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Which characters do you dislike the most?


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Est and Sothe.

...Yeah okay that's all I can think of.

By the way

Micaiah for being a huge Mary-Sue.

Speaking the ancient laguage

Only for spells as far as I remember, which all mages do since the tomes are all written in ancient language.

TELLIUS: Meg (again, I don't mind your character (although poor Zihark) it's just that IS really overdid the 'realistically thickset knight' thing. Also you have pink armour)

Orange is the new pink?

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Only for spells as far as I remember, which all mages do since the tomes are all written in ancient language.
Except for the fact that Micaiah speaks it fluently. (Read: She's the only person who's not a Laguz that can understand Leanne.) Whereas other mages like Tormod or Ilyana do not.

Although I'm mentioning this, it doesn't mean I dislike her though. I'm actually taking a neutral stance regarding her.

Edited by LittleAl
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dislike how?

dislike for personality, like Serra? sure I dislike her, but I like that about her (am I still making sense?). she's a good character and the game wouldn't be the same without her.

or dislike as unit, like Gatrie? I won't ever want to use him. low move, low speed etc. but I still want him to stay where he is, he's a great character personality-wise.

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dislike how?

dislike for personality, like Serra? sure I dislike her, but I like that about her (am I still making sense?). she's a good character and the game wouldn't be the same without her.

or dislike as unit, like Gatrie? I won't ever want to use him. low move, low speed etc. but I still want him to stay where he is, he's a great character personality-wise.

How is he bad as a unit in Radiant Dawn?

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How is he bad as a unit in Radiant Dawn?

I was mostly talking about PoR, sorry for not making that clear.

(and even then, it might just be because I have something against armor knights. I mean, I don't even use Oswin in FE7 except for early meat-shielding.)

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Characters that grind my gears:


Sonia. You suck. You are a nasty vamp! Im glad you got what you deserve.

The King of Bern: I forget his name (Desmond or something?) You are a prick! How dare you slay an innocent animal just because your son gave it to your daughter! Thats so low!

Karel: You may be easy on the eyes but your personality is a pair of dingo's kidneys.

Wallace: Your personality is awesome but you smell like an unwrapped pile of entrails as a unit.

Farina: Yer a great unit but i cant stand people obsessed with money.

Lyn: Your whole tsundere attitude toward Hector is unappreciated. Plus your defense smells bad.


Cormag: Yer a cool dude and a great unit but your character design irks me for some reason.

Innes: Ick, sniper. Not only that, yer a prat and your hair is horrible.

Valter: Eewwwwwwwww

Orson: You sick little monkey.

Dozla: Ermmm...can you be a little better in battle please? Its very disheartening to see you get owned even in Tower of Valni.

Ewan: You creep me out for some reason.

Lyon: I wanna punch you in the nards. Grow a bloody spine!! If you had some balls, none of that would have happened.

Knoll: That gaping hole where luck should be bothers me.


Hoo boy...

Micaiah: ......really? really? Deus Ex Machina much on your character?

Sothe: D: D: D: I never liked you. You may be a decent unit in RD, but goddamn. Just goddamn.

Makalov: I like using you as a unit but you are a sniveling pile of offal.

Geoffrey: Yeah not a fan.

Valtome: ohhhh you asshole!

Izuka: ohhhh you asshole!

Shinon: :| You rule in RD as a unit but you are a serious jerk.

Leonardo: You smell so bad as a unit, i wonder why you exist.

Brom: Cool dude but...yeah. Not a fan.

Mia: Oh Mia...how i loathe you. LOATHE!!!

Ilyana: Can you not feed yourself or something? Also whats up with your speed?

Zelgius: Your drive and reasoning (as the BK) is something i cant identify with. You tend to break my willing suspension of disbelief quite a bit. (Not as much as Micaiah though.)

Rafiel: :/ Yer a bit too much of a wimp.

Naesala: Dude...just...i dunno...

Titania: I dont hate you or even dislike you, but you grind my gears a bit with that whole Lawful Good bit you were toting around in the first game. I am glad you calmed down though.

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Titania: I dont hate you or even dislike you, but you grind my gears a bit with that whole Lawful Good bit you were toting around in the first game. I am glad you calmed down though.

More people have to remember this mantra;

Samuel Vimes Is Lawful Good.

If done well, it's honestly quite potent.

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You once referred to me as a "hateful person". I guess that'll have to do for an explanation (in my case, anyway).

But my question was why are you a hateful person?

Priscilla: Most of her supports end up pretty sad. Cheer up a bit please?

Wait, how is that a reason to dislike her as a character? It's not like it's her fault Guy and Heath think they aren't good enough for her.

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But my question was why are you a hateful person?

I never said that I was a hateful person. You were the one to call me such, I'm just using that as an excuse... :D

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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More people have to remember this mantra;

Samuel Vimes Is Lawful Good.

If done well, it's honestly quite potent.

But ol' Tits was a mercenary. :/ Sure she was a knight at one time but yeah...

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Wait, how is that a reason to dislike her as a character? It's not like it's her fault Guy and Heath think they aren't good enough for her.

Yeah, looking back, there isn't much really. I guess I just remembered those initial impressions at the time, but then forgot to remove her from the list.

