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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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Your turncounts are awesome, that's what. :awesome: And I would like to try that idea of yours of Arbalest + Adept Sniper. I used it once on Rolf...with Crossbows. It came out well, actually.

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Your turncounts are awesome, that's what. :awesome: And I would like to try that idea of yours of Arbalest + Adept Sniper. I used it once on Rolf...with Crossbows. It came out well, actually.

For part 3 only, but i'm still behind by a few turns. Also, yes Arbalest + adept marksman works wonders when they are in best bio. I tried it before with shinon, he took care of the whole left side in part 4-1 lol.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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How do you get over the fact Crossbows work on sheer Mt. It's depressing to see a character double with 28 Mt and little Crit bonus to make up for it. (That is, before you get a stronger Crossbow)

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Idk, but those things are like a blessing to me. I have had so much hax with it, its unbelievable. Like seriously, Rolf criting and adepting 3-7 almost everything with +1 migth from Boyd is just amazing. Although it was less awesome this run.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Just give me time to do my final exams, party, and get my transfers. I mean, only two of my units don't get transfers. One is RNG proof, and the last one is chippingdale's at 1-1 till 1-4. :)

It's just sad I can't use my "everyone gets transfers" file. (Read, RNG ABUSE, Boss Abuse, Make Savegame copyable abuse + suspend = battle save, get everyone to lv 20 by using 0 damage & no counterattack = 1 exp). Currently got everyone up till chapter 19 to lv 20/20 (except people recruited in the last 2 chapters 8D) (And currently at 7242 turns. 8D)

I'll get this one done, I promise. The others will be ended too, eventually, they all will, eventually.

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Why can't we just select one amongs the ones we've already had? Would be cooler.


Turns: 7(4)

Total: 255

Bitch chapter without flying units.

Bexped Lethe and Lyre to 30.

Gave both rend.

Took Paragon off Lethe and send it to convoy.

Danved goes though the topside of the map to deal with the sage and archers.

Lethe and Lyre hug each other as they mnake their way through the middle with mordecai close behind.

Skrimir(penalty) takes the west side and is not impressing me much. Sothe finds the dragonfoe scroll which is all that matters. 1 Laguz Gem is enough for endgame when you take in account that Nasir brings another one.


Turns: 9

Total: 264

Return to base and bexp Vika to 30..... wait why don't I have enough Bexp?


Bexp Vika to level 22 since that's how far I can get her. Slap on Paragon on her and give her Muarim's laguz stone and some grass and chest keys from the convoy. Basically Brom and Ike gos as fast as they can to the top left room to unleash some hammertime. Mist takes the right side solo and though she can't 1-round everything anymore she still kills them fast enough. Eventually Brom and Vika team up to kill other doods.

Vika nabs the Fortify staff.

Killed Oliver.


Turns: 7

Total: 271

Beastfoe on Shinon and hand him a crossbow. Bexp Fiona to level 12 sinc eshe was a few points away only.

Elincia recruits Volke but I don't use him (or her for that matter).

Fiona plows though the reeds in the swamp as fast as she can. Sadly the idea of using Kysha to smite her through the swamp isn't possible apparently so she had to walk around owning everything that attacks her. The steel longbow she brought in 3-12 to kill Ike with in 3-13 comes in handy again as she can barely get on 3-range with Izuka before he warps away. 26x2 would've left him on 1 HP but I tried it anyways and got a Sol off. (15% chance)

Edited by Silith
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Finished Endgame in one go.


Shortest prep ever since I played well enough. Made sure to use my coins on forges though most of them were vines anyways.


Turns: 4

Total: 275

Danved is pretty amazing and Fiona reaches max level so paragon was a bit wasted on her. Had to redo once when I realised I had broken my last hammer.


Turns: 1

Total: 276

Shinon has a new bow as toy and Fiona still has her Steel longbow. Ike now has 2 hammer uses.

Blessing list:

Ike: Ragnell

Mist: Wyrmslayer

Meg: Alondite

Fiona: Wishblade

Danved: Forged Silver lance

Brom: Tomahawk

Shinon Double Bow

L&L&V&E: Laguz shizz.

Mic and Sothe don't do anything anymore.

Realise I didn't even take Kysha to endgame.


Turns: 2

Total: 278

Bexped Lyre to 14 str and gave rest to Vika. Got Vika her tear.

