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[FE10] Radiant Dawn Transfers Draft


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So there is a huge discussion about chapter 3-10 now O_o one of the easier chapters in the game.

Lyre is only deployed to act as a crit booster for Lethe and then again Lethe only helps on the boss, and stationairies. Brom pretty much ORKO's the rest. His speed was high enough to double everything besides the SM's and the boss.

Also Mist is not super weak here. Those transfers + massive amounts of kills for her made it possible to ORKO the bishops in the bottom after Ike cleared a hole though the Generals.

Edited by Silith
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3-10 is easily one of the most boring chapters in the game. I'd wagger to say "in all of FE", if that weren't an exaggeration.

3-1, 3-10 and 3-F are the least enjoyable chapters in this game for me.

3-1 because it messes up most gimmicy runs.

3-10 because it's a no brainer and lasts a bit longer then 4-1.

3-F because 2/3th of the time you are watching Red/Green units do thier thing while you wait for your dude's turns to come again.

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So there is a huge discussion about chapter 3-10 now O_o one of the easier chapters in the game.

Lyre is only deployed to act as a crit booster for Lethe and then again Lethe only helps on the boss, and stationairies. Brom pretty much ORKO's the rest. His speed was high enough to double everything besides the SM's and the boss.

Also Mist is not super weak here. Those transfers + massive amounts of kills for her made it possible to ORKO the bishops in the bottom after Ike cleared a hole though the Generals.

I've been trying to talk sense into people, my question is why people keep arguing with me whenever I open my mouth...

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3-1, 3-10 and 3-F are the least enjoyable chapters in this game for me.

3-1 because it messes up most gimmicy runs.

3-10 because it's a no brainer and lasts a bit longer then 4-1.

3-F because 2/3th of the time you are watching Red/Green units do thier thing while you wait for your dude's turns to come again.

I agree. 8) I woul add 3-3 and freakin' 3-7.

I've been trying to talk sense into people, my question is why people keeep arguing with me whenever I open my mouth...

It's because you get unreasonably defensive. < No offense.

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3-7 makes me giggle because it reminds me this one time where I untransformed Lyre in 3-4 and got her to max level with SS-strike. With Lethe next to her she had 10% chance to crit the BK and she did so both hits. ORKO on BK in 3-7.

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Also Mist is not super weak here. Those transfers + massive amounts of kills for her made it possible to ORKO the bishops in the bottom after Ike cleared a hole though the Generals.

I don't think any of us are concerned about the enemies in the south. Those are close by and ORKOing bishops with Mist is not something that's in question.

Lyre is only deployed to act as a crit booster for Lethe and then again Lethe only helps on the boss, and stationairies. Brom pretty much ORKO's the rest. His speed was high enough to double everything besides the SM's and the boss.

I still find it hard to believe that you can KO 10 stationary units (3 generals, 2 dragonmasters, 4 bow paladins, 1 bishop) in 2 turns with effectively 2 units. The 2 snipers may be stationary as well, but I don't remember. The generals are arranged on a diagonal, the dragonmasters are not near the other units, and the bow paladins and bishop are arranged so that it is impossible to attack all of them on one enemy phase, not to mention that you can't use Lethe on them on player phase because if she KOs one bow paladin, she'll be in the range of at least 2 other bow paladins.

Edited by dondon151
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So there is a huge discussion about chapter 3-10 now O_o one of the easier chapters in the game.

Lyre is only deployed to act as a crit booster for Lethe and then again Lethe only helps on the boss, and stationairies. Brom pretty much ORKO's the rest. His speed was high enough to double everything besides the SM's and the boss.

Anything can be made difficult with such a low turn count to achieve. And now the story has become worse. It was hard enough to believe when you had multiple Laguz fighting, but now Lyre is only for support and even Lethe, who I suspected to be competent on account of the Str transfer, barely does anything (though I guess it's not actually a surprise considering what I've been saying this whole time about ranged enemies)? Brom cannot handle that many enemies in two turns.

I've been trying to talk sense into people, my question is why people keep arguing with me whenever I open my mouth...

Do you not notice the irony in this post?

The 2 snipers may be stationary as well, but I don't remember.

They are.

EDIT: Also, the group of stationary Paladins in the north east is 3 Bow and 1 Lance.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Do you not notice the irony in this post?

Maybe you don't understand the definition of irony, or maybe that was an attempt to insult me? It's probably both. However, I really think you need to understand that I don't find arguing with you or in general fun or entertaining, so it needs to stop. Now.

Edited by AMU
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Maybe you don't understand the definition of irony, or maybe that was an attempt to insult me? It's probably both. However, I really think you need to understand that I don't find arguing with you or in general fun or entertaining, so it needs to stop. Now.

Look at it again. You made an arguably provocative comment then asked why people are arguing with you. If you use fighting words, expect people to fight. I'm sure there's a term for this that I don't know, but it's like saying "Hey, weakling, want to fight? WHOA, WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?" Lesson: Don't start a fight if you don't want to fight.

And yet, even though you keep saying you don't want to continue arguing, you keep responding. Are you sure you aren't secretly enjoying this?

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3-1, 3-10 and 3-F are the least enjoyable chapters in this game for me.

3-1 because it messes up most gimmicy runs.

3-10 because it's a no brainer and lasts a bit longer then 4-1.

3-F because 2/3th of the time you are watching Red/Green units do thier thing while you wait for your dude's turns to come again.

I'd take all of those over 4-4.