Kinda like how I was going to put Rath on there because he's too stoic for my taste, but then decided against it because he actually opens up a bit in Wil's supports, which made me like him a bit more.

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Only for spells as far as I remember, which all mages do since the tomes are all written in ancient language.

She could understand Volug when he gave her the gem in addition to what others have posted.

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So true about all Peg. Knights having the same generic personalities though I don't dislike any of them, Wyvern RIders are just better. And yeah I don't know how I totally missed Miciah she is just as dumb as Pelleus. Though I don't hate her for her personality I hate her for her team(minus Edward, Jill, and Aran) and her stupid story based promotions. Also Miciah, Sothe is pretty much your bitch can you tell him to put on a different shirt please? yeah thanks

I blame you for my sudden *dislike* of wyverns ;;'

Pegs are always better and cooler <3 hands down (except in RD and maybe FE6)

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Most of these aren't hate so much as "I don't want to read your dialogue"

Akaneia: Since when were you under the impression they have a personality? But seriously, none of them annoy me from what I remember of the translated FE12 supports. Maybe Roger will. I just can't hate characters when they have less personality than Orson's wife.

Jugdral: Beowulf, because the fucker is always trying to sink my shippings. Most other characters lack the personality for me to dislike them.

Elibe: Serra for being a self centered bitch, Clarine for being a self centered bitch, Thany for being obnoxious, Florina for being pathetic, Fiora for being stuckup, Merlinus for being a creeper, Jaffar for being Jaffar, Nino for enabling Jaffar, Erk for boring me to death, Lyn for being derp, and Lowen for being spineless but not funny about it. Yes, I did just copy Furet's list and replace three characters.

Magvel: Neimi was super whiny. L'Arachel was almost annoying except Dozla is like the best underling ever because I'm pretty sure he was trolling her the whole time.

Tellius: Micaiah, RD Sothe (RD's plot is like bad fanfiction), Ilyana. Rolf is kind of a bitch (I was gonna say PoR but... what if I hit her?).

Oh, and I want to hate Ranulf for that anticlimax (you know the one). What the fuck man, I was expecting a sweet CG cutscene where it was revealed and you just casually drop it. Thanks, asshat.

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But ol' Tits was a mercenary. :/ Sure she was a knight at one time but yeah...

So wait, Titania is honourable and benevolent without being tediously zealous...remind me again where the bad part comes in?

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Every damn person from the Sacae: Stop announcing you are from the Sacae. Half of your fucking dialogue is "Oh ho! I am from the Sacae! I can use Bows and Swords! Look at my horse! What the hell does original personality even mean!"

Florina: STFU

Rolf: Stop complaining and sniveling and shoot the damn bow. Who the fuck cares if you hit her? She's about to be hanged, I would prefer a quick death of being shot in the eye rather than struggling at the end of a rope and crapping my pants. And killing her is the best option because she is just awful.

Serra: 'nuff said

Nailah: You are a man

Rafiel: You are a woman

Lucius: You are a hermaphrodite

Priscilla/Raven: Your support conversations make me feel really awkward... Incest?

Eirika/Ephraim: Same deal as Priscilla/Raven

Lugh/Ray: Same deal as Priscilla/Raven (jk, that's just weird, they're like 12)

Actually come to think of it, every sibling conversations seem to have hidden sexual conotations... what the hell FE?

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Every damn person from the Sacae: Stop announcing you are from the Sacae. Half of your fucking dialogue is "Oh ho! I am from the Sacae! I can use Bows and Swords! Look at my horse! What the hell does original personality even mean!"

Florina: STFU

Rolf: Stop complaining and sniveling and shoot the damn bow. Who the fuck cares if you hit her? She's about to be hanged, I would prefer a quick death of being shot in the eye rather than struggling at the end of a rope and crapping my pants. And killing her is the best option because she is just awful.

Serra: 'nuff said

Nailah: You are a man

Rafiel: You are a woman

Lucius: You are a hermaphrodite

Priscilla/Raven: Your support conversations make me feel really awkward... Incest?

Eirika/Ephraim: Same deal as Priscilla/Raven

Lugh/Ray: Same deal as Priscilla/Raven (jk, that's just weird, they're like 12)

Actually come to think of it, every sibling conversations seem to have hidden sexual conotations... what the hell FE?

I remember talking to you about most of these. "I am guy from the Sacae I wil be the best swrodsman. Oh, nice to meet you. I am rath of the Kutala. Um k nince to meet you. I am Dayan strongest warrior of the Kutala. Okay this shit is getting annoying. I am Lyn from the Sacae. Yeah Lyn your annoying. I am Lyn last of my clan from the Sacae. Seriously? Say Sacae on more time. I wish to return to the seas of grass of the Sacae. Motherfucker?!!?

Also Nailah is kinda hot dude don't be hating, I just wouldn't wanna see that bush.

During the CG with Rolf I now yell at the T.V. "Hit her damn it" Hoping it'll happen.

Yeah Florina's a little lesbian anyway. Men make me scared! Yeah go for the big, outgoing, loud dude. Whatever

"Eirika shall I stroke you face as I used to?" Um Wtf

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