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Mitnala Rising

Radiant Dragon

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Provided all the actions have been sent in that is. RD said he'd extend it to when it would normally have ended if they weren't.

If there is an extension, BLUE RAEG

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That was a very chill song, eclipse. I am intrigued and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.

It's my favorite Armin van Buuren song~! I suppose Blue Mirage and Blue Rain might've worked, but the former makes no sense, and the latter is emo.

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NP should be over by now. But there might be an extension, so stay tooned, folks.

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Real Life FTW

More like unexpected surprise trips tend to mess with people's schedules...

Unfortunately, I'm not able to do the update at the moment, so I'm going to go ahead and extend the phase to 10 p.m. GMT Sunday. Sorry for not being on to deliver the message sooner.

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I'm ending the phase earlier than I said I would.

Night Two has ended.

[spoiler=Night Two flavor]Victor walked slowly up the walkway to Mortimer's house, wondering what was going to happen to Mitnala. He knew that so far, the townspeople had failed to find any of the criminals that called themselves 'Low-Risers', and he was worried that they would overrun the town if they were not dealth with soon.

He was also worried about Janne and Daniel. Since Mortimer was hung, Janne had barely left Daniel's room. Despite Victor's efforts, she had conviced herself that with Mortimer dead, Daniel was never going to wake up.

Victor made it to the door and rang the bell. Hank, Mortimer's butler, was the one to answer. "Ah, Victor," He said. "Are you here to speak with Janne?" Victor nodded. "Come on in. You know where she is."

"Thank you." Victor said as he stepped into the house.

In Daniel's room, Janne sat in a chair accross from the bed, her eyes closed. Victor looked around the room, taking in the medical equipment clustered around the bed, the dark blue paint on the walls, peppered with posters of comic heroes and movie stars, and the various toys and action figures arrayed on the shelves as if the room was some kind of shrine. Which it was, in a way.

Victor walked up to Janne and gently shook her awake. She opened her eyes and focused on him. "Hello, Janne." Victor said.

"Victor... Why are you here?" She asked.

"I'm here to relay some promising news. I was able to talk to a man from Taizel today, and he says he has some friends who can help. If all goes well, we will be able to perform the operation by next week."

"Really?" Janne stood up and walked over to Daniel's bed. "Can it really be that easy?"

"There is one condition..." Victor replied. "He said he will not come here until the lynchings are over. He's afraid he'd be killed."

"We have to stop the hangings!" Janne started. "There has to be a way..."

"I'll do what I can. Mortimer may be gone, but Benjamin and I are still here. ...Mortimer was a good man, and did not deserve to go the way he did. I assure you, we will not fail."


Alice tripped and fell into the sand, but pushed herself up and continued to run. She couldn't stop yet. The waves crashing into the shore were loud, but she could still hear her pursuer following behind her, closing in. She reached the stairs to the parking lot and started to climb, but a gunshot, followed by a sharp pain in her leg, forced her to the ground, and she fell back down and landed in the sand.

Alice turned to face her attacker as he glared down at her. "Please... don't..." Alice stammered as the attacker raised the gun to point at her and shook his head. As she heard the barrel click into position, she knew it was too late. She closed her eyes, and waited for the end. She didn't have to wait long.

"Grandmother... I'll be with you soon..." were her last words.


Oscar watched as Benjamin put away his gun and started to clean up the body. Despite his hatred for the girl, he was sickened with how the man had been deaf to her pleas for mercy as she laid helpless underneath him. Oscar pulled out his own gun and took careful aim.


Bejamin gasped and clutched his chest where he had been hit, falling to the ground and dropping his notebook. He turned his head towards the stairs and saw the shooter come down and pick up the notebook. The man looked over a couple of pages before pocketing the book and saying "This should be useful for the police." He then turned and walked back up the stairs, leaving Benjamin to bleed to death in the sand.

Eclipse has died. She was:

Eclipse, you are Alice: Town Nurse

Alice is a student and intern nurse at Mitnala's largest hospital. Her parents died to an illness when she was young, and her older sister Elli was murdered not long after. She has lived with her grandparents Mark and Susan since, and it's thanks to them that she decided to become a doctor.

You have no unique abilities until certain conditions are met.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

Haze has also died, He was:

Haze, you are Donald: Town Mason

Donald is a well repected Judge in Mitnala, but he feels as though the town's judiciary system is often ignored in favor of less humane tactics. His feelings have been confirmed with the town's use of fear tactics and the gallows to destroy the Mafia.

You are part of a group of Masons who know who each other are and know you are all innocent.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

Kevin has died as well. He was:

Kevin, you are Benjamin: High Riser Janitor

Benjamin is the most practical memeber of the High-Risers, and his job is to get rid of anyone who could be get in the way of the High Riser's goal. He never leaves any evidence, always making sure that the kill can't be traced back to Mortimer.

The High Riser's nightly kill target's Role PM is not revealed to the other factions while you're alive. However, these Role PMs will be revealed if you die.

You are allied with the High Risers, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

In addition, his notebook has the information necessary to learn who Bizz was:

Bizz, you are Susan: Town Mason

Susan is Mark's wife and Alice's grandmother, and is one of the oldest Justices serving in Mitnala. She's kind and well-read, but also strict and unyielding when dealing with criminals in court.

You are part of a group of Masons who know who each other are and know you are all innocent.

You are allied with the Town, and win when all other factions are eliminated.

It is now Day Three. The phase will end on Tuesday at 9 p.m. GMT. Night results are being sent out now.

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