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Best Overall Class for Handheld Fire Emblems


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Thank you, need I repost the list?

1. Better at tanking, lack of 1 range causes enemies to prioritize Snipers over more frail units, and since they don't counter it's easier to feed kills to the unit you want to

2. No weakness to effective weapons (such as swordslayer, hammer, horseslayer, wyrmslayer, etc.)

3. Effective against wyvern riders, the most threatening enemy

4. Can counter attack other snipers

5. Can use ballista

6. This one is adding on to the first one. They get EXP when they are attacked, but they don't counter so the enemy never dies. Snipers can get infinite EXP so they are always higher level.

7. In addition to not having any effective weaknesses, there are also no Reaver weapons that will beat Bows in the weapon triangle.

8. Snipers can attack at 2 range without having to switch weapons because all of their weapons attack at 2 range.

9. While Snipers are amazing tanks because the close range units always hit them, they also have great survivability and utility because 2 range units will never attack them unless there are no 1 range units in range. Snipers will not die as often and they will not accidentally kill those units with a counter.

10. They can use Long Bows.

And here I was about to say paladins like a tool. I guess Snipers really are the best class.

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And here I was about to say paladins like a tool. I guess Snipers really are the best class.

Snipers can't attack on Enemy Phase where most kills are made. They pretty much can't be best because of that drawback.

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Any class capable of a critical can accidentally kill something. Any character with skills can accidentally kill something. Most arguments are over very specific instances, as if they're universal instances, magnifying specific into worldly.

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Like, flightz?

Well, that's one thing, but OTOH, there's bows and magic to worry about... And even so, I think that Cavs/Pallies' WTC (in FE6 and FE7) still trumps them.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Sniper won't even counter, so they can't accidentally kill something.

That's their problem. They won't kill things, which mean more turns wasted on killing enemy units on Player Phase, which makes them bad for efficient play.

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Surely it is more efficient to pick and choose your targets with care.

Absolutely. Snipers are the best class for efficient play, because the only way that things die are for you to choose for them to die. Nothing will just suicide into your Sniper, that would be ridiculously inefficient.

Edited by Tangerine
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Sniper won't even counter, so they can't accidentally kill something.

Snipers will never retaliate when attacked, I never knew this. For twelve games in the series this has been a strange unit which ignores the concept of counter-attacking. You could put your weakest archer against a sniper and be perfectly safe to rack up experience/

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Snipers will never retaliate when attacked, I never knew this. For twelve games in the series this has been a strange unit which ignores the concept of counter-attacking. You could put your weakest archer against a sniper and be perfectly safe to rack up experience/

An AI 2 range unit will never attack something that can counter them if something that can't is within range.

So unless you are doing a Sniper solo or really like sending them off alone, it is unlikely they will be countering much. Some maps make it easy to set your Snipers up to use counters, but most of the time it is unlikely to find your Snipers countering unless you are playing poorly. I didn't say Snipers can't counter, I said they won't and thus can't accidentally kill something.

Actually, it seems like you are right at least for SD and the new DS game?

Edited by Tangerine
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Snipers will never retaliate when attacked, I never knew this. For twelve games in the series this has been a strange unit which ignores the concept of counter-attacking. You could put your weakest archer against a sniper and be perfectly safe to rack up experience/

She's talking 1-range though

and I agree w/her at least for defend/turn chapters snipers can behave as barriers.

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On a completely serious note, this doesn't happen in FE3 DS.

Really? I haven't actually played it. How do they decide what to attack when put in that situation? Just what they do the most damage to?

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On a completely serious note, this doesn't happen in FE3 DS.

...And it also doesn't happen in FESD.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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Well, that's one thing, but OTOH, there's bows and magic to worry about... And even so, I think that Cavs/Pallies' WTC (in FE6 and FE7) still trumps them.

I figured I'd add to this here. In my experience, Wyvern Riders/Lords tend to have surprisingly good defenses. They're the bulkier flyers. I've always found them quite powerful, but I agree they're probably not the best unit.

I WOULD say Berserkers, but I'm clearly biased. Dart+max strength+Basilikos had too great an impression on me. Axe-wielders in general have a whole slew of shortcomings.

In the end, though, I'd say there's no such thing as a "best" class. Some classes are definitely worse than others, but it tends to vary by game. All the same, I'd still like to hear other people's arguments.

Edited by Flock of Geese
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Really? I haven't actually played it. How do they decide what to attack when put in that situation? Just what they do the most damage to?

From my experiences, they first target any unit that they can potentially do the most damage to (i.e., have listed critical on), then prioritize based on damage done. Obviously, it's affected by how much HP a unit has remaining.

I never noticed this in FE DS, but that's mostly due to a combination of lack of enemy snipers and abundance of warpskipping.

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lol at Snipers.

Anyway the best ones for me have been Peg/Falc Knights and Paladins. Those guys roflstomp stuff. Especially paladins. Peggies have ace movement and pretty great res so they can mage slay before promotion. Plus they do well with rescue drops and things.

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I say mages/sages are the best. they join early, anima magic is strong and accurate and they can use staves when promoted.

oh, and let's not forget that nice 1-2 range!

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