14 Str Lyre can now kill Red dragons with Rend. Brom with Dragonfoe rips thoguh as well so I can position correctly. Ena gives extra str to Shinon, Fiona and Ike for Dheggy.


Turns: 2

Total: 280

Sucks not being able to 1-turn these without rafiel. That said the rest of this chapter isn't too hard. You just move towards him at turn 1 and then own his as usuall at turn 2.


Turns: 2

Total: 282

Bexp Lyre to 18 str and Vika to 15 (didn't proc her 16th). Knowing I don't have the speed outside of the 3 laguz to double the things I just whack away getting almost everyone damaged. Fortify helps a lot as well as Ena's aura. Didn't bother killing spirits sinc I managed to leave no aura at half health at the end of turn 1. (a few were full health ofc)

Top 5

5: 123: Sothe

4: 130: Lethe

3: 133: Danved

2: 186: Ike

1: 199: Fiona

I honestly expected Lethe and Sothe to be swapped but Lethe did rock hard at the end of part 3 and the entire of part 4.

Edited by Silith
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I apologize for being skeptical here. I noticed your final turn count and it seemed unbelievably low, so I went through your turn counts, Silith, and found some of them that I honestly find hard to believe given HM and your team.

Micaiah one-rounds everything besides the boss.

What were her stats here? I have a hard time believing a level 11 Micaiah can do something like this in HM without either massive blessing or serious RNG abuse. Or both.

Oh wait:


Turns: 5

Total: 54

Uber Micaiah makes a huge difference. She hasn't gained any def since 1-4 but that's not needed. She has 16 speed, 8 defence, 29 HP now and totally rocks.

16 Spd a couple levels later. Can you tell us how she one-rounded everything in 1-5 when 16 AS barely doubles half the enemies on the map?

Micaiah level 20/1

Sothe level 8

Meg level 20/2

Fiona level 19

None of these individually are bad, but considering this is HM, Meg and Fiona both have shitty bases, and you got considerably low turn counts this is, again, hard to believe seeing them all so high. BEXP is basically nil in HM and Fiona had two maps (18 turns) to grow 10 levels with her god awful bases.


Turns: 6

Total: 112

Bexped Brom to level 4 before stating and resetted so he got speed. The rest of the chapter was the same as last time. Transfer Brom has a nice B-sowrd rank at start almost A so at the end of this chapter he can use the Silver Sword.

Brom level 6

This all seems a bit odd. It took some real work for me to get this map done in the same turns with likely the same Brom (transfer on HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def), Lucia attacking on player phase, and it was NM. You also have Lethe so the turns aren't that bad, but Brom at level 6? Mine was still only level 4. In Normal.


Turns: 5(5)

Total: 142

Had to take the Tits penalty again. I wonder if Lethe's attacks actually give her strike levels.

Ike level 13

Mist level 5

Shinon level 14

I may have only had Ike and Titania, but it was NM and Mist especially is nothing in combat. There was no way for me to beat the map faster than 7 turns (6 would be possible with one more unit, though, but that's still higher than this you claim). Somehow I doubt Crossbow!Shinon is this good. Especially when you consider that 28 atk is actually borderline even on 3HKOs.


Turns: 7

Total: 162

Lyre this time gets 2 kills and Lethe doesn't proc S-strike yet.

Ike level 16

Mist level 13

Shinon level 16

I wish you'd say more on things like this. It's theoretically possible to do this, maybe, but Lyre, Lethe, and Kyza all have very poor bases, Brom has no mobility, Mist's combat sucks even at that level, Shinon has a 2 range lock, and Ike lacks good 2 range. Given the cliffs and the enemies that get in the way this is pretty hard to believe, even with Celerity and Pass.


Turns: 4

Total: 200

First 2 turns are climbing ledges. 3th turn is killing the stationairy General. 4th Turn is killing the boss.

Impossible. Literally impossible. The spot to kill said stationary General is 10 away from where the boss is. Danved's 7 move can't even hit him from range, and that's assuming no enemies were to get in his way.


Turns: 5

Total: 205

Bexped Lyre to 99 since she was close.

Ike X Mist B

Lethe(laguz stone) and Brom rush the topside while being followed by Lyre and Shinon.

Ike and Mist take the bottom side. This chapter is too dull for special explainations.

