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Which characters do you dislike the most?


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SETH!!! For some reason when I think of him I want to hurt small children

...Seth has enough of a personality to warrant three exclamation marks?

I'm not counting 'love to hate' villains.

I loathe;

AKANEIA: Ryan (probably), Est (fucking traitor), Matthis (spineless little shit), Yubello (I can just tell), Draug (as of FE11...verdict pending for FE12), Roger (No reason needed), Sheeda (the first and one of the more saccharine pegasus knights)

JUGDRAL: ...Having only really played FE4 to the end (FE5 up to 4x), I can only nominate Corple for certain personal anecdotes of mine.

ELIBE: Serra (die in a hole), Clarine (die in a hole, and you don't even have an excuse), Ellen (die in a hole, and you don't even have a personality), Florina (you're Florina), Fiora (how the hell are you related to Farina), Merlinus (kindly shut the fuck up), Nino (whiny brat), Jaffar (enabler for the whiny brat), Roy (Would someone kindly fire this man and place Klein, Marcus, Cecilia and Percival in leadership; thank you), Lyn (and a hearty FUCK YOU this good morrow) and Wendy (it's not even your character, you're just too damn thin to haul around that armour).

MAGVEL: Neimi (how the fuck can you carry that thing -- and stop fucking crying), L'Arachel (...that was a lie. I'm actually kinda warming to L'Arachel) Ewan (stoopid kid), Tana (moron), Lute (maybe get some talent to back up your claims, hm?), Eirika (oh god how fucking stupid are you) and Ephraim (Ephraim is Gaius Marius and I defy any of you to counter this).

TELLIUS: Meg (again, I don't mind your character (although poor Zihark) it's just that IS really overdid the 'realistically thickset knight' thing. Also you have pink armour), Micaiahaiahihiieihahah (Lovecraftian horror bird), Skrimir (moron), Ulki (blahhhhnd), FE9 Rolf (he's one of three characters to make net positive development in FE10, at least)...I dunno, I like Tellius a lot.

Edited by Furetchen
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Playable only, exception made for Uwee hee hee

Por: Astrid and her endless being killed. Makalov for looking like ronald mac donald.

That's it?

Well, yeah every senator except hetzel.

I dunno, don't really dislike any except Makalov, and astrid for that one chapter. Though that's actually more Hate towards the Myrmidon. =/

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Sothe and Micaiah.

Micaiah for being a huge Mary-Sue.

Speaking the ancient laguage, a protector (Sothe), being branded, not to mention the real apostle, and being Yune's vessel are not normal character traits!

Micaiah doesn't even have stats to back that up. lol0authority, and crappy stats/class aren't helping her.

Also, Kyza for being stuffy, and Lyre for being annoying.

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Oh my god, this. Lachesis is a beautiful, strong, awesome princess; the thought that this ugly, money-grubbing douchebag who can't get anywhere without dropping Eltosian's name could possibly get in her pants pisses me off greatly. I benched this pile of derp immediately. He's lucky I didn't send him to suicide on his former boss's troops.

Do I detect a hint of Jealousy?

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How can we not be hateful towards some FE characters?

"Some" is one thing. When I say "full of hate," I'm talking about when people list upwards of 15 characters they just can't stand. There's only one fictional character in existence I can think of that I can't stand, much less having a bunch from my favorite video game series.

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"Some" is one thing. When I say "full of hate," I'm talking about when people list upwards of 15 characters they just can't stand. There's only one fictional character in existence I can think of that I can't stand, much less having a bunch from my favorite video game series.

You're taking it way too seriously for a topic that's essentially "Post things you do not like"

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Valter: You disgusting pig how dare you kill Glen :angry: and then blame Eirika, I wouldn't have minded if you killed Riev or Caellach or even Duessel but it had to be Glen :sob:.

Trabant Use any excuse but I hate you and I hope I fight you in Thracia so I can have Leaf cut you to bits, poor Cuan&Ethlin, the only thing I like about you is that you took care of their daughter.

Alvis he killed the most generous man and took his wife and brainwashed her, I hate him for that.

Black Knight: In PoR I hated him for being a complete jerk to Greil, Ike, and Mist but in RD I warmed up to him.

Manfroy&Leidrick You left Marita motherless and turned her to stone.

Jaffar: The worst thing is I cant have Matthew kill you. I hated Jaffar and Leila was the reason why.

Limstella: For assasinating the handsome brother(s).

Tiltyus' uncle he seemed like a complete douche.

Briggid and Aideen's brother for killing Fury's sister :( I had fun torturing him with Fury.

Narshen, creep go away.

Zephiel you big two face

Caellach you lying pig

Ashnaard for what he did to Rajaoin :sob:

Lehran for being an hypcrite

I hate all senators too except Hetzel and Oliver


Levin I used to hate him for leaving Fury alone but I found out why but now I dislike him. I would of prefered if he'd die in battle instead of Sigurd though :P.

Sety for leaving Fee sad and alone although I think he has an excuse.

Homeros he's a womanizer with no personality :/

Roy, he's just boring

Clarine, I prefer Saul and Ellen over your obnoxious personality (at least Serra and Larachel were funny and cute)

Lalum, calm your hormones down lol

Niime, I only use you because youre a druid but I hate how you treat Hugh

Hector, I find him annoying and rude at times but I kind of like him ^_^

Karel for being a bloodthirsty maniac trying to kill his sister.

Geitz, i'm not fond of him and his "idc" personality annoys me somewhat

Lyon for being an idiot

Marisa is bland with that "kill kill" attitude

Shinnon, I used to hate him but now I dislike him because he's a racist and an asshole but at least he cares about Ike.

