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Mitnala Rising

Radiant Dragon

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##Vote Paperblade

One more thing, don't feel sorry for Mortimer, he was a right bellend, trying to steal money for his son's operation yet he can still afford a butler and the upkeep of his mansion >:(

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One more thing, don't feel sorry for Mortimer, he was a right bellend, trying to steal money for his son's operation yet he can still afford a butler and the upkeep of his mansion >:(

It's not a mansion, just a large house. Plus, Hank has been working for free since Daniel was put into a coma. Looking over the flavor again, I apparently forgot to mention that...

Also, Daniel can't feasibly be moved, so moving into a less expensive house isn't really an option.

Edited by Radiant Dragon
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Hilariously, my gut feeling on N2 was apparently proved right. Whatever.

Like I said when you first accused me: You mean like your gut feeling about Haze and Bal?

Sometimes, you should keep your mouth shut, Bizz might still be alive (or at least lived to Night 2) if you hadn't blabbed all over the ipchat.

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Also assuming I can count Excellen's vote put us at majority, meaning the phase ends in 90 minutes

Actually, I believe it was Mike's vote that put you at majority and I just didn't notice (and besides, 3 hours is 180 minutes, not 90 minutes). I'll update when I have the chance unless anyone has any objections.

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@Excellen: It was literally based on nothing, if you go around fosing half the players you are likely to hit a mafia eventually

Actually, I believe it was Mike's vote that put you at majority and I just didn't notice (and besides, 3 hours is 180 minutes, not 90 minutes). I'll update when I have the chance unless anyone has any objections.

It had been 90 minutes when I posted that >_>

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It had been 90 minutes when I posted that >_>

Oh. My bad. Anyway...

Day Three has ended.

[spoiler=Day Three flavor]"...Following up on our daily report of the lynchings in Mitnala, today the town decided to hang their emergency Mayor, Victor, after evidence was brought up connecting him and the town's council to several recent murders. It seems that Mitnala's late Mayor, Mortimer, had assembled a group of criminals into a small Mafia to steal money for reasons unknown. However, the town's Chief of Police, Allen, told reporters that the search for the criminals isn't over. He also said that he has arrested a member of what he believes to be another Mafia working in the town, and he expects to get more information on their activities from the interrogation."

"That is very shocking, Courtney. We all pray that this issue will soon be resolved, and give our regards to those who have lost loved ones in this tragedy. Now here's Jerry with the Sports..."


Mark finished loading Vivian's luggage onto the train and looked down at her as she sat in her seat, looking at the floor. She hadn't talked or eaten much since Nathan died, and Mark was worried about her. "Are you sure you'll be alright?" he asked.

"Yes..." She raised her head and looked at him before saying "I've decided that I have to be happy until I see Daddy again. He'll worry if I don't."

"That's... What?" Mark was confused about what she had just said. "Vivian... Nathan's - "

"No!" Vivian interrupted. "He's alive! Look at the facts."

"Umm... Okay. Go on."

"First, no one ever found his body, right? Which means no one knows for sure that he's dead."

"But we don't know for sure whether he's alive, either."

"That brings me to my second point. Daddy promised we'll see each other again, and he's never broken a promise to me. That is why I know he's alive."

Mark wasn't sure what to say, but he didn't have a chance to say anything anyway, since the train's whistle started to blow, so he had to get off.

"I have to go. Be safe, Vivian." Mark quickly got off of the train and watched it pull out of the station. He could understand her denial at accepting her father's death. Having lost his wife and granddaughter, sometimes Mark couldn't believe everything that had been happening either. The pain the two of them felt at losing their loved ones... at times, it was simply unbearable. As he turned to leave the station, he couldn't help but wonder if he would be next.

Paperblade has been lynched. He was:

Paperblade, you are Victor: High Riser Persuader

Victor is a member of Mitnala's council by day, and a member of the High Risers by night. His job is to keep the High Riser's actions out of the news, using his contacts in the media. Unfortunately, Duncan's return has made his job difficult.

At night, you may send me a PM entitled 'Night X: Convince USER1 to lynch USER2'. You will visit USER1 and persuade them to vote for USER2. You can not force a player to vote two nights in a row, and you can not force a player to be voted for two nights in a row.

Now that Mortimer has died, you have become Mayor of Mitnala until the current crisis is over. Your vote towards the lynch now counts for two.

You are allied with the High Risers, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

In addition, the High Risers have been removed from the game.

It is now Night Three. The phase will end on Wednesday at 10 p.m. GMT.

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Night Three has ended.

[spoiler=Night Three flavor]As Allen and Jason entered the interrogation room where Hector was being held, they saw him tilted back in the chair, hands behind his head and feet on the table. Jason frowned, then kicked his chair out from under him as he walked past him.

Allen chuckled and sat down as Hector pushed himself off of the floor swearing. "What's the big idea!?" Hector shouted.

Allen ignored him and said "You're here because you were witnessed murdering Donald last night. Tomorrow you will be hanged. Unless..."

"...Unless what?" Hector asked. "You want information? I can give you information."

"Then start talking." Jason told him. "First, tell us what you know about the... High Risers, was it?"

"Yeah, them. I can only imagine the looks on everyone's faces when they found out what Mortimer was up to." Hector tilted back again and laughed as he said this.

Allen scowled as he waited for Hector to finish. "Done yet?" he asked, as Hector quieted down. "What were his motives? I'm still finding it hard to believe Mortimer would do anything to harm Mitnala..."

"Sure you wouldn't. Mortimer was always some kind of saint to you guys, wasn't he? Hmph." Hector shook his head as he said "Unfortunately, I don't know what Mortimer was trying to do. All I know is that my boss is very grateful to you guys for getting rid of them for us." Hector started laughing again.

"Shut your mouth, scum!" Jason yelled, pounding the table.

"Enough, Jason." Allen warned him. Then he turned back to Hector and asked "All right. Who is your boss? Tell us what you know about the Low Risers."

Hector thought for a moment. "...I can't just give them all up and expect to live, can I? I need something in return."

Allen sighed. "What did you have in mind?" he asked.

Hector smiled. "I want amnesty; a clean slate. And I want a ride out of here once everything hits the fan."

"Amnesty?" Allen asked incredulously. "What makes you think you can get amnesty?"

"Simple." Hector replied. "No amnesty, no information."

Jason stood up and said "Then we don't need you anymore." He then pulled out his gun, and shot Hector in the head.

"What the - " Yelled a surprised Allen, barely audible over the echoing gunshot. He couldn't say much else before having to shield his face from the blood that flew across the table.

After the room was quiet again, Allen went to examine Hector as Jason was holstering his gun. It didn't take an expert to see that he was dead. Allen stood up and turned to face Jason. "What the hell were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all?"

Jason shrugged and said "He said he wasn't going to give us any more information. This way we don't have to waste tomorrow lynching him."

Allen was speechless. After a while, he sighed and said "Just get the body to Alexander. I'm going to get James to start investigating these 'Low Risers'. Somehow, I knew it wasn't over yet."

"I see. What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to meet with Janne. Perhaps I can find some reasons for that's happened."


Duncan was leaning against a wall, waiting for Elizabeth's return. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man walking towards him, and recognized him from before he had been exiled from Mitnala, when he worked for Mortimer.

During an operation, Duncan had been spoted by a teenage girl, so he killed her. However, Mortimer was enraged by the unnecessary murder, but he couldn't prosecute Duncan without risking revealing his mafia. Yet each day, the town clamored for the girl's killer to be found. Duncan heard that Mortimer had been able to frame the girl's boyfriend for the crime, thus protecting his operation.

Mortimer didn't let Duncan off of the hook, though. Duncan was exiled from Mitnala, never allowed to return.

Duncan wondered why the man had been released, only able to assume it was because he was still a minor when he was convicted of murder. Duncan turned to face him, but the man had other ideas. He pulled out a gun, and before Duncan could reach his, he shot Duncan in the stomach.

The man then walked away, satisfied that Duncan wouldn't die quickly or painlessly.

Mikethfc has died. He was:

Mikethfc, you are Courtney: Town Researcher

Courtney is a well known reporter, who always takes on the high-profile stories. Which is most of the reason she's well known, I suppose. When she's not working, she enjoys hanging out around town with her friends and partying.

Each day, you will learn of a random role that is in the game.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

Snike has also died. He was:

Snike, you are Duncan: Low Riser Hitman

Duncan was an important member of Mortimer's original Mafia. However, his brutality caused Mortimer to exile him from Mitnala. Now Duncan wants revenge, and will stop at nothing until Mortimer is dead and he is the new Mayor of Mitnala.

The Low Riser's nightly kill can not be stopped by Doctor protection as long as you're alive.

You are allied with the Low Risers, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

In addition, Haze has been revived. He will die again at the end of the Day Phase.

It is now Day Four. The phase will end on Friday at 10 p.m. GMT. Night results are being sent out now.

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Jason stood up and said "Then we don't need you anymore." He then pulled out his gun, and shot Hector in the head.

Mikethfc has died. He was Courtney

Did I have some sort of sex change operation during the night or something? >:(

Also whut is this, me actually being targeted by the mafia, and I had even prepared a pun in case I was lynched >:(

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