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Bizarre event at school...

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A bizarre event took place at my school...

A girl that is a senior at my highschool had a stroke and a heart attack at 9 AM at school. I wonder what happened because she was healthy and didn't have any serious diseases in the past. Anyway, this is what happened:

She was at Computer lab, chilling like any other 17 year old. When the class was over she had to head to her homeroom and one of her friends called her. She suddendly felt a little dizzy and replied "I am not feeling well..." That friend tried to help her but she replied "Where are you? I can't see you!" (Maybe she became blind for a moment) The computer teacher heard her cries and immediately took that girl to the infirmary with her friend. As soon as they got there, she began having seizures and finally a heart attack. They tried reviving her and called an ambulance. She was in luck that the paramedics were fast and the school was conviniently close to a hospital. They took her there and immediately took her to ICU. The doctors checked on her and concluded that she had a stroke and a heart attack.

I feel very sorry about her. She is about to graduate and who knows if she is going to be normal back again. What if she isn't able to do certain things like talk or walk again? This event made me think about how life can be taken away so easily. You have everything upon you and suddenly, everything disappears before your eyes.

What do you guys think about this situation?

If this happens to any of your relatives (which i hope they don't experience this bizzarre event) which would be your reaction?

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Has happened in my father's family, but the results were never...pleasant. Most of my father aunts' husbands died (of old age, but a heart attack is a heart attack).

Well, on the way I was taught, I simply leave evertyhing up to God (or to any force that fits that description) and accept the result, tough I know I would feel really sad for the loss of a relative (even more if he/she is about my age). Hope things get better. I also hope she doesn't have any sequels or anything like that.

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Depends on who the person is, I dont have a good relationship with my family. There are only one or two people I give a shit about, the rest can go die in a hole.

If it happens to be someone that I care about, I'd probably visit them everyday and stay for a while, dont want them feeling lonely. There have been cases when people I cared for had to stay in the hospital(Not family) but I would remember that they didnt want to be alone. For example, last year, a friend of mine was admitted into a hospital after she was struck by a car(Thank god she lived). When I would go to visit her, she'd make me stay until visiting hours were over.

After she was discharged, she would tell me stories about how long and scary the nights at the hospital were. I've never been through a hospital night so I had to believe her. She told me that she couldnt sleep because there was too much noise and light. When she'd start to feel sleepy, the same doctor would come up to her and ask her questions, and he wouldnt ask, he'd yell so that she'd have to listen.

tl;dr, visiting helps, a lot.

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sad.gif As scary as it sounds, one must realize that such things do happen and suffering, pain, and death are part of the price that one pays for being born in the first place. However, what happened does reflect the Epicurean philosophy of seeking happiness, which is to appreciate what we have right now that may be lost. Such a sad thing that no one (myself included) fully appreciates the value of something until it is lost forever (such as good health). Anyways, just the first things that come to my mind from reading this...

Oh and please give my condolences to your friend, I really hope that she'll be alright.

Edited by Fire Emblem Addict
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Wow, hopefully she does get better! That sounds horrible...

I would think it would definitely be good to check up on her and if you and her are friends, or maybe even if you aren't, visiting does sound like a good idea. (pretty much repeated what was already said though :lol:)

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Guys, Andrea died today in the morning. My best friend just told me. I feel very sad...

Holy shit...

I guess all you can do now is give condolences to her family, personally, or through a school letter or something.

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I'm sorry. I feel horrible now as well.

I didn't notice you asking about relatives before. The summer before last, my brother had his first episode of not being able to breathe, due to his disease. He was without oxygen for ten, twenty minutes, or at least, getting almost none. The color faded from him, and he did go unconscious. I remember this part the most about, about the suddenness of his inability to breathe: I wasn't scared that he was dying, I wasn't sad. I wanted to comfort him. I remember I kept patting his back vigorously, telling him to hold on, and that tomorrow we'd be playing games again. That the ambulance was just down the road. At one point I had felt that my patting wasn't making indifference--I stopped for a moment, and then he went unconscious. I thought he died then. I started patting again, but at first, nothing happened. He laid absolutely still for a minute and did not move, and he was blue.