Soren, for being an asshole too but I can understand why now :P I still dont like him much.

Sothe, i'm warming up to him he's such a gentleman but I hate that he's a forced character for the whole game (its like IS is saying a girl cant lead a team she needs a male co-lord :/)

Edited by Queen_Elincia
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Gonzales (Unreliable hit is something that can't really be helped in FE6, but... You take it to another level. And you're ugly.)

Ray (I have little tolerance for cynics. Need I say more?)

Saul (I just don't like male healers, and that goes double if their Luck stinks. I prefer Ellen and Clarine anyhow.)

Wendy (*looks at base stats* Enough said.)


Ephidel (Because I actually liked Leila)

Sonia (Tch... Your personality gets on my nerves.)


Moulder (See Saul, only replace Ellen and Clarine with Natasha and L'Arachel.)

Orson (Your reasons for turning on Renais are just.... Squick.)

Gheb (How the hell YOU, of all people, have fans is... beyond me, to say the least.)


Soren (See Ray.)

Rhys (Again, I despise male healers.)

Lyre (No. Just... No.)

Meg (Another worthless female armor... Tch. Will IS ever learn?)

Edward (Not so much to do with his personality as it has to do with the fact he pisses me off in one way or another every time I try to use him, then it gets to the point where I decide he isn't worth the trouble...)

Makalov (To put it bluntly, you're a prick with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.)

Begnion Senators aside from Hetzel, Oliver and Sephiran (Valtome, Lekain, and Numida are all just plain vile.)

Izuka (Complete monster. Need I say more?)

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Makalov (You look like Ronald McDonald on crack.)

I'd say its the other way round, (that Ronald McDonald looks like Makalov on crack)

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"Some" is one thing. When I say "full of hate," I'm talking about when people list upwards of 15 characters they just can't stand. There's only one fictional character in existence I can think of that I can't stand, much less having a bunch from my favorite video game series.

This is what I wonder constantly but then I remember that people are incredibly negative beings.

Any who...

I don't hate any playable character because I don't feel like wasting my hatred on something so trivial. I do dislike some characters.

I can only think of Soren and Makalov as characters that I dislike.

Soren because he's so damn anit-social and Makalov because he's a huge prick with no redeeming qualities.

Oh yeah. Forgot about Seth. Never using him again. Although that's mostly because of Lumi.

Edited by Ein Silver Rose
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Beowulf. Beowulf. Beowulf.

He's my least favourite character from FE4. He's an absolute jerk to Lachesis in their Chapter 5 conversation.

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Oh my god, this. Lachesis is a beautiful, strong, awesome princess; the thought that this ugly, money-grubbing douchebag who can't get anywhere without dropping Eltosian's name could possibly get in her pants pisses me off greatly. I benched this pile of derp immediately. He's lucky I didn't send him to suicide on his former boss's troops.

Sooo glad that he was not included in the Oosawa manga.

If Felgus really is his bastard child (And not a Conote nobleman), then Beowulf seems to have a history of seducing Agustrian nobles. There's also no evidence showing that Eltshan even knows who Beowulf is. His Chapter 2 conversation with Lachesis really sounds like he's making bull up to get at her. :/

I'm seriously thinking of having him attack Voltz and die.

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"Some" is one thing. When I say "full of hate," I'm talking about when people list upwards of 15 characters they just can't stand. There's only one fictional character in existence I can think of that I can't stand, much less having a bunch from my favorite video game series.

You once referred to me as a "hateful person". I guess that'll have to do for an explanation (in my case, anyway).

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I forgot Est, how stupid of me! Thanks for reminding me of that!

Me too. As if Abel's life wasn't already pretty much ruined, Est ruined it even further by leaving him!

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Well, Mist and Micaiah were already covered in other topics similar to this one but I'll mention them again.

RD Sothe. That "character development" was completely uncalled for.

Most pegasus knights too since they tend to only really have three personality flavours, hyperactive little shits (e.g. Thany no offense Frostbite), stoic and boring (e.g. Fiora) and pathetic (e.g. Florina).

That's all for now.

Sothe and Micaiah.

Micaiah for being a huge Mary-Sue.

Speaking the ancient laguage, a protector (Sothe), being branded, not to mention the real apostle, and being Yune's vessel are not normal character traits!

Micaiah doesn't even have stats to back that up. lol0authority, and crappy stats/class aren't helping her.

Also, Kyza for being stuffy, and Lyre for being annoying.

So true about all Peg. Knights having the same generic personalities though I don't dislike any of them, Wyvern RIders are just better. And yeah I don't know how I totally missed Miciah she is just as dumb as Pelleus. Though I don't hate her for her personality I hate her for her team(minus Edward, Jill, and Aran) and her stupid story based promotions. Also Miciah, Sothe is pretty much your bitch can you tell him to put on a different shirt please? yeah thanks

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Not counting any villains here because, well, if we end up hating them in the end, then they did their job correctly. Kudos to them!

As for the rest, I don't really have any intense, burning, die in a fire feelings of rage against them, but there are some that I do dislike:

Priscilla: Most of her supports end up pretty sad. Cheer up a bit please?

Neimi: There aren't enough tissues in the world... but at least she has Colm for that, and it's not like she's crying in every support.

Dozla: With that much battle-lust, you think he'd be a bit stronger than he actually is.

Rennac: He acts way too haughty, even though that's his main schtick.

Volke: Another case where it's annoying that he's stronger out of battle than inside of it.

Makalov: Has way too much of a gambling addiction, but without Joshua's looks to back him up. At least he's admitted he has a problem though.

Ike (RD): His 2nd tier appearance looks way too bulky.

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