I mean, really? Being forced to field deadweight units when endgame is around the corner?! What the hay?!Nessiah30.png

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3-12 3 turns

Tauro gets crowned and uses ledges advantage on turn 1 and decimates every 2 ranger close to him. On turn 2 he switches to Brave axe and kills 1 rangers. Turn 3 he comes down and kills bow paladin with silver lance. Aran got a killer axe and paragon. He needed to get 2 level ups to be able to crown and to do so he needed paragon and atleast 2 crits while getting +1 speed on the first level up. I decided that was a bit too much to ask after a bunch of restarts so i just give him killer lance, which gives him ~30% crit. Good enough for me. Lol sothe and miccy. A 2 turn might be possible although it might be a bit tough. Not with my units however, my Aran would need to have been crowned by the beginning so he could advance quicker and have resolve on.

3-13 2 turns

This idea was taken from Dondon's 0% playthrough Vykans speedrun. Tauro gets boots and pass. Tauro kill ike with Brave axe. At 48 hit rate he misses the first hit, luna's with the second :awesome:

90 Part 3 turns

227 total

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This idea was taken from Dondon's 0% playthrough. Tauro gets boots and pass. Tauro kill ike with Brave axe. At 48 hit rate he misses the first hit, luna's with the second :awesome:

You mean Vykan's speedrun. I may have mentioned this, but it's definitely not what I did.

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You mean Vykan's speedrun. I may have mentioned this, but it's definitely not what I did.

I know you didn't do it, but you did mention it. I'm just giving credit from where i saw it. But i'll change it to Vykan.

@Silith, yes it was a Killer Lance.

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Look at it again. You made an arguably provocative comment then asked why people are arguing with you. If you use fighting words, expect people to fight. I'm sure there's a term for this that I don't know, but it's like saying "Hey, weakling, want to fight? WHOA, WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING ME?" Lesson: Don't start a fight if you don't want to fight.

And yet, even though you keep saying you don't want to continue arguing, you keep responding. Are you sure you aren't secretly enjoying this?

Try again. In what way is saying 3-10 doable in 5 turns with Silith's team an "arguably provocative comment"? I did not intend to start an argument with you, but apparently I need to learn to keep my mouth shut around you.

Again, you make a poor point. Just because I'm not letting you enjoy the satisfaction of winning the argument you started doesn't mean I'm enjoying this.

Someone calm this woman down.

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Try again. In what way is saying 3-10 doable in 5 turns with Silith's team an "arguably provocative comment"? I did not intend to start an argument with you, but apparently I need to learn to keep my mouth shut around you.

:facepalm: How about you make sure to actually know which post is being talked about? It's this one:

I've been trying to talk sense into people, my question is why people keep arguing with me whenever I open my mouth...

Just try to tell me that "trying to talk sense into people" isn't provocative to the people it applies to (me).

Again, you make a poor point. Just because I'm not letting you enjoy the satisfaction of winning the argument you started doesn't mean I'm enjoying this.

Someone calm this woman down.

What are you talking about? I'm not here to "win" anything. I'd be perfectly happy if all of my arguments about Silith's turn counts were shot down and it was proven beyond a doubt that it was all reasonably possible. But that hasn't happened yet. And until then, I enjoy the act of discussion, which you can also call the argument but that's not as nice of a word. It's not about winning or losing, it's about the thrill.

If you really want this discussion to end, either prove what you've been saying or just stop responding. Either that, or you are secretly enjoying it without even realizing, which, in a situation like this, is actually very possible.

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I did not originally plan to say anything, but I can see things escalating to silly territory from here on if I do not.

There is no point in the argument you two are having. AMU, stay out of it and let Silith explain her own turn counts. From what I can see, Dondon and Fox have some pretty legitimate questions about her run. You aren't "talking sense into people", you are butting into a discussion you have proven yourself to have no place in and it is turning INTO an argument as a result. I am sure Silith is perfectly capable of handling herself and she is certainly not getting as defensive as you are. Just calm down a little, it is a forum :P:!

As for my foooox, it takes two to tango! I will punish you later :tangerine:.

Happy drafting!

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We already drafted :mellow:

Anywho... Nailah moved and killed Haar ruining my 4 turn in 3-E :sob:

3-E 4 turns

Not done yet, but i won't accept anything less you hear me! Haar goes with celerity, turn 2 he kills the sleep guy, turn 3 he moves behind the barrier made by Aran and his friends. Turn 4 he moves kills a horse and stays there to kill most things. Tanith reinforces the laguz and ends up making the laguz change path She also promotes. Boyd, Rolf and Ike play clean up. Boyd gets Rescue.

In one run through, i had Haar rescue ike and ferry him, but then Nailah moved and killed Haar :/. In another, i had 79 kills because Tanith failed to stun a General.

Part 3 total 94 turns

231 total turncount so far.

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It is still called a draft run, so it is happy drafting! Unless you have proper terminology on this super important matter that you'd like to enlighten me on >:P.

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It is still called a draft run, so it is happy drafting! Unless you have proper terminology on this super important matter that you'd like to enlighten me on >:P.

Happy low-turning...? Drafting is not the proper term >:(

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Silver Army: Micaiah, Sothe, Haar, Tanith

Greil Army: Ike, Boyd, Aran

Hawk Army: Tibarn, Rolf, Tauroneo

4-P 3 turns

All hail migthy Haar and Adept Tanith. Also, last chapter was four turns, but out of all the retries, this was the only time Boyd didn't get Rescue :< This will most likely hurt me, hopefully not by much though.

234 Turns so far

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