My brother was on his side, unable to breathe, and paralyzed. My only thought in this moment, this sudden moment of something so dangerous, was only to try and relax my brother and show him it was okay, to not have him be scared, to try and show that I was there for him. Afterwards when he was in the hospital, then I broke into nothing, and I couldn't stop crying.

That was my reaction. Luckily, despite all that time without oxygen, my brother suffered no notable damage to his brain functions. He was extremely lucky.

If you are sad because of what it means to be suddenly gone, everything erased, that is something you must face yourself. But if you're sad because she'd gone... personally, if I was in that situation, I would somehow show the family that I share their remorse and sadness. But, I'm not like everyone else either.

Edited by Celice
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Oh my god (now why the hell did I say that, especially at a time like this?... and why did I just say that?), this is just terrible.

That was so unexpected too. She seemed so normal and next she's gone. That seems like the worst thing, somebody who may have had dreams and they're just ripped out from underneath her.... It's just stupid.

And yes, I can strongly sympathize with you and anyone else who is hurt by this tragedy. I had this type of experience earlier this year with somebody who I wasn't what you'd call close friends with him, but I really liked him and he was one of the few people who even considered talking to me. He wasn't exactly the type of person who you'd look up to as a role model xD But he was hilarious. In class whenever he wasn't there (probably skipping lol) I always got kinda sad because he always said the most random, stupidly funny things. Then eventually he was out of class for good. The next morning our principal announced that he had passed away, though later on that day I found out he had killed himself. Apparently he had been involved, indirectly, in the death of one of his friends. He just couldn't take it.

That day the tears just couldn't really stop... To this day I still mourn/cry/grieve about this so I'm sorry for anyone who has to go through this pain. What makes things worse is how back then when he died I had believed that he might be given another chance to go on to a better place, but now I don't even believe that place exists anymore. It just makes it much worse to believe that he really is gone and lived such a short life.

But I think I slipped from topic a bit...

So anyway... guess all that's left to say is what I already said. I'm so sorry this happened to you and to everyone else who knew her. =(

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Wow.... To think that this could just happen out of the blue at the age of 17 is just... I don't know what words to use.... I'm not sure if you, the OP, was close to her or not, but perhaps you (and her family and friends) could find solace in the fact that death was perhaps not the torturous thing one might imagine it to be. For example, here are the last words of the American minister Cotton Mather: "Is this dying? Is this all? Is this what I feared when I prayed against a hard death? Oh, I can bear this! I can bear this!" I know that this won't make what has happened less of a tragedy, but perhaps it will help in healing the wound left by the passing of a dear friend...

Once again, my most sincere condolences to you and the family and friends of Andrea...

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My friend died a stupid way too. When he was 16 he was working at the water park he had a job at and fell off of a 40 foot tall slide while cleaning it, breaking his neck and killing him instantly.

I don't remember how I felt about that but that was 6 years ago and I still randomly remember it and think "what a bunch of bullshit".

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I'm sorry of how things went up Althenian.

I can't say it wasn't possible, but too think it happened too fast, really sorry.

This is like the third time a young person dies like that, the only reason I can find is that, supposedly, heart attacks are pretty strong in young people, while with older people they are a bit weak. That's the only thing I can think of right now and what a friend of mine studying medicine told me some time ago.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had friends who have died at young ages.

one committed suicide.

another was killed by his brother.

one fell off a truck head first.

I work in a cemetery and as I go through, row by row, I stop and think about how precious life really is. I see the tombs of my friends and other people I know. I realize that they aren't coming back. But I take refuge in that fact that I knew who these people were and I know without a doubt that they are in a better place now.

Now, I'm a Christian, and I believe God has a plan in everything that he does. Everything happens for a reason. There is something to be learned from every event. I can't vouch for your friend and say that I know where she went. I can't vouch for any of the other ones here. But, the thing about death from a Christian perspective is that it's not permanent. If you and your loved ones believe in Christ, even though one may no longer be in this world, there will always be the future with them to look toward to. Death has lost it sting.

Christianity gives me the best hope, and that's how I move on from the pain.

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