mounted.

Technically 22 Magic and Resistance. Also only C Light. Don't forget the innate Pursuit.

The Emperor had better stats, though. No Pursuit, "only" Charisma and Big Shield. Shit movement but you meet one of them in a castle and the other in the arena.

I was personally thinking of something that hadn't been created. I have never played FE4, but from the FE wiki it seems to be a bit "too broken." Even something as powerful as this could be should still have it's limits.

Though componets of the Master Knight could definately be put into this class, though I think it just needs staves.

Staff users could be the ultimate class. If the better staves weren't stupidly rare, and staffs not slanted towards healing almost exclusively.

Seriously, staves are the least explored weapon type of all. And it has the most potential as well

Though base staff users can't attack, so that leaves room for improvement.

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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Well when I brought up an armored mage it wasn't supposed to be some ultimate class...just a mage with good armor instead of good resistance.

If there was an ultimate class it would attack with every weapon each time it attacked. In other words it'd be completely broken and kill everything in one hit.

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Well when I brought up an armored mage it wasn't supposed to be some ultimate class...just a mage with good armor instead of good resistance.

If there was an ultimate class it would attack with every weapon each time it attacked. In other words it'd be completely broken and kill everything in one hit.

I think it would be best to think of an ultimate class without breaking FE logic.

Master Knights do have staves.

So I hear...

When I said it could just use staves, I meant the ultimate class. Just saying.

Edited by ThatGuyDownTheStreet
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I was personally thinking of something that hadn't been created. I have never played FE4, but from the FE wiki it seems to be a bit "too broken." Even something as powerful as this could be should still have it's limits.

Though componets of the Master Knight could definately be put into this class, though I think it just needs staves.

Though base staff users can't attack, so that leaves room for improvement.

I find it funny that you're trying to design an ultimate class weaker than an already existing player-available class.

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Since it's an armored magic user, it would have great magic, defense, and resistance. However, every class has it's weaknesses so I thought it would be best to make HP it's drawback. What do you think guys? Comments?

Thanks for your time.

It's strength is in its durability, so we need to make it fragile.


As it stands, they're magi with good armour and presumably shite speed, as it comes from a slow class and a sluggish class. That's it. You want ultimate, you go Master Knight.

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It doesn't make sense to have an "ultimate" class weaker than a preexisting one, that's all.

There are lots of ways a Master Knight can be better than it already is, but as-is it pretty much blows everything else out of the water.

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And wings and infinite movement and the ability to do whatever it wants until it runs out of movement (never) and its base stats are whatever is the highest the game can handle.

Edit: Oh, and it has this ability that makes it invincible and it can automatically beat the game.

The Ultimate Class just sorta makes the game boring.

Edited by Rewjeo
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