Ike level 20

Mist level 2

Shinon level 20

Lethe level 23

Lyre level 18

No way. Even my team of Ike, Titania, Brom, and Lyre could do this no faster than 6 turns in NM. Now part of the problem was pacifist enemies that might not be that way in HM, but considering you traded in Titania for Lethe, Kyza (crappy Laguz), Shinon (2 range), and Mist (lol combat) in HM this turn count seems way too good to believe. And I hope Brom had Celerity seeing as he can't even reach most of the top right enemies with his 6 Move in 5 turns. Sheer numbers is the only way to explain this one, but it's not like you have units like Haar, Titania, Oscar, even Mia, etc.


Turns: 4

Total: 216

Back with the fail brigade.

Meg switches her Beastfoe for Resolve.

Fiona gets 99/100 bexp.

Buy 2 Silver Blades for Meg and 2 Silver Greatlances for Fiona.

Fiona and Meg rampage.

Sothe and Micaiah stay a bit behind to deal with straglers and heal.

Micaiah level 5.

Sothe level 9.

Meg level 11.

Fiona level 14.

Same as what I mentioned with 1-E. Getting all of them to such competent places in one HM run with such low turn counts is hard to believe.


Turns: 2

Total: 282

Bexp Lyre to 18 str and Vika to 15 (didn't proc her 16th). Knowing I don't have the speed outside of the 3 laguz to double the things I just whack away getting almost everyone damaged. Fortify helps a lot as well as Ena's aura. Didn't bother killing spirits sinc I managed to leave no aura at half health at the end of turn 1. (a few were full health ofc)

This I do not believe. Ena as your only Dragon, no Heron, and two Cats and a Raven as the only ones who can double naturally. You also mentioned Kyza was forgotten, and there's no way the likes of Mist and Sothe are doing significant damage. 4 turns I could buy, 3 turns would be a stretch, but two is unreasonably low.

There are a few others that I think could be questioned but mostly at least look like they were reasonably possible to pull off. The issue I have is that your entire team is composed of fairly crappy units, either naturally or in the general context of a draft run. There were no fliers except lolVika, no mounts except Fiona who has awful bases and availability and Mist post-promotion who never has adequate Str to handle HM enemies (and only has 8 move anyway), the 3 worst long-term use Laguz in the game (and all on one team), two Generals (mobility and Spd caps), and Danved and Ena who just aren't around a whole lot (and Danved isn't that great even with transfers). Shinon had a better position based on how many units you had but still doesn't get much exposure.

And then you still needed to take common penalties on account of not having Edward, Nolan, Nephenee, or enough GMs for 3-1, plus 2-E took just as long as if you'd taken a penalty.

So yeah. No offense, I just think some of this needs more explanation than you've given.

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None of these individually are bad, but considering this is HM, Meg and Fiona both have shitty bases, and you got considerably low turn counts this is, again, hard to believe seeing them all so high. BEXP is basically nil in HM and Fiona had two maps (18 turns) to grow 10 levels with her god awful bases.

Silith also exhausted her pre 1-4 BEXP on Micaiah and Meg, which amounts to about a level up. I remember that prior to 1-6 on my 0% playthrough, I didn't even have enough BEXP to give a full level to Jill, and I hadn't used any before that point.

I may have only had Ike and Titania, but it was NM and Mist especially is nothing in combat. There was no way for me to beat the map faster than 7 turns (6 would be possible with one more unit, though, but that's still higher than this you claim). Somehow I doubt Crossbow!Shinon is this good. Especially when you consider that 28 atk is actually borderline even on 3HKOs.

I find the 5 turn clear extraordinarily dubious as well, considering that 5 turns was only possible for me with some large amount of luck and precision (I made a flub and had to get 6 turns). Shinon had to crit every enemy that he couldn't 2HKO across the wall and I had to rely on some Adept and crit procs with Mia. Additionally, I required Gatrie for the generals on the south end of the map. Titania had a lot of trouble pushing past enemy units because she wasn't ORKOing, and other units were weak enough to the point where they couldn't even 2HKO in tandem with Titania. 5 turns is certainly believable with something like a spd transfer Titania, but you can't transfer her stats if she's not drafted and I highly doubt getting her even 2 levels in 3-P and with 3-P BEXP is possible.

