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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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The part about him only detracting resources isn't true. Like Silith mentioned, 3-6 is a great place for him to take a beastfoe and Crossbow to get some levels and help end the chapter faster. Not to mention he's potentially helpful in part 4, where any hands are welcome.

Having a durable and powerful Sothe and Zihark is going to be really important not just for 3-6, but for 1-E and 3-12. LEt's not forget that Ilyana is going to be taking some exp too. There really isn't any room to water down the team with Leonardo, who is at risk of getting 2HKO'd by Tigers in 3-6 anyway.

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Having a durable and powerful Sothe and Zihark is going to be really important not just for 3-6, but for 1-E and 3-12. LEt's not forget that Ilyana is going to be taking some exp too. There really isn't any room to water down the team with Leonardo, who is at risk of getting 2HKO'd by Tigers in 3-6 anyway.

With a good transfer sothe will have capped Hp, def, and res. He doesn't need much after a few level ups (and he'll get many). Zihark won't gain a lot of CEXP if Sothe is doing everything, besides Zihark's transfers should keep him afloat for a while. Leo has a good possibility to do this.

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True say. I forgot about transfers. Still, even in my recent normal mode draft, I was quite disappointed by Leo's overall performance. We'll see what Sal can make of him.

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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Having a durable and powerful Sothe and Zihark is going to be really important not just for 3-6, but for 1-E and 3-12. LEt's not forget that Ilyana is going to be taking some exp too. There really isn't any room to water down the team with Leonardo, who is at risk of getting 2HKO'd by Tigers in 3-6 anyway.

Right, like Ulki said, most of his team already has transfers. Not to mention Zihark and Sothe are both getting 2HKOd by tigers in 3-6 as well, regardless of how durable they are, and Ilyana with speed transfers is probably not even going to need much exp at all, since she leaves the DB after part 1 and he doesn't have many GMs anyway. Leonardo isn't really watering down the team, as having a trained Leonardo is only going to help in 3-6 and 3-12 as well as part 4.

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I forgot this was in Hard Mode too, so yeah, everyone will be getting 2HKO'd by Tigers. I dun goofed.

Leonardo will still be a lot more likely to get hit however, whereas Zihark is at least somewhat good at dodging attacks. You also have to worry about Cats doubling Leonardo, and even if they can't double, he'll still be taking more damage from them compared to Sothe/Zihark. Leo has to be about level 20/4 to match Zihark's base concrete durability.

So while I won't completely discredit Leonardo, I do think he's a lot less useful in practice than on paper, especially on HM.

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Well if Sal gets speed blessed he can use beastfoe vantage combo, and Leo will not move die. Of course it can always be given to zihark to so that point is moot...

wow i really have a bad habit of making points and then shooting them down :mellow:

BTW, where would you guys suggest i send my aran to in 3-6? North or west?

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Leo has only an ~18% chance of activating Vantage, so...

I did say speed blessed, and then i mentioned zihark could do it too... so...

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I forgot this was in Hard Mode too, so yeah, everyone will be getting 2HKO'd by Tigers. I dun goofed.

Leonardo will still be a lot more likely to get hit however, whereas Zihark is at least somewhat good at dodging attacks. You also have to worry about Cats doubling Leonardo, and even if they can't double, he'll still be taking more damage from them compared to Sothe/Zihark. Leo has to be about level 20/4 to match Zihark's base concrete durability.

So while I won't completely discredit Leonardo, I do think he's a lot less useful in practice than on paper, especially on HM.

But you forget Leonardo is OHKOing everything with 100% hit with the crossbow and beastfoe, so Cats will only be getting one hit on him regardless. Not everything is about stats, but contributions to low turning. You're severely overestimating Zihark's dodge against tigers and cats. Even in the brushes he's facing ~60 displayed hit from Tigers and Cats that have best biorythm. Granted that's before supports kick in, but it's still not reliable by any means. I think Leonardo is really underrated by most people. He can actually hold his own, even though he's not an impressive unit.

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Leonardo is pretty good actually. Promoted in 3-6 and 3-13 with the beasfoe. Crossbow heaven.

And after all I've done I'm still 1 turn behind on Soul/Janaff after part 2. She'll likely get more turns in part 3 but I forsee troubles for her at the desert with only Sigrun. (Though I'm having some problems there too)

I'm a boy and have Sanaki. :XD:

Edited by Soul
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sanaki isn't eveen made out of glass. anything on the map can 1/2HKO her. (not really but you know what I mean). Sure she'll speed up but even then she'll only speed up on of the 3 sides. You'll have to wait for the BK and take Skrimir penalty to clear all 3 sides.

(My best on that map is right now 13 turns without penalties (not happy with it though)

EDIT: Sorry about your gender. I'm automatically assuming ppl are women on the internet I mean here in Soviet Russia we have no males on the internet.

tbh. pics or it didn't happen.

Edited by Silith
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3-6 10 turns

Gave aran BEXP lvl. Gave him speedwings as well. I gave him resolve and sent him north. Sothe goes west along with miccy near for support. BK clears a few laguz here and there. Boy did this take a long time to do. The yellow units would allow miccy to get hit and then there were the laguz whose steps i would miscount and get to miccy D: Sothe would get hit twice by tigers with ~30 hit rates. But he would dodge all the cats that came to him :facepalm: Aran would also get hit, but that was a bit more expected. (He did dodge more than Sothe though. Not that i'm counting.)

In the end Aran finished at lvl~8 with capped str, skl, 23 spd, 24 def, 12 luck, 5 res. He also had 44 hp.

Sothe had capped Hp, Str skl, and 8 mag, 26 spd, 28 lck, 19 def, 15 res.

Miccy is lol.

3-7 13 turns

Rolfie fought here and there with crossbow/nm bow. Boyd got to fight as well. Ike took on the BK with card. Haar took on a few people including Aran who did not die. Haar rescues ike and retreats. Boyd and Rolfie follow.

3-8 5 turns

Haar gets 2 forges max mt, max crit, one with +5 crit and another with +10 hit. Boyd gets a max mt, max crit forge. Ike gets daunt and pass. Haar takes the left path, rushes to the boss killing everything along the way (he left one general standing though... Damn 26/27 def generals. Ike killed him though.) Ike takes the center along with rolf, Boyd gets the top. Haar gets to the middle and rampages on everything there. Turn 5 comes, he finishes the boss and sets himself in between the 2 static generals. Ike attack the 27 def general at the end on his turn after being smiten by Boyd. Haar needed to crit/stun in EP the 26 def general (haar only had 32 str ;_;). Haar did the miracle and i roar in victory.

3-9 7 turns + 3 = 10

Fuck forced penalties. They screw me over >_>

75 part 3 chapters so far

212 turns total so far

Damn 3-10. I can't seem to get a 5 turner right :/

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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I'm still sort of new, though. Can anyone start one up at any time?

It's not that hard to start one, just make a new topic and copy paste the rules and a tier list.

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Anyway, it doesn't matter if you lack seniority, you can still MAKE TOPICS. Although I would recommend to wait a bit until others finish, for the sake of not spamming FE10 drafts the way FE8 drafts are spammed where nobody ever finishes.

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Nope no line.


3-10 5 turns

Thanks to Xander for telling me how to do this properly. Haar goes through the center with celerity and provoke. He kills a bunch of things, and kills almost everything on boss square. Ike with pass hurries to help Haar but when he gets there Haar is napping and a scared sniper 1 square away. Boyd helps ike through the forest and takes care of the generals with Hand axe forge and everything. Rolf takes on somethings with crossbow on the center. He is not like he was last draft but i did give him a few stat boosters last time, things i did not buy this time.

3-11 5 turns

Give boyd what he needed for level up, he gets lck, def, res. He capped HP, STR, SKl, SPd and has 22 def. I promote him.

Rolf gets 2 levels of bexp, he he had 43 hp caps Str and spd, has some skill (can't remember) 16 def, and 11 res. Promote him.

Tanith gets enough BEXP levels to get her to 19, she gets capped hp, str, skl, spd. She gets paragon too.

Haar gets 15 bexp to get him 34 str, skl, and 30 def.

I think i just fucked myself by using the master crown on Boyd :/ Tormod won't be promoting any time soon now :sob:

Haar with celerity and savior ferries Ike. Turn 4 he drops him, turn 5 he kills boss, ike equips slim sword and seizes.

85 part 3 turns

222 so far

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You can do like I did, and invest all your BEXP on Tormod at 4-4. But before that, give him some stat boosters to cap some of his stats early (Had him cap HP with a Robe and a Dracoshield for Def). I also gave him Paragon + Shade by then.

The sad thing is that I let him die. :awesome:

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You can do like I did, and invest all your BEXP on Tormod at 4-4. But before that, give him some stat boosters to cap some of his stats early (Had him cap HP with a Robe and a Dracoshield for Def). I also gave him Paragon + Shade by then.

The sad thing is that I let him die. :awesome:

Well he does have transfers and i think he is like 1 away from str, and few points away from speed and magic. Sounds like i will have to. Although i liked the idea of resolve tormod more as he'd help Rolfie becaus rolfie can't kill things with Arbalest unless he gets some sort of severe chronic adept activation disease. Or i might just send switch rolf with a unit in the hawk Army... Hmm... Sounds like a better idea actually...

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