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Best/Worst in the Series: Round 84


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Best: Sigurd having the closest thing to a normal brother relationship in FE.

Worst Alvis he has issues with both his siblings. With Azel he's so protective of him one minute and the next he's like "BURN BURN!" and with Deidre... well... yeah.

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Guest Wen Yang

Best: Sigurd. Probably the closest thing to a normal sibling relationship in an FE game.

Worst: Makalov. I still wonder how Marcia could resist the urge to ram a lance down his throat after all that...

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Best: Oscar, I guess.

Worst: Wow, FE has a lot of shitty brothers out there... I'm gonna say Karel because, other than Matthis, FE brothers don't tend to try and KILL you, and Matthis is just a blind idiot who doesn't realize what he's doing while Karel has already killed the rest of your family and is now intentionally going after you.

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Best: Oscar.

Honourable mention to Bors for always looking out for his underpowered sister, even though he himself is almost just as bad.

Worst: Ashnard.

Not even a contest. Kills his entire family, including all of his siblings who were ahead of him for the throne, and drives his brother in-law Rajaion mad and rides him around like an animal, God damn he was an asshole.

Nominate Best/Worst Plot Twist.

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Best: Rajaoin (honorable mentions to Matthis, Kurth, Oscar, Sigurd, and Leaf)

Worst: Karel, he's a bloodthirsty maniac who kills his family for a blade, wants to kill Karla and he's not even a villain (dishonorable mentions to Zephiel, Ashnard, Alvis)

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Best: Easy! Marth, with runners up to Matthis, Ephraim, and Forde.

Worst: Also Easy, as long as speculation is involved. Dart. If not, Matthis.

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Best: Oscar(FE9/10) for having left the Crimean Army to take care of his little brothers, always being calm and nuturing towards them and being supportive in general.

Honorable mention to Ike for dealing with leading a mercenary company, leading an army, dealing with his father's death and STILL being a great big brother to Mist.

Worst: Julius(FE4) for trying to kill his mom AND sister. Inbred swine...

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