Impossible. Literally impossible. The spot to kill said stationary General is 10 away from where the boss is. Danved's 7 move can't even hit him from range, and that's assuming no enemies were to get in his way.

I don't remember exactly what this map looks like, but she probably means the stationary general at the top of the map, not the one in the thickets. I can see this one happening pretty easily with a Brave Lance.

No way. Even my team of Ike, Titania, Brom, and Lyre could do this no faster than 6 turns in NM. Now part of the problem was pacifist enemies that might not be that way in HM, but considering you traded in Titania for Lethe, Kyza (crappy Laguz), Shinon (2 range), and Mist (lol combat) in HM this turn count seems way too good to believe. And I hope Brom had Celerity seeing as he can't even reach most of the top right enemies with his 6 Move in 5 turns. Sheer numbers is the only way to explain this one, but it's not like you have units like Haar, Titania, Oscar, even Mia, etc.

I'm guessing this is feasible with an overpowered Brom and Celerity, but this is dubious as well because there are a few stationary enemies that are pricks and I couldn't think of a way to cut it to 4 turns with basically every unit available.

Same as what I mentioned with 1-E. Getting all of them to such competent places in one HM run with such low turn counts is hard to believe.

I'm actually more curious as to how she got 4 turns when her level 7 Fiona was defensively worse than base Volug with Dracoshield.

This I do not believe. Ena as your only Dragon, no Heron, and two Cats and a Raven as the only ones who can double naturally. You also mentioned Kyza was forgotten, and there's no way the likes of Mist and Sothe are doing significant damage. 4 turns I could buy, 3 turns would be a stretch, but two is unreasonably low.

We could just do a calculation. Silith has 6 beorc units and 3 laguz units (not counting Mist and Ena). I'm going to assume an average of 58 atk between her beorc units (which is typically max str and ~22 atk from SS weapon); she needs to do 540 HP damage to the auras in 2 turns in addition to killing Ashera. None of her beorc units can double auras. Assume that all auras have 90 HP, 30 def, and ignore effects of cover tiles.

12 attacks from beorc units over 2 turns is 336 HP damage. That leaves 204 HP damage to be done by the laguz units. Assume 54 atk for Lethe and Lyre and 49 atk for Vika (max str, SS strike). That's 134 HP damage in one turn, since the laguz can't full shift on turn 1 and attack. Which still leaves 70 HP damage and Ashera unaccounted for.

Now, she does have Ena and Mist. Given a couple of 2-range beorc units, with some smart Rescue use, she can get 6 Blood Tide attacks in one turn. Even if she did that on both turns, she'd still have Ashera unaccounted for. Not to mention, we also completely ignored cover tiles and made assumptions like all of her units having max str or SS strike, and we also didn't consider the fact that any excess damage calculated on turn 1 doesn't count because it will be healed away immediately.

Extremely dubious. The 2 turn clear wasn't even that easy when I had 5 laguz royals to go around, Rafiel, and all red and white dragons.

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I don't remember exactly what this map looks like, but she probably means the stationary general at the top of the map, not the one in the thickets. I can see this one happening pretty easily with a Brave Lance.

That is the one I was talking about. I have the Prima guide for this game and it has detailed maps, so I can easily count spaces. The spots to the west and north of that General (which are the spots Danved would be attacking from) are ten spaces from the boss. A unit would need 9 move to attack the boss up close from there, but Danved has 7 and there is no Boots or Celerity available here.

5 turns is certainly believable with something like a spd transfer Titania, but you can't transfer her stats if she's not drafted and I highly doubt getting her even 2 levels in 3-P and with 3-P BEXP is possible.

Actually, anything is allowed to be transferred. There are no transfer restrictions, whether drafted or not.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Is there any way I can see the turncounts somewhere to dubblecheck if I haven't mistaken anything?

As for the short descriptions on part 3 check page 21. I used most of the same strategies in my rerun as I did on my first attempt (which was a total of 28 turns slower). I'll try to remember/explain more when I return home this afternoon.

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The turncounts are listed in the epilogue.

Actually, anything is allowed to be transferred. There are no transfer restrictions, whether drafted or not.

Oh. Well, in that case, a spd transfer Titania dominates the map pretty handily, and a bit of RNG manipulation for crits is easy enough.

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Wow. You guys have doubts at a lot of the chapters. According to the epilogue and my checklist (thanks Dondon) only the chapters where the gmae counts one more turn (3-7 and such) have different numbers then the ones I have given.

First thing for Red Fox is that I have no stats writtin down for the characters other then the ones found in the descriptions given. If you haven't read page 21 for my strategies for part 3 I would suggest looking at them.

On 1-F

Because Micaiah was so great with wtflevels Meg didn't need too many boosters to grow up since she could rely on Miccy. These allowed Fiona a serious powerup and with some forges their combat were not as suckish as one would expect from them early on. The fact that the BK stayed downstairs helped a lot. It was frustrating on the speed because I wasn't getting most optimal hit rates and no OHKO's all around but I got through fast enough.

On 2-2

This one is easy. I have Brom kill both bosses. I really dunno why so many ppl have Nephenee kill the boss in 2-1 when Brom can do it so easy, especially with a transfer when it's a 3-HKO. You hit him. He gets countered on the enemy phase and you hit him again on your own phase. In 2-2 Swords help brom out a lot but that's pretty self explaining.

On 3-1

Maybe you haven't checked my transfer list but it does include Titania just for this map. Also having a non sucky Lethe helps slightly.

On 3-4

I make use of Ranulf's ability to attack on enemy phases having him kill a lot before the rest goes up too.

On 3-9

I've redone this chapter so often with Geoffrey getting attackd and such but the final turncount deffinitely says 4. I've used all 3 paths multiple times to get an idea which was the best. Maybe I used the middle path (where you go up 1 ledge and then thoguhy the middle) on the final try. I wrote a few chapters in a row there so I might have messed up and written the wrong strategy. I'm as confused as anyone can get and if this is enough a reason to disqualify me so be it.

On 3-10

Mist is T3 here and her combat does not suck anymore. Transfers on her are huge (especially since she transfered all stats). I believe Brom did have Celerity and the Tomahawk from 2-F.

On 3-12

Fiona was godsmacked blessed. Almost as bad as Micaiah. The fact she couldn't move well in the 3-6 Swamp was made up here with good hits and crits with those silver greatlances. (She was facing 75-85 hitrates I think but she hit almsot all of them)

on Endgame-5

I had 3 deaths here because I didn't care much as long as I got that 2-turn right. If deaths are against the rules I'll gladly redo this chapter (still got the save ready) and get a 3-turn. Sothe by the way didn't fight at all. He had a blessed Peshkatz and 24 str AND speed. his levelups since the start of the game have ben very fail.

Now for Dondon's list. (sigh)

At 1-F you say you didn't have enough bexp for Jill to gain 1 level. Was your Jill 2nd tier? She would require quite a larger amount of exp to go up 1 level. Besides I remember Fiona being near level 14 when I started chapter 1-F. Most of the time when I give out bexp they will be less then 10 points away from their next level. Of course this isn't the case when I gave 99 exp Fiona when I first got her to get that easy first level. I believe I could only get Meg 24 Bexp at the start of 1-4.

On 3-1. I already stated this in my @Redf0x section but I did have the speed transfer for Tits. Also a Str transfer for Lethe and full transfers for Mist made it a lot easier. Mist did decent damage for being Mist.

Brom was overpowered because he's Brom.

As for the calculations on Endgame-5 I'll come back on that one. I have the save data so I can insert the numbers myself.

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K little double post never killed anyone.

Ike X Mist A

Fiona X Meg A

Brom X Shinon A

Lethe X LYre A

Vika X Danved C

Sothe X Micaiah A

This brings the mights to (not included Sothe since he didnt'do anything):








With added on turn 2.

54 x 2

54 x 2

43 x 2



I used the removeablility of Mist and Fiona to double the blood tide bonus from Ena both turns to 4 times for +50 damage (using laguz the second time ofc)overall. I did use the ability to trade weapons and with good positioning I could get Meg and Danved the weapons that Mist adn Fiona were carrying in the same turn.

14 attacks from Beorc units over 2 turns equal to 366 damage (with the added 50 we precalced, that's 416) leaving 114.

Add the laguz damage, Ena with the deamon card and Micaiah on the second turn only which totals to a total of 156.

This did mean I couldn't heal with Micaiah on my second turn and that sadly costed me the lives of Brom, Meg and Shinon. If deaths weren't allowed I'll gladly redo it in 3 turns.

Edited by